Squat 45x5x3 135x5 205x3 255x3 290x5x3 hard as hell need to eat more. Bench Press 45x5 115x5 135x5 155x5x3 Chin ups bwx5,4,3
Squat 46x5x3 hand still bothering 135x5 205x3 255x3 295x5x3 Press 45x5 65x5 85x3 105x5x3 Chins bwx5,4,4
Squat 45x5x3 135x5 205x3 255x3 300x5x3 Rly hard. I really need to check my grip since squats are killing my elbows. Bench Press 45x5 95x5 115x3 135x3 160x5x3 Powercleans? 115x3x5
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