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Thread: The Texas-Rio connection: Carlos goes TM

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by simonsky View Post
    at what bodyweight did you stop SS?

    just curious bec. we have the same height
    I went up to 185, got down to 175, went up to 185 again and I'm now a fairly lean (meaning, not fat) 175 again. Don't go by your height, our buddy Carnie is 5'7" too but weights 200 lbs and doesn't see to be fat. Bone structure plays a role in how muscle you can carry around.

  2. #12
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Wednesday rest

    I'm still feeling the effects of monday's squats. My adductors are very sore, tried to warm them up but it hurt too much so I left them alone. It's been quite a while since I've been sore from squats. I'm quite happy as it's just soreness, no pain in the tendons or ligaments or the weird quad pain I've been having lately or any weird pain whatsoever, just "normal" pain. Let's see if I can recover by Friday in order to crush some serious shit.

    OHP 147,5 (5/4/5)
    The last rep of the middle set didn't go up, I think my technique got sloppy on that last rep as the one before that was fast enough, so I should have been able to complete the set. Last set I used some layback and hip drive which enabled me to finish the set, but with quite a bit of effort and grind. Nice grind. Considering I'm still feeling Monday's workout, I think it went well.

    Weighted chins BW+25x5x2
    Not feeling very strong, maybe the bench from Monday is taking it's toll.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Why don't you do sets of 3 for your bench and press?

    Also your gym has weights in pounds?

  4. #14
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    Why don't you do sets of 3 for your bench and press?

    Also your gym has weights in pounds?
    Sets of 5 have been nice to me on the upper body lifts, I can't see a reason to change if they are working. The 5x5 felt nice and strong and it's the way Rip intended it to be. I only feel the 5's fucked me up on the squat and even then it may not be the 5's fault. Plus, I need bigger chesticles and triceps and 5's are better than triples for that.

    Yes, my gym has weights in pounds.

  5. #15
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    DE box squats 225x2x10 on a 1 minute clock.
    I tried warming up to see if my sore adductors got any better. They did but I didn't feel confident enough to pile on the weight and do a heavy triple or something like that. So I did some DE box squats.
    I did those with a box just at parallel. Not really a box, it's just a bench which is below parallel but I put a plate on top of it to make it a little taller. It's not the first time I did those, but it's the first time with the "box" being a little taller. I liked this setup very much, all reps very explosive and fast, really sharp. Better that the lower height. I think I'll keep this height for future DE sessions on the box squat.

    Bench press

    My training partner bailed out on me again, fortunately the bench stations at my gym have safety pins so felt confident enough to put some heavy shit on that bar and make it happen.
    I was aiming for a triple but I failed the last rep. So I did 2 doubles. My shoulder was bothering me for no good reason earlier in the day, 1200 mg of ibuprofen and 200 mg of celecoxib and some fish oil didn't solve it but it helped a bit. The shoulder, however, wasn't bothering me during the bench.



    It went very well considering the circumstances. Last week I took a 20 pound jump by accident, which resulted in the hardest set of my life. Just so you can have an idea of how hard last week's set was, I took a deep hit of ammonia on the first rep... and between reps too. I must have looked like a deranged hobo after that set. But this was last week, this week I increased 10 lbs and hoped last week's massive training stimulus would enable this jump. Guess I was right. Last rep was a grinder and I might have to watch my technique on the last reps as the bar is drifting away from my shins on the 4th and 5th rep but a good set in the grand scheme of things.

    Chins BWx7x3

    EDIT: I farted during my deadlift warm-up too. Niiiice.
    Last edited by Carlos Daniel; 03-05-2011 at 02:32 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Monday-Agony, I mean Volume. Lifting early (meaning mid afternoon, which is about an hour after I woke up), so I took 5 mg of Ritalin, 1.5 scoops of whey and some candy and to the gym, I went.

    Squat 305x3x8

    I reduced the load, the 315 from last week was a bitch to recover from. I tried to do these with a 3 minute rest between sets, except for a couple of sets that was about right. Maybe a little too easy. There was a Scandinavian dude and two chicks, he worked in with me and my buddy on the squats. Then some other foreign dude I has seen before showed up to squat too. There was a lot of loading and unloading of the bar but it all went well. It felt nice, I was squatting more than both guys, even though they are probably 20-40 lbs heavier than me and I wasn't even near my max. I guess spending a year squatting 3x/week does that to you.

    Bench press
    210 (5/5/5/4/5)

    It's carnival here in Brazil and the gym was closing early, when I was about to begin my work sets I realized that I only had 15-20 minutes to do all of them. Not only that but my shoulder was bothering me in a different way than last week and my elbow was complaining from the squat. I said "fuck it" and did my sets with a 3 minute rest between sets. I could only get 4 reps on the 4th set because of the short rest period but on the 5th I got a couple of extra minutes and managed an ugly 5 reps. Fuck this, I was good for an easy 5x5, I'm increasing the weights next week.

  7. #17
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Wednesday - rest

    OHP 147,5 (5/4)

    My elbow was still complaining, couldn't finish the set because it was bothering me too much. Fuck.

    Dips BWx15x2
    To make up for volume for the lack of OHP.

    45º back extensions

    Let's hope by Friday this elbow pain is reduced because there is some shit waiting to be crushed on the squat and bench. My left quad was a little bitchy yesterday but is fine today, recovery from the squats is going well.
    However, a crappy workout in general.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    That sucks, I hate that elbow pain. I had tendinitis a few months ago. How are your biceps? Training them might help. Good luck.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    That sucks, I hate that elbow pain. I had tendinitis a few months ago. How are your biceps? Training them might help. Good luck.
    I was feeling something in the biceps tendon on monday, but today it's that diffuse achyness on the brachialis that I have felt in more than one occasion. I usually do curls or chins every workout, I even tried doing some chins today but the pain was quite bothersome so I left it alone. The funny thing is that this is probably due to the DE box squats. The bar kinda flies around when I lockout so I end up holding it in place with the arms. So, if I do DE stuff my arm hurts, if I do ME stuff, my legs hurt. FUCK.

  10. #20
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    I was feeling something in the biceps tendon on monday, but today it's that diffuse achyness on the brachialis that I have felt in more than one occasion. I usually do curls or chins every workout, I even tried doing some chins today but the pain was quite bothersome so I left it alone. The funny thing is that this is probably due to the DE box squats. The bar kinda flies around when I lockout so I end up holding it in place with the arms. So, if I do DE stuff my arm hurts, if I do ME stuff, my legs hurt. FUCK.
    Yeah, holding the bar on squats are what fucked up my elbows too.

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