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Thread: Rugby Training/Intermediate Lifting Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    May 23rd 2011
    Workout #10

    bar x some
    135 x some
    225 x 5
    275 x 3
    315 x 5
    335 x 2
    315 x 2
    235 x 8

    Felt really good on everything. My 335 x 2 were borderline on depth. I have a vid of the 315 x 5, if it'll upload.

    OH Press:
    135 x 5
    155 x 4
    145 x 5

    Felt alright, nothing special

    Glute Ham Raise (GHR)
    BW x 8 x 2

    Chin Ups
    BW x 8
    BW x 4

    The new shoes seemed to help the squats a little. Went easy on GHR since they are new and I was taxed from Squats. Chin ups continue to suck, what else is new. All in all, pretty happy with this session.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    May 25th 2011
    Workout #11
    Squats and such

    bar x some
    135 x some
    225 x 5
    275 x 3
    315 x 2
    335 x 3

    Added a rep of 335 from Monday. It was a slow, grinding, unstable rep, but it went up. My old PR of 335 x 5 is in the works for next week.

    Power Clean:
    135 x 5
    155 x 3
    185 x 3 fails
    185 x 1
    185 x 2 fails

    I'm a retard who can't rack a power clean. Back to Hi-Pulls. Waste of my damn time.

    Power Shrugs
    235 x 8 x 2-- Much better than their DB cousins.

    DB Kneeling Rows
    45 x 10
    55 x 10 x 2

    Knee and hand on a bench, rowing a DB from the floor. These were pretty light. I might just go over to barbell.

    I was still pretty worn out from Monday (and drinking last night) so I'm happy to have hit 335 for a triple. Power Cleans are stupid.

    I have a little imbalance I need to work out, with my shoulders pulling forward because my chest is stronger. Thus, the sudden interest in rows. They'll also help strengthen the shoulder joint and help with injuries. Shrugs are along the same lines.

    I weighed in at 199 on Monday and 200 today. That puts me 6 pounds up in just 2 weeks, a little fast. Some of that is milk weight/bloat from doing nearly 1/2 GOMAD. I probably need to trim back on the milk and clean up some of the bad carbs. Just something to keep an eye on.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    May 26th 2011
    Workout #12

    Did the circuit posted in the Vid above.
    10 Burpees, 10 mountain climbers, 10 jump squats.

    I believe I did 6 sets (maybe 5? I got mixed up between the 3rd and 4th). Short rest between sets.

    Low back and right hip started to hurt after the 6th so I called it (My hip was pretty sore yesterday after squats). Those circuits are pretty brutal, and doing them on concrete isn't helping.

    No practice today due to Rain, and I missed cardio on Monday (and didn't make it up on Tuesday).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    May 27th 2011
    Workout #13
    Deadlifts et al.

    Snatch (First of my life)
    65 x 5
    95 x 5
    115 x 3
    135 x 2

    Testing these out as a replacement for Power Cleans, since I'm too stupid to rack them. Liked it, felt good.

    135 x 5
    205 x 5
    275 x 3
    345 x 1
    365 x 5
    375 x 3.5

    I'm stupid (again) and loaded the bar wrong. Meant to go for 385, only did 365. Tried to rectify wit the 375 set. I got about half way up on the 4th rep, started to round, so I just set it down. The plus is I did make progress (and the 365 set was really easy, thus why I noticed my error) the downside being I was hoping to hit 385.

    135 x 5
    185 x 5
    225 x 3
    245 x 5
    235 x 3
    225 x 5
    185 x 8

    Happy to hit 245 x 5 again, still isn't feeling great form wise, but it was a solid day.

    Curls for Girls:
    95 x 5 x 3 (barbell)


    Squat circuit cardio.
    Done as such:
    5 reps of low bar back squat. 5 sets of weighted jump squats (95 pounds). 5 box jumps onto an 18 inch box. Rest of around 1 minute between each.

    1 circuit with 265 (followed by jump squats, then box squats).
    1 circuit with 245
    1 circuit with 225

    Brutal. Lower back stiffened up pretty bad after the 2nd set, pushed through the 3rd set and called it a day. I dreamed this up last night, so I wasn't sure what to expect. We'll see how I recover if it stays in the routine, but it did exactly what I wanted it too fatigue wise.
    Last edited by Sven Draconian; 05-27-2011 at 04:32 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Now that I'm back, more or less, to where I left off at, the good stuff starts on Monday. Here's what I'm looking at.

    Squat (5x5, ramped)
    Snatch (5x3, ramped)
    Bench (5x5, ramped, followed by some high rep volume sets to taste)

    Squats (High intensity, low volume, to taste)
    Hi Pull (high intensity, low volume)
    Shrug (high intesntiy, low volume)
    BB Row (3x8, done as assistance)

    Squats (High volume)
    OH Press (5 x 5 ramped, extra volume sets to taste)
    Deadlift (5 x 5 ramped)
    Beach work

    Mandatory 3 times a week squats.
    Emphasis is on the upper back and pulling work. This is for injury prevention (to the neck and shoulder, and to correct my imbalance).
    Shoulders will get hit during the Snatch and OHP.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    And, of course, now that I have a shiny new workout plan in place I can't lift Monday due to memorial day. School is closed, no access to the weight room. Damn.

    So I'll make up for it in cardio.

    May 29th 2011
    Workout #14

    Decided to push my truck around a little. I have a 98 Dodge Ram 1500.

    Weighs 6600 pounds according to the VIN sticker.

    Did 8 sets, 30 seconds a piece (with 1 set being 1 minute). Roughly a minute rest between sets. Did it in the school parking lot, uneven ground, a pair of speed bumps and wet ground that was killing my traction. I started off pushing the bumper (like on a prowler, arms extended and locked), but eventually had to move to the tailgate. Sometimes I had to use my shoulders to get it moving.

    I could barely get it moving by the 8th set. I eventually want to take it to an open field and push it through some grass.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    May 30th 2011
    Workout #15

    Did some 40(ish) meter shuttles. Did them as follows
    1 shuttle (80 meter)
    2 shuttles (160 meters)
    3 shuttles (240 meters)

    Give or take a little. I did 4 sets of the above. Very little rest early on, slowed down a bit heading into the 3rd set and was dragging ass by 4.

    And it was 90 degrees, humid, and mosquitos were eating me alive.

    Total distance sprinted (and I mean that loosely) 1900 meters, approximately. Or, pretty close to 1.25 miles.

    Definately the most work I've done yet in this log. Considering it was close to double what I did last sunday (which I gave a 7/10) I'm pretty happy with the effort. It's been good progress so far.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    June 1st 2011
    Workout #16
    Squats and such (Intensity day)

    Wamup x some
    135 x 3
    145 x 2
    145 x 3
    135 x 3
    140 x 3

    I'm not really dropping to catch the bar, basically I'm just pulling it a few inches above my head and pressing it up. The last set felt better though.

    135 x some
    225 x some
    275 x 2
    315 x 3
    335 x 1

    ****ty. 335 was a 5 second + grinder rep. Just a bad day.

    135 x some
    225 x 3..or 5 don't remember. Probably 3.
    245 x 3
    255 x 2
    225 x 5
    185 x 8

    Form felt a little better. These were slow at the top, I'm assuming from my push press snatching.

    Bent Row
    Back paralell to ground. Keeping the hips still. Each rep started from the ground.
    115 x 8 x 3

    Felt pretty good.

    Overall. I've had better days, but work was done.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    June 3rd 2011
    Workout #17
    Deadlifts et al

    135 x some (plus a few snatches)
    205 x 5
    275 x 2 (grip was failing on the double overhand)
    325 x 3
    385 x 5 (ties a PR)

    First time ever pulling with a belt. Felt good.

    OH Press
    135 x 5
    145 x 5
    165 x 3
    155 x 3
    140 x 7

    Tweaked my shoulder a little. The 165 and 155 were basically to failure. Might have a bodyweight press by the start of July.

    Box Squats
    135 x 5
    185 x 5
    205 x 10
    255 x 7

    Light day for squats. Box squats felt awesome. Starting the lift from a dead stop in the hole felt completely different. I haven't had that activation in my ass since...

    I think I'll keep these around for my Fridays. Fried my lower back though (after DL that is).

    BW x 8, x 11, x 4 (lol)

    100 x 3 (lol)
    95 x 5 x 2

    I'm pooped.

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