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Thread: The Oldman's Log

  1. #481
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Palmer View Post
    How far out are you from the surgery? Maybe 3 months or so? I would guess something like this would be a long time, maybe a full year, before it is 100% full ROM. But, I can't imagine anyone working harder at it than you!
    Hey, Walter--I'm about 2 months out. So I guess that makes me a...bit impatient, eh...? Lol.

  2. #482
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Runner View Post
    You keep working those ROM exercises man! Wish you the best.
    Thanks, Runner!

  3. #483
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldman View Post
    Hey, Walter--I'm about 2 months out. So I guess that makes me a...bit impatient, eh...? Lol.
    Let's just say "aggressive"..seriously, you are making great progress! From what I can discern from what I have read before, the earlier the scar tissue is broken up, the more effective it will be.

  4. #484
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    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Palmer View Post
    Let's just say "aggressive"..seriously, you are making great progress! From what I can discern from what I have read before, the earlier the scar tissue is broken up, the more effective it will be.
    This is the truth. I really need to break up the scar tissue, but it is a real muther already, even at this point. I am putting the adhesions under a lot of tension, and there's still two of them, I think, that are preventing my hand from closing into a fist. I work on this throughout the day, in between emailing, while I'm reading documents, and even during most meetings. I am trying my best to stay optimistic.

  5. #485
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    You might want to look into finding a person who performs Active Release Therapy or employes the Graston method of breaking down scar tissue.

    I've had some success with both approaches on old scarring around my repaired knee.

  6. #486
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Tuesday, 4.30.13, Cycle 3: Leftside TM Claw Programming

    SSBSQ: 70x2x5, 140x5, 200x3, 250x2, 275x1, 295x5x5
    SSBGM: 70x2x10, 110x5, 145x3x10
    1-Arm DBP: 25x5, 30x5, 35x3x12
    1-Arm DB Curlz: 20x10, 30x5, 37.5x3x10, 30x12

    I am getting better at the SSB squats, mostly by getting my hips under the bar more quickly, sort of like a front squat. It makes the sets much easier. Certainly easier than last week. This Saturday, on Intensity Day, I will go for 320x5. I'll be happy if I can hit the 5 reps.

    The GMs are going well, but soon I'll have to drop to sets of 8. I will also move up both of these bro lifts by 2.5 lbs.

    So Squat Queen and I will be able to return to the gym on Saturdays, as my son's soccer season looks like it's over. In game two of a multi-week tournament, he took a big shot in the box, while going for a goal; he got shaken up pretty badly, but when the coach started walking out onto the field, my boy waved him off and continued to play. He took a couple more shots from some big defenders (my kid is still on the small side), hitting the ground each time. He played most of the rest of the game, making some great passes and taking some nice shots on the goal. Turns out, a day later when we took him to the doc and got him an x-ray, that he played the game with a buckle fracture, a type of injury where the bone is actually bent. He's in a cast and off the field for 4-5 weeks. Talk about a mentally tough kid, though...

  7. #487
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Fort Worth


    Sounds like your son is a chip of theoldman bloc...haha corny. No it sounds like you got some time back.

    You have that volume up nice on those sb squats. I am glad you are pushing the back on those good mornings.

  8. #488
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Bryanccfshr View Post
    Sounds like your son is a chip of theoldman bloc...haha corny. No it sounds like you got some time back.

    You have that volume up nice on those sb squats. I am glad you are pushing the back on those good mornings.
    The kid's tough, no doubt. The lifts felt pretty easy compared to the same weights last week. The GMs are getting heavier, for sure. We'll see how long the LP lasts!

  9. #489
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    sorry to hear about your son's injury but if you didn't know he wasn't a quitter before you know now! I don't know how old he is but he sounds like a tough one no matter what age.

  10. #490
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldman View Post
    In game two of a multi-week tournament, he took a big shot in the box, while going for a goal; he got shaken up pretty badly,
    My senior year in football I blocked a punt with my face guard which got hammered shortly thereafter by the kickers cleat right behind the pigskin as I dove on him. Knocked-me-da-fuck-OUT! I was out for about 20 minutes.

    My sister told me later that our mother went nuts in the stands. "You've killed my BABY!" She screamed. While The Old Man tried to get her calmed down and hustled to the sidelines to check on the situation first hand. I was sort of OK, as the times went in those days. Head trauma didn't get quite the attention it does today and I was in to play in the last quarter.

    All told, that and two other blocked kicks and some sacks got me an all conference honorable mention. Of course you have to judge the toll early head trauma may have taken on me.
    Last edited by Mark E. Hurling; 05-01-2013 at 02:14 PM.

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