Saturday, 5.25.13, Cycle 3: Leftside Claw(less) TM Programming, Intensity Day
SQ: 45x2x5. 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 235x3, 275x2, 325x1, 355x3, 225x10 (b/o)
BP: 45x10, 65x5, 85x3, 95x3, 115x3, 125x5, 135x5, 145x5, 155x1, 165x1
OHP: 45x5, 65x3x10, 75x10
FS: 45x5, 65x3, 75x3, 95x3, 135x1, 185x1, 225x1
So today I lifted at Tamara's with my oldest son, who is visiting from Raleigh, where he goes to university. He lifts, but by his own admission, he is mostly doing the bro lifts (things called chest and bi, shoulders and tri, legs and back, and something else I can't remember). He doesn't squat much, so I showed him how to LBBS with assistance as well from Tamara and Nick. We got him up to 155 for 3x5, along with a bunch of sets of 5 at lower weights (of course, he can bench much more than he can squat, say, 235 or more...hahaha). I think if he focused on it he could get to a 3 plate squat in a matter of weeks.
My squat warm ups felt pretty good, no doubt due to the fact that I did not overdo it on Thursday. I had intended to do a double for my heavy work set, but I was inspired by Tamara and Nick squatting for high reps (and pretty heavy, too!) that I decided to go for a third and it actually went up. The reps felt deep, but I think that the third was only at parallel or slightly shallow. I need to focus on getting enough depth, perhaps even widen my stance a bit. It is sort of hard to tell because the black shorts for some reason make it hard to see it accurately (T was saying that we should stop wearing black...) Here is the video: I finished for 225x10, which felt pretty light.
The bench press was also pretty good. Still can't grip the damn bar, but I got three ascending sets, from 125 to 145 of 5, and then did two singles at 155 and 165, to see how weak I was. The last single was pretty hard, and my son, who was spotting me, did a great job of resisting the temptation to grab the bar and encouraged me to lock the bastard out, which I somehow was able to do. It will take some time to get my strength back on the right side, but not too long. I think I will try a few more sessions with ascending sets, before switching to 3x5s. I followed this with some sets of 10 presses, for the extra work on the upper body.
At the end of the workout, as lifters were coming into the gym for an Oly lift clinic, I thought I would show my son how to front squat, since he'd never done them before. It was a blast. He got up to 135 for several sets of 3 and then 155 for a single. Nick and Tamara showed him how to get the flexibility and positioning he needed to rack the bar, which was just the ticket. He did a great job. In fact, I think that he might want to work in the LBBS and FS into his routines.
What a great day at the gym. Squat Queen is there right now at the clinic, having a great time, I suspect. I would be there, too, but I can't trust my hand to catch the bar yet!