08-08-2016, 10:57 AM
training plan
So, Jordan wants me to follow an LP-type philosophy WRT to adding weight (roughly 5#) every week. Waiting for a bit of clarification back, but I'm looking forward to the change and transition back to 3 days/week. Much more manageable for the time being. This also includes 2x25min steady state every week.
Day 1:
a1. SQ w belt x 1 @ 8, -23% from 8 x 5 x 6 sets
b1. Bench x 1 @ 8, -17% from 8 x 4 x 6 sets
c1. Pull ups x 10 @ 7, 10 @ 8, 10 @ 9 x 2 sets
Day 2:
a1. Deadlift x 1 @ 8, -23% from 8 x 5 x 6 sets
b1. Incline bench x 1 @ 8, 6 @ 8 x 3
c1. Front squat/SSB squat x 10 @ 7, 10 @ 8, 10 @ 9 x 2 sets
Day 3:
a1. Pin Squat- 1 @ 8, 4 @ 9 x 3 sets (load drop)
b1. Feet up bench x 1 @ 8, 5 @ 8 x 3 sets
c1. Rack pull, mid shin x 10 @ 7, 10 @ 8, 10 @ 9 x 2 sets
d1. Press x 1 @ 8, 4 @ 9 x 3 sets
08-09-2016, 08:46 PM
a1. paused bench: 275x1, 295x1, 245x6, 245x6, 245x6, 245x6
b1. hbbs: 315x1, 405x1*, 365x5, 365x5, 365x5, 365x5, 365x5, 365x5
c1. chins: 3x10
good, first significant dose of volume in a long time. felt real good, smoked but excited for some change. i stopped at 405 for hbbs because my back is a little tight from heavy deads and squats two days ago, and some pretty heavy hose work on duty yesterday. i'm pretty confident i could hit 475x1@8 on a fresh day so i assumed that and started with 365. everything felt pretty heavy and fatigued.
i think i'm going to try my best to do all benches paused, and get my squats as deep as possible.
bench felt pretty weak, but it craters in the absence of volume and the equipment here sucks compared to EGO (god i love the thompson fat pad).
Last edited by Travis Rask; 08-10-2016 at 07:21 AM.
08-13-2016, 10:29 AM
a1. cgbp: 276x1, 296x1, 316x1, 225x6, 246x6, 246x6, 246x6
b1. deadlift - no belt: 376x6, 376x6, 376x6, 376x6, 376x6
trained at 0600 before work - close grip was a pleasant surprise for the single, deadlift was somewhat expected due to past week and general tendency to suck at deadlifts this early in the morning. plus i mismashed the sets/reps. i was supposed to to six sets of five, but the tonnage ended up the same.
still have front squat 10's on tap for later today, just wanted to get the deadlifts outta the way in the am because i can't do them at this station.
08-13-2016, 08:20 PM
art deux
a1. front squat: 230x10, 250x10, 280x7, 230x10, 230x10
i feel like i'm being choked out by chong li when i do these.
caught a care fire with rollover literally the second i completed the final set. i was pretty gassed on the (fast) ride there but mustered up some energy and put it out pretty easily. managing hose is way easier than the good ole crossfit days, even if i am a bit fluffy and out of shape right now.
08-16-2016, 10:36 AM
training (sunday)
a1. feet up bench: 275x1, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
b1. paused hbbs: 365x1, 405x1, 365x4, 365x4, 365x4
c1. mid-shin rack pulls: 315x10, 365x10, 315x10, 315x10
as best as I remember, I trained right after work on a previously busy day which included training and some fire duty so I was pretty tired.
08-17-2016, 10:15 PM
a1. paused bench: 275x1, 295x1, 315x1, 250x4, 260x4, 260x4, 260x4, 260x4, 260x4, 260x4
b1. hbbs: 405x1, 476x1, 370x5, 370x5, 370x5, 370x5, 370x5, 370x5
will do chins tomorrow at fire station.
on duty last night, about 3hrs sleep. been a tough past few days. not much food or water today. definitely a bit dehydrated.
lifts felt suprisingly good. easy, for the most part. 475 hbbs was *kinda* iffy but i think mostly because i don't feel very comfortable with heavy singles tbh. work sets felt snappy, feels like i'm starting to get back into shape here.
every weight listed is +1, for some reason it's just easier to omit the oso collar weights with the way the keyboard is layed out (i don't hunt and peck).
08-21-2016, 08:22 PM
training this week
a1. paused hbbs [no belt]: 375x1, 397x1, 420x1, 380x4, 380x4, 380x4
b1. cgbp: 265x1, 286x1, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5
c1. chins: 3x10
a1. larsen press: 225x1, 276x1, 296x1, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5
b1. deadlift [no belt] 420x1, 463x1, 380x6, 380x6, 380x6, 380x6, 380x6
a1. front squat [belt]: 230x10, 250x10, 255x10, 255x10
b1. RDL: 190x10, 210x10, 230x10, 230x10
c1. ohp: 116x5, 138x5, 149x5, 149x5, 149x5
good, adding 5lbs to each lift (for the most part) from last week. a bit ground down from the re-introduction of volume work and an accumulated lack of sleep at work this past week. having fun, starting to feel the swole again which is nice.
Last edited by Travis Rask; 08-21-2016 at 08:26 PM.
08-22-2016, 05:53 PM
a1. bench press: 276x1, 296x1, 321x1, 266x6, 266x6, 266x6
only planned on doing bench today. was scheduled to do 4x6, but was totally gassed by set 3. i suspect i'm accumulating some fatigue from work and the past few days of training, which fried my lats and shoulders in particular.
i'm teaching ground ladders at the state recruit school tomorrow, going to try and train at cascade CF early in the AM.
then, starting a 72hr shift on wednesday. fun.
08-24-2016, 12:59 PM
a1. hbbs: 405x1, 375x6, 375x6, 375x6, 375x6, 375x6, 375x6
b1. chins: 3x10
on duty today, came in pretty waxed after long day of teaching ground ladders at the state fire academy. cut right to work sets.
feel like my wind is starting to come back with the high volume and brief rest periods.
i might take a stab at competition bench one more time today to see if Monday was just an anomaly.
Pic from yesterday.
08-24-2016, 06:35 PM
training part deux
a1. cgbp: 275x1, 295x1, 225x5, 235x5, 245x5, 245x5, 245x5
b1. bb upright rows: 55x10, 55x10, 55x10
c1. some curlz
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