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Thread: DaveJF's Intermediate Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default DaveJF's Intermediate Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Long story short, after a couple of starts interrupted by injury, finally finished LP, and then started TM in January. Injured my shoulder in March.

    Since then have had a busy work and personal schedule including some travel, so mainly concentrated on re-hab for the shoulder. Starr re-hab was mostly Press with some Push Presses and Rack Presses thrown in later. Looks like I'll have the time and opportunity to actually train again now.

    To start, going to run LP on my Squat to ramp that back up, and run TM w/ a Press emphasis for the rest. The routine to start out w/ is based on the 4 Day Split found in PPST3, pages 149 & 150, with some changes to accommodate injuries, weaknesses and the Press emphasis. Plan to start out pretty conservatively to get a few months of training in w/ a lessened chance of injury. Plus I want to emphasize the Press right now, hard to do that while trying to re-hab a back or leg injury.

    The main changes will be: Replace Bench w/ Dips (shoulder health), Ascending sets instead of sets-across (age) & assistance centered around the Press (Bucket list item).

    Changes were based on articles by Bill Starr, comments that Lou T and Hanley have made regarding Dips and Press training, and comments Andy has made regarding training for older folks like Ascending sets and lower volume. Thanks fellas!

    Hopefully the log will help keep my nose to the grind-stone. Also wanted to log the changes to the base template: Dips instead of Bench, the choices for Press assistance exercises and ramped sets for older folks -- maybe it will come in handy for someone else.

    Male, 5'6", 205lbs, 51 y/o. Software Developer / DBA. Supplements: Creatine, Whey to boost protein intake, BCAA's: 5g @ 8am/10am/2pm/4pm when schedule permits, Krill Oil & Vitamin D during the low-daylight months.
    Last edited by DaveJF; 11-16-2015 at 08:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Initial programming.

    Press/Dips: 5x5. Ascending sets / Last set starting at 70% 1RM.
    Dips/Press: 3x8. Start @ 60% 1RM.
    Mid-Rack Press: 3x3 Ascending.

    Squat: 3x5. LP / Ascending sets.
    Halting Deadlift: 2x8 Light.
    Chin-Ups: 1x5-10: Double Progression. Will add in more sets if/as needed.

    Dips/Press: 5x1. Ascending sets / Last set starting @ 90% 1RM.
    Press/Dips: 1x3-5. Start @ 80% 1RM.
    Push Press Negatives: 3x3. Ascending sets.

    Squat: 3x5. LP / Ascending sets.
    Deadlift: 1x3-5. Heavy.
    Barbell Rows: 3x5 Medium.

    Goal is to be able to finish each workout in 50 minutes or less, at least initially.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    2015-11-14 5:05PM to 5:45PM.

    BW: 205.6.

    Press: 95x5/135x5/155x5/165x5/175x5@6.
    Dips: BWx8/BW+45x8/BW+90x8@8.
    Mid-Rack Press: 135x3/155x3/175x3@8.

    Mid-Rack Press started at nose level. Left shoulder a little stiff to start for Press and Dips but felt great toward the end of the workout.

    All weights will be in lbs for this log.
    Last edited by DaveJF; 11-15-2015 at 08:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    2015-11-15 2:00PM to 2:30PM.

    BW: 206.4.

    Squat: 135x5/225x5/275x5/295x5/315x5@5.
    Halting Deadlift: 135x8/225x8@5.
    Chin-Ups: BW+25x5@9.

    Shoulder felt great all day today.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    2015-11-17 5:25PM to 6:15PM.

    BW: 206.4.

    Dips: BWx5/BW+45x3/BW+90x1/BW+135x1/BW+160x1/BW+180x1/BW+205x1@9.
    Press: 45x5/95x4/135x3/155x2/185x1/200x5@8.
    Push Press Negatives: 185x3/195x3/205x3. Add weight.

    For the last set of Dips, it looked to me that the shoulder joint dipped just a tad below parallel w/ the elbow, but I'd still like to get a little bit deeper on those (note: upload to the Technique forum when time permits).

    Shoulder felt pretty much normal. Dips are not problematic for either shoulder so far.
    Last edited by DaveJF; 11-17-2015 at 08:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Technique check on the last set of Dips for 2015-11-17: Dips Technique Check.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    Damn, you are moving through those sessions. It's like cardio!
    Pretty sure 50 minutes or less won't last long especially when more volume is needed to keep the gainzZz movin... Right now am basically using ramped sets up to a single workset. Not real confident that's enough volume so pretty sure that will move up over time.

    I read a post by Sully a while back where he intentionally keeps things moving fast, especially the warm-ups, partly for the conditioning aspect of it so I try to do that too (don't plan on or do separate HIIT right now).

    During SSLP I think the longest workout was 1h10m or so; really friggen hate sitting around between sets and time has been at a premium lately.. Just last workout I got pinged for a service call right toward the end.

    What's your take on the importance of HIIT to facilitate progress?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    2015-11-19 4:05PM to 4:45PM.

    BW: 205.6.

    Squat: 135x5/225x5/275x5/295x5/320x5@5.
    Deadlift: 225x3/275x3/320x5@6
    Barbell Rows: 135x5/225x5/275x5@8.

    Squats: Need to get the knees out / sit back for better depth.

    Deadlifts: Dropped my hips when I extended my back before initial pull. Need to do a better job getting "squoze" for each rep.

    Rows: Too much "slop"? Need to re-read the section in the book on these and probably lower the weight to start with.

    Anyone stumbles on these, please fire away. Especially ideas on how to improve the hand placement for Squats for dudes w/ tight shoulders and long forearms.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Saturday, 2015-11-21 10:50AM to 11:50AM.

    BW: 206.2.

    Dips: BW+0x5/BW+45x5/BW+90x5/BW+115x5/BW+135x5@8.
    Press: 45x5/95x5/135x8/145x8/155x8@5.
    Mid-Rack Press: 155x3/175x3/195x3@10.

    Dips: Looks like 2-3 reps hit parallel, 2-3 didn't; need to work on that. Might even pay-off in a better stretch-reflex. So far it seems like these actually work pecs and front delts better than bench for me.. See if I get some DOMS in a day or so. "Upper-body Squat" seems a good description for another, unexpected reason: Was a bit winded after this set.

    Press: I intended to really 'explode' at the bottom of these but ended up pacing them waayyy too fast b/c I'm a dumb-ass and get too impatient under the bar.

    Mid-Rack Press: These are harder than expected.. Lost the last rep forward, in part b/c bar got out in front lowering 2nd rep. Need to do a better job on bar path and re-setting between reps.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Hi Dave. Saw you post over in SSC Nick K's log and I'm assuming you're in the relative area??? I'm always interested in other forumites around my neck of the woods.

    Peeked on your last press vids and it appears that those are speed press reps. Super fast my man! It also looks like you don't get fully under the bar after it passes your head. Your last rep is when you drive under the bar and get completely under it. Same thing with mid-rack presses as well.

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