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Thread: Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Saturday, 9-July 2016
    Weight: 213.5, Time: 2:20

    PVC pipe dislocate and RDL 2x10 ea.
    Band YTWL 1x12 ea.

    Bench 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, 275x4, add belt and wraps: 300x5 RPE8, 315x5 RPE8, 330x5 RPE9, remove belt: 275x10, 250x10, 225x10, 205x10

    RDL 45x10

    1" Def. Conventional Deadlift (double overhand hook grip): 135x10, 225x8, 315x6, 405x4, add belt: 455 5 sets of 3 reps

    Barbell row (hook grip): 230 three sets of 10 reps

    Overhead Triceps Extension 80 four sets of 15 reps

    *every 45 sec:
    32kg KB swing or 15lb Slamball x12 ea. 10 rounds total.

    Zone 2 Work: 2.5% incline, 3.8mph, 22mins, avg HR 135bpm

    Notes: I cut some of the bench warmup volume and was rewarded today. I also deloaded my back squat on Thursday and skipped the Backoff set. The bench top set felt fast and the Backoff sets felt jokingly light. Weight loss is back on track; I cut out some extra calories and stopped adding extra olive oil to my lunches. Down 14.5 pounds in 8 weeks.

    Video from today: 70's Big LP 9-July 2016 - YouTube

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  2. #92
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    North Dakota


    Monday, 11-July 2016
    Weight: 213.5lbs, Time: 1:35

    - PVC Pipe Dislocates & RDL: 2x10 ea
    - Band YTWL: 1x12 ea

    Superset #1:
    Front Squat: 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, 315x3, 350x5 RPE8.5, Add Belt: 350x5RPE9, 350x5RPE9.5
    RDL barx10, 135x8, 225x6, 275x5,5,5

    Superset #2:
    Pull-up 60x5,5,5, 25x10, BWx10
    Dips BWx15, 135x5x5, forgot the back-off set at 85lbs

    Machine Rear Delts: 85x15,15,15

    Zone-2 Work: 2.5% incline, 2mi/30-min, 4mph, avg HR 135

    Notes: slept like crap/first day back at work after 10 days of leave. I skipped the met-con today to save time (I'll throw it back in next week because I'll be on leave again). Alternating 3 sets of 5 and three ascending triples with the front squat seems to keep it moving forward. With pullups and chins I had to take 10% off of each as I started missing reps. I adopted a Starr progression for Dips: Week 1: 5x8, Week 2: BW warmup, 5x5, backoff set at minus 50 pounds for reps, Week 3: 2x5 warmup, 3x3, backoff set at minus 50lbs for reps, Repeat.

  3. #93
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    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 12-July 2016
    Weight: 214.5, Time: 40
    Calories: low (2150)

    Squadron PT Day
    Group warm-up:
    - jogging in place
    - high knees
    - jogging in place again
    - butt kickers
    - more jogging in place
    - 10 4-count lunges

    - 2 warm-up laps (800m) light jog
    - 10x100m spring (1:4 - work:rest ratio)
    - 2 cool-down laps (800m) light jog
    - "5-minute" abs
    - various stretches

    1. Decline Leg Raise 3x15 30-sec rest b/t sets
    2. Weighted Plank 45lbs x45,45,30 sec 30-sec rest b/t sets
    3. Cable Crunch 70x15,15,15 30-sec rest b/t sets

    Notes: weight came back up a bit last night - I'm adding more salt to my meals to try and improve energy/performance. Hopefully the initial water bloat will dissipate as my sodium levels out.

  4. #94
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    North Dakota


    Thursday, 14-July 2016
    Weight: 212.5lbs, Time: 2:05

    - Band YTWL 1x12ea

    - Press 45x10, 95x8, 135x6, 165x4, 185x3 RPE8, 195x3RPE9, 205x2RPE10, 145x10,10,10,8
    - Back Squat 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, BELT: 315x4, 405x2, 455x5x3 RPE9,8.5,8.5,9,9.5
    - Chinup (10% deload) 82.5x5,5,5, 35x8, bodyweight x10
    - Preacher Straight Barbell Curl: 70x10,8, 60x8

    Zone 2 Work: 2.5% incline, 4mph, 1.66 mi, 25 minutes, Avg HR 139bpm

    Notes: next week I'll move from 10lb jumps to 12.5 on the press to see if I can get 205x3. Squatting sucked. It felt worse than it looked on camera; although, the camera angle wasn't such that I could tell, however, I felt like my bar path was in front of mid-foot. Fixing that should me it feel less shitty. Next week is week 2 of the three week progression (5x3, 4x4, 3x5). Assuming I fix my bar path and am not feeling like a complete pansy, I should be able to complete four sets of four. Weight loss is coming along; I'm now at 15.5lbs down in 7 weeks (23-May to now). I'll try to level off at 210 and then its time to begin running season for my annual PT test; all I need to do is run less than an 11:06 mile-and-a-half and I'll score a 95% or higher. The peach will be getting that done over the next 8-10 weeks as opposed to 12-16... apparently the base I'm going to moves testing indoors around November, which entails a 13.5 lap, rectangular track as opposed to a 3-lap outdoor loop. I'm optimistic

  5. #95
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    North Dakota


    Sunday, 17-July 2016
    Weight: 212, Time: 0930 (1:35)
    Calories: 3150

    - PVC dislocate & RDL 2x15
    - band YTWL & Row 1x12 ea.

    Bench: 45x10, 135x8, 225x6, 275x4, BELT 215x2, 355x1, 315x5,4,3,3

    Press 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 185x2, 195x1, 205x2, 135x12,10,9

    Chin up 80x6,6,6, 35x10, Bwx10

    Dip 90x8,7,6, 45x10, BWx12-7

    Cable Lateral 30x12,12,12

    Short Race-Pace Run: 2x400m @8.7mph (7-min mile)

    Notes: I meant to bench three sets of five - I wore myself out during warmups. At the least I hit my rep goal with 315. Press went as expected; 205 for 2-3 reps. I backed off on the rep weight to account for pressing after benching. I changed chin-up sets from 5's to 6's. Dips were a train wreck... Haven't done them after heavy press and bench in awhile - next week should balance out (hopefully). As far as conditioning goes, I had intended to do 1x800m, however the damn treadmill was wobbling from all of the mammoths that use it with a 10% incline... Made me motion sick so I had to shut it down at 400m and recoup. This marks the first week of a 13 week strength and conditioning block (no not fat loss). I plan to compete in 9 weeks and do my annual fitness test a month later.

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  6. #96
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    North Dakota


    Monday, 18-July 2016
    Weight: 212lbs, Time: 1200 (1:40)

    Calories: 3150

    - PVC pipe dislocate & RDL 2x12
    - band YTWL 2x12

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, belt 315x3, 405x2 RPE8, 455x1 RPE9, 475x1 RPE9, 425x5x5RPE 8,8.5,8,9,9
    *3 minutes between sets

    Snatch grip RDL 3x5@225

    Plate loaded row machine 90 (per side)x15, 115x14, 12

    Face pull 57.5x20, 50x20, 57.5x15

    Preacher Curl 60x18,7, 50x7, 40x10, 30x10

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  7. #97
    Join Date
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    North Dakota


    Notes: I felt decent today; my bar path for back squats is a bit inconsistent (or consistently ahead of mid foot). More hips. Texas Method Split Routine 18-July 2016 Volume Squat - YouTube

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  8. #98
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 19-July 2016
    Calories: 2,450

    2.5 mile run: 20:08


    Wednesday, 20-July 2016
    Weight: 215.5, Time: 1100 (60)
    Calories: 2,850

    - PVC pipe dislocate & RDL superset 2x15 each
    - band YTWL, Row, & pullover 1x15 each

    Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, BELT 315x2, 335x1, 355x1, 335x3 RPE8, 345x3 RPE9,
    3-Ct paused Bench: 315x2x1 RPE7,7

    Feet-up Closegrip Bench: Est. 1RM =335; 55% (185) x8, 65% (225) x8, 75% (250) x9 RPE9.5
    Slingshot Closegrip Bench: @80-90% of today's top set; 205x15, 225x14

    Pull-up: 60x6,6,6, 25x10, bodyweight x8+3

    Notes: Bench felt fairly smooth today, closegrips went better than expected... I ended the top set right around where I wanted to, however, the backoff sets were supposed to be a difficult two sets of 12 at 75% of the day's top weight. It was so easy with the slingshot on that we had to up it to 90-92%. Pullups are feeling strong - I definitely prefer the sets of six over the fives. Tomorrow is a full day off; so naturally I'll be doing some hip and shoulder mobility (likely a bit for the lats as well). I plan on using tomorrow to work on squat technique with a bar and a couple of plates too.

  9. #99
    Join Date
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    North Dakota


    Friday, 22-July 2016
    Weight: 212.25, Time: 1100 (90)

    PVC dislocate, RDL
    Band distraction ankles & hips

    Squat 45x10, 135,225x5, 315x3, 405x2, 455,475x1. Wraps: 495x2/3, 495x2/2, no wraps: 465,75,85x1

    Dbl OH Hookgrip Deadlift 475x 4 sets of 5

    Power shrug 135,225,315,405,455,495 x5 each

    GHD sit-up 25lb x20,15

    4x400m (1:3 work to rest); 86, 88, 92, 95 seconds


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  10. #100
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    starting strength coach development program
    Squat sucked today. I'm trying to use my hips more but without the bounce off of my body, every rep feels like a dead stop squat. Best way to get good at something is keep at it. This will pay off in the end because I'll be able to 1. Use more muscle mass, 2. Build greater power off the bottom, and 3. Save my ankles by biasing my posterior chain more.

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