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Thread: Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

  1. #611
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

    Default Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Friday, 28-June 2019
    Weighout: 212lbs, time: 1130 (01:28)
    Deload week

    Paused Squat 420 3x3
    DE Deadlift 440 4x3
    Incline bench 255 3x4
    Facepull 50 2x15
    Short recovery run 1mi 6mph

    Sunday, 30-June 2019
    Weighout: 213.5lbs, Time: 1400 (01:15)

    Squat 485x1, 505x1, 520x1, 490x5@8.5, 465x5,5@8,8.5

    Bench 326 3x6 superset w/ Row 326 3x5

    Incline Rear Lateral 35 2x20
    Incline side Lateral 25 2x15


    Monday, 1-July 2019
    Weighout: 214.5lbs, Time: 1130 (00:53)

    RDL 308x5, 335 3x5 superset w/ Ab Wheel 1x10, 15lbs 3x10

    Closegrip Bench 308x1, 295x8, 265x8, 240x8 superset w/ reverse Curl 95x8, 90x8,8

    Dip 120x10, 107.5x10, 97.5x10

    1-Arm DB preacher Curl 35x10, 40x10,6+3
    Last edited by SClark08; 07-28-2019 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #612
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 2-July 2019
    Weighout: ??, Time: 1615 (00:35)


    5x400m @105% Pace, 1:2 work to rest; 1:33, 1:31, 1:33, 1:34, 1:34

    100 sit-ups

  3. #613
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Wednesday, 3-July 2019
    Weighout: 211.5lbs, Time: 1130 (01:15)

    DE band squat (x2 doubled red bands ~65lbs ea side) 45x10, 135x3, 225x3, 315x2, 405x2, 295x12x2 OTM
    Press 45x10, 135x5, 185x4, 205x2, 225x0, 198x3,5,4,4 superset w/ pullup 35lbs 3x8
    Incline rear lateral 35x2x20
    Incline side lateral 20x2x20

    light recovery jog (treadmill) 1mi @6mph

    Thursday, 4-July 2019
    Tme: 1320 (00:27:43)

    Distance run (on the road) 3.15mi

  4. #614
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Friday, 5-July 2019
    Weighout: 210.2lbs, Time: 1130 (01:10)

    Paused Squat 425 3x5
    Incline Bench 295x1, 260 3x5, 220x11+6
    Deficit Deadlift 545x5, 515x5
    Incline Rear Raise 35 2x20
    Incline Side Raise 25 2x20

    Short recovery run: 1mi @6mph

    Lots of manual labor setting up a 4th of July festival & Country Music Concert

    Sunday: lots of manual labor tearing down the festival

    Monday, 8-July 2019
    Weighout: 212.5lbs, Time: 1130 (01:05)

    Squat 490x1, 510x1, 530x1, 500x5, 475x5,5
    Bench 270x2, 310x2, 330x5,5,5, 312x10+3+1

    Race Pace Run: 0.75mi @ 8.9mph

    Avg Daily Calories: 2400

  5. #615
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 9-July 2019
    Weighout: 212.2lbs, Time: 1130 (01:05)

    RDL 335 3x6 superset w/Ab Wheel 35 3x10
    Closegrip Bench 300x9, 270x9, 245x10 Superset w/Reverse Curl 100x10, 95x10,10
    Dip 130x10, 117.5x10, 107.5x7+2+1
    1-Arm Inc DB Curl 40x12,10,6

    Wednesday, 10-July 2019
    Weighout: 208.5lbs, Time: 1100 (00:35)

    Distance Run: 3.4 miles @ 6.9mph (~8.7 min/mi or 77.5% 1.5-mi Pace): 00:29:35

    Notes: I am 24.5 pounds down from January Deployment weight (233lbs) and 10 pounds down from returning from vacation at 218.5lbs. Its worth noting that I have been using the ECA stack on training days since 7-June; for the first three weeks it was just one dose per day. This past week and a half has been two doses per training day. Starting tomorrow, and concluding by the end of next week, I will be using 3 doses per training day. I always make sure to take two days off each week and limit my caffeine consumption on those days. After this third phase, I will be taking Benadryl each night for a week and slowly titrating calories back up to maintenance. Then I will take my fitness test on 24-July, finish out the month with maintenance calories, then make a 400-600kcal jump back into a mass phase. Also worth mentioning, today I didn't have vigor on the run. I wanted to stop before the first half mile was completed. And it was windy as all get out; nevertheless, I pushed on by parceling the distance down into smaller chunks - as I had done in my cross country days. Apart from work capacity and endurance, the mental aspect is one of the desired training outcomes during this period.

    Update: my rapid weightloss was due to a stomach bug; I pissed shit out my ass at least 8 times yesterday. Abused pedialyte, Immodium, and Pepto. I seem to have kicked it; only time will tell.
    Last edited by SClark08; 07-11-2019 at 07:02 AM.

  6. #616
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Thursday, 11-July 2019
    Weighout: 208.8lbs, Time: 1130 (01:05)

    Banded DE Squat 315+240x2, 285+240 10x2 OTM
    Press 210 8x2 OTM
    Pull-up 40 3x8 superset w/Ab Wheel 15,12,10
    Incline rear raise 40 2x12
    Incline side raise 25 2x15

    Friday, 12-July 2019
    Weighout: 210lbs, Time: 1100 (01:00)

    Paused Squat 430 4x3
    Incline bench 265 4x4, 215x10+5
    Deadlift 565x4, 535x4
    Treadmill 2x400@10mph

  7. #617
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Sunday, 14-July 2019
    Weighout: 212.2lbs, Time: 1315 (01:30)

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x2, 490x1, 520x1, 535x1, 228kg/508lbsx5 @10, 217kg/485lbs 2x5 @8.5,9

    Bench 315x3, 340 3x5, 315x8+3+1
    Superset w/ Barbell Row 340 5x3

    0.5mi @6mph
    0.75mi @8.9-8.0mph
    0.25mi @6mph
    Walk 4.0-2.0mph x00:02:30


  8. #618
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Monday, 15-July 2019
    Weighout: (scale broken), Time: 1130 (01:05)

    RDL 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 340 3x6 superset w/ GHD Sit-up 25lbs 3x20

    CG Bench 45x5, 135x3, 225x2, 306x8, 281x8, 260x10 Superset w/ Reverse Curl 105x10, 100x10, 95x10

    Dips 135x10, 122.5x10, 115x10

    1-Arm Preacher DB Curl: 40x12,10,6+2

  9. #619
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 16-July 2019
    Weighout: 210lbs, Time: 1615 (00:30)

    Squadron PT: 5K ~25:50

    Noes: back was pretty tight, but I pushed an average of 8min:30sec miles regardless

    Wednesday, 17-Jul 2019
    Weighout: 209.5lbs, Time: 1200 (01:15)

    DE Band Squat dbl green (~125lbs per side) +140kg/312lbs 8x2
    Press 95kg/212lbs 6x3
    Weighted Pullup 45 3x8


    Banded Triceps Stretch (overhead) 2min/arm

    Incline Rear Lateral 35 3x12 @90sec
    Incline Side Lateral 25 3x15 @60sec

    Treadmill: light recovery jog 1mi @mph

  10. #620
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday, 19-July 2019
    Weighout: 208.1lbs, Time: 1150 (01:30)

    Squat 490x1, 513x1, 540x1
    Paused Squat 455 3x3
    Incline Bench 265x5,5,5, Myo-reps: 165x20+4+3+3+3+3
    DE Deadlift 135x1, 315x1, 405x1, 455 8x1 OTM
    Cable Facepull 60 3x10

    Treadmill x22min, intervals @9.1mph: 0.25mi, 0.38mi, 0.5mi, 0.38mi, 0.27mi; rest interval: 174-178bpm down to 145bpm (or less); cool down walk at 2mph (down to 122bpm)

    Notes: a couple weeks back I was feeling pretty tired, calories came out to be around 2450; I adjusted them up to roughly 2600 (26% fat, 33% carbs, 41% protein) and added riding my bike to work a few times per week for a couple weeks. Today I am at 208.1lbs; my all time lowest body weight in a few years. At this point I am adding in 300-400 calories back in to bring me up to maintenance (roughly 2960 cal; 29% fat, 33% carbs, 37% protein). I'll hold here through the end of the month and my fitness assessment. Then added another 300-400 calories and work my weight back up. I am not as lean as I imagined I would be, however, down 10 pounds in 7 weeks - that's roughly 1.5lbs per week. Given that my strength has been holding out fairly well and my gut is no longer *as soft* I'll call it a win; I am likely sitting between 10-12% body fat. I don't care enough to do a dexa scan, bod pod, or use calipers; really I just wanted to give myself more room to bulk longer, improve my insulin sensitivity, and get lighter for my run next week. Checked the box.

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