Hey y'all,
So I must apologize for being so completely absent from the online community. Got my coaches cert from the seminar in Seattle last March, and I guess I've been too busy coaching, lifting, and smoking the BC weed to spend much time on the forums. But no time like the present to get more involved.
My numbers from Provincials last June:
Squat: 551
Bench: 352
Deadlift: 628
bw: 247ish
Took a little break from powerlifting and decided to run a half marathon (gasp) last weekend. Did this as a bit of a bucket list item. Also, I coach a lot of runners for strength, and I just wanted to experience a bit of running to have some insight into their world. Overall it was a good experience but I'm eager to get back on the Gain Train.
Last week before the run I managed a 405x3 squat (which felt awwwwwful) and a 315x2 bench at a bodyweight of 219. For the 6 or so weeks before the run I kept my lower body volume very low and intensity high as to not lose too much strength. Think I did a pretty good job of that while getting pretty damn lean (starting to see some abs).
I'm going to start back on a modified LP for a few weeks to try to get myself back to respectable numbers and then back to intermediate programming once it is warranted. I also think it will be good to re-acquaint myself with what its like to go through the LP.
Numbers from Tuesday-
Squat- worked up to safe 5rm as we would with any novice, worked up to 365 but it felt way too heavy, so decided I will go back to 315 and make steady 10lbs jumps
Press- 175
Deadlift- 365
Squat- 325x5x3
bench 245x5x3 - so sad
Rows 185x 10x3
Starting very light but should be back to form by end of the month.
May 9th
Squat (no belt) 335x5x3 (starting to feel better)
Deads up to 385x5 (double overhand)
Lateral sled drags 4x40yards
Backwards 5x40 yards
Sled push 5x40 yards done emom