4/17 Recovery day. 5PM workout. Slept poorly the night before - pretty tired but the schedule is the schedule. Worked out with partner today.
Squat (LP)
warmup 45, 95, 135, 185, 205.
Work sets 3X5 at 235.
I picked up a pair of squat shoes (Adidas Leistung) and it does indeed make quite a difference. Don't have to focus so much on keeping the heels down anymore - it's pretty much automatic now. My right knee is tending to go in though on the way up - that's my bad achilles side. Still working on the form - this achilles problem is really making it a battle for me.
OH Press (Texas Method recovery day)
Warmups: 45, 95, 115.
3X5 at 135. This was surprisingly difficult for some reason today.
Weighted Chins
+25LBS 3X5 Got through it, completed all the reps. Last rep in 3rd set was pretty tough. I think I'll stay at this weight next workout.