I walk a lap to time my rest. Figure out a 2-minute lap and use that.
Hello - Sorry to post another thread about this topic, I've searched many of them and can't find an answer to this simple question:
How long should the rest periods be between these "submaximal" sets of chins? I did my first round today, and did sets of 5 with about a 1 minute rest in between. When that got too hard I lowered down to sets of 3-4 with 45-60 seconds in between. I did 35 chinups total. Is there something I could be doing differently here?
I walk a lap to time my rest. Figure out a 2-minute lap and use that.
So I’ve just completed my 5th session of this protocol, done as precisely to a tee exactly the way Rippetoe describes it. I’ve made it up to about 50 total chins before I’m just completely cooked and can’t keep going - my elbow hurts worse than it did before I started. Should I be doing something different?
How many reps were your sets, how many sets, and how long did you rest?
I started off with sets of 5 reps with a 2 minute rest, and as those got harder to do I lowered down to sets of 4 and then 3, each with a two minute rest until I hit 50, which was about 5 reps higher than my previous workout. I've been going up by about 3-5 total reps each session.
Also, I noticed early on that deadlifting really pisses that elbow off, even if I use straps, so I've taken a pause on deadlifting. Is that a bad idea, or would it be okay to keep doing it before my chin-ups in order to basically consolidate all the elbow stress to one session at a time? I feel it when benching too, but not as bad.
The idea is to start with reps that are not hard, even at the end of the sets, and then add to that. Not the other way around.