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Thread: Zach Update

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    La Jolla California


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    ... a statement that calls both my ability and integrity into question, and expect me to react pleasantly.>>>

    Lyle is kind of a potty-mouthed motherfucker, no?[/QUOTE]

    Rip: Fuck this guy. He is beneath you; he is beneath the dog shit on your boots. Let him die bitter, alone, impoverished and weak. Really. I understand your need to defend your integrity when it is assailed in public, but you have to consider the source. This douche makes his bank by telling people how to eat fewer calories than they expend. FFS its that simple: "eat fewer calories than you expend to lose weight." Again, fuck him.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas


    I have to wonder, before there was the internet, where did angry guys like Lyle vent?

    My guess is either he would have had the shit kicked out of him on a daily basis(he seems like a real puss, so I doubt it), or he would have just kept his lame, unsubstantiated accusations to himself.

    Of course the second option probably would have resulted in him strolling through a shopping mall with an AK-47 at some point, so it's probably good that we have the internet.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I find it surprising that the squats were ever doubted. That's kind of your thing, Rip. I had thought that the conversation was more about muscle gain (And I guess a little about bodyfat gain being reasonable or excessive), but I also assume that if he can do 5x5 of 320 across then the muscle must be there, more or less. Definitely more than 1 lb a week, that for sure!

    Thanks for posting the videos, they were very solid and a quick end to this debate.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I can understand why people might doubt the LBM gain numbers if they come from a bodybuilding background where they are already training for LBM, but it boggles my mind that people would question the strength gain numbers.

    So, he doubled his squat(and then some) in 6 months. It called STRENGTH training for a reason. Just because it doesn't happen for people who do half squats for 12 reps on "leg day" while on an 1800 calorie diet doesn't mean it is a feat that is unbelievable without video evidence.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2008



    I really don't care what someone else says about you. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT:


    And I am 41 years old with two bad shoulders due, in part, to taking idiot's advice before finding you.

    And before I found you, I weighed about 122 pounds and I now weigh 160 pounds. Is some of it a gut? Yes, but is a crapload of it muscle? Absolutely.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    What more evidence is needed to convince everyone that people who do SS/GOMAD don't get fat? Does everyone need to be 6'0" 140lbs with a six-pack to not be fat? Lyle sure seems like one unprofessional guy.

    What next, we flay Rip's trainees to determine the exact amount of fat on their bodies?

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by tallison View Post
    I hope Zach will step away from this on a personal level and reassess.
    What exactly does Zach need to reassess? While this whole soap opera revolved around his progress, he was never directly involved. Everything will be just fucking fine.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    I'm no miracle trainee, nor am I a gym-rat, nor am i even a bloody athlete. I sit at a fucking desk all day and I worked out averaging 2x per week for 5 months and put on 19lbs of lean body mass and 6 pounds of fat.

    All of my friends that heard this from me and are into weight training claimed bullshit saying it was physically impossible for a human being to generate more than 4-6lbs of muscle per YEAR! They still don't fucking believe me.

    One of them has been training hard for 10 years and in 8 months i'm nearing his lift numbers in all lfits. He's a strong fucker, but he isn't really going anywhere.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I really feel for Zach being in the middle of all this. The guy shouldn't have to be punished or questioned for making solid progress and by doing everything right. It just makes Lyle come off as even more of an asshole at the end of this. He should have not only apologized to you, Rip, but to Zach as well.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Okay kiddies, here is the poop:

    Zach Evetts
    March 1, 2010
    Bodyweight: 242
    Bodyfat % measured at 7 skinfold sites (equation detailed below): 20.95%
    LBM: 191.29 lbs.
    Bodyweight increase in 15.4 weeks: 25 lbs
    191.29 - 177.07 = 14.22 lbs. LBM increase
    14.22/25 = 56.8% of gain as LBM, .92 lb./week

    Equation: 1.112 - .00043499(x) + .00000056(x^2) - .0028826(age) = body density

    (4.57/body density - 4.142)100 = Bodyfat %
    Skinfold total: 162mm, 7 sites measured and marked

    Equipment used: Lange Skinfold Caliper (Cambridge Scientific)

    Current pictures below, without a shirt for those of you "into" this sort of thing.

    Now, it may be that I don't know how to use skinfold calipers, but you assume that at your PERIL. These pictures clearly show a male at about 20-22% bodyfat. It may even be that I shopped the pictures, but I know even less about that than I do lighting. The fact is that Zach has gained 78 lbs. in 6 months, 46 lbs. of which is LBM. His squat has gone from 145 x 5 to 345 x 5. Anyone who says otherwise is either calling me a liar or is saying that I don’t know how to weigh and measure bodyfat. That’s fine, and we can settle it whenever you want to. Anyone who says that skinfold caliper testing in the hands of an experienced operator is inaccurate compared to hydrostatic weighing is unfamiliar with the procedures. Furthermore, Zach is not taking steroids, and anybody who claims this is full of shit, as is anyone who says that X lbs. of LBM/year are the absolute maximum that can be gained. We do it here all the time, and you can too if you do the program correctly.

    I'm surprised that people find this surprising.
    I started GOMAD and a linear progression in mid-August of 2009 - ending my linear progression in mid-December of 2009
    Body weight went from 190-240 lbs
    Squat went from 225x5x3 to 400x5x3
    All other lifts increased significantly as well.
    I did a skin-fold measurement test in early December 2009 and my BF% was 19%.
    Additionally, I train with several guys who adopted the same diet/training and they saw similar results.
    5000 kcals/day + heavy strength training = a shit ton of weight gained
    Its not rocket surgery.

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