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Thread: Marijuana and Training

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    When did I say it's fine to consume cannabis before you train? Show me the post, you moron. And of course no one ever drinks coffee before they train because that would be definitely a bad idea.
    I'm not trying to be a dick here... And forgive me if some sarcasm went undetected ... BUT, I regularly whack down a cup of joe around an hour before I lift. Never hindered my health so far, but is this really a bad thing?

  2. #42
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by JM3 View Post
    And where did I say that an elevated heart rate simply in and of itself was
    a bad thing- you fucktard- show me the post.
    Looks to me like you said it here: So Mark- your saying that a drug that increases your heart rate by aprox 50% is fine to consume in conjunction with intense exercise- because I dont believe thats a great idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by JM3 View Post
    I was only pointing out that weed isnt as benign as all that when you get older and that combined with other risk factors could be detrimental- and you are arguing against that point by innuendo - so, aside from gratuitous shit talk in the guise of phony dialectic- what would your veiw be?
    Here is the only thing I have said in this post about this issue:

    It's probably a break-even deal. Most studies have shown a depression in test levels, but most people would probably recover better if they ate more and slept better. Lots (perhaps even most in some sports) of elite athletes smoke dope. I didn't and don't like it that much, but it would be impossible to build a case for a lot of detrimental effects from the occasional use of marijuana.

    And you have somehow construed this as "gratuitous shit-talk in the guise of phony dialectic." Perhaps you should smoke a bowl.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamedog View Post
    I'm not trying to be a dick here... And forgive me if some sarcasm went undetected ... BUT, I regularly whack down a cup of joe around an hour before I lift. Never hindered my health so far, but is this really a bad thing?
    I don't know anybody who doesn't drink coffee before they train. No, it's fine.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I don't know anybody who doesn't drink coffee before they train. No, it's fine.
    PHEW! Okay, I figured that's what you meant, but I wanted to double-check. I went through a spell a few years ago where I'd get really bad supraventricular tachycardia, regularly. It cleared up, and now that I'm not a smoker anymore and I'm not drinking shit-gallons of booze every day it hasn't come back, and my doctor gave me an ekg in March and said my heart was rock solid.

    But I figured it wouldn't hurt to check :-) Have to go to the ER because your heart is doing backflips at 280 bpm can scare the shit out of you LOL Thanks coach!

  5. #45
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    JM3, I've got to ask: What is the steak milk synergy?

  6. #46
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    Drugs are the answer...if the question is, "How can I get high as a kite?" or, "How can I make money without working?"

    - P.J. O'Rourke

  7. #47
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    Mazda Matt- Thats what I was talking about- a stacking effect. That was my assumption.
    Articles I read from searches referenced: Beth Isreal Medical School (sic), Havard and NIH- I think there was also a page at Justice Dept.
    I hope you are right about there not being a "stacking effect" because that has occured to me- and I dont like the thought. Bingo on where I got the info. If you have other sources that would be interesting.

    Bronan- you know man- the steakmilk synergy- I was being flip to no avail.

    Coach - I will take your advice. Purple Cush or Bubba?- both good with a hoppy ale.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    1. Train really hard
    2. Eat a lot
    3. Sleep like a baby
    4. Have a bowl if 3 and/or 4 are an issue
    5. ???
    6. Profit

  9. #49
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    Interesting topic, especially since I’m in the research stages of using the same thing for self-medicating IBS and ADD issues (non-co-morbid). One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is quantities and qualities. Without trying to turn it into some hippie, Hightimes thing, I (kindof) recall extensive experimentation in my late teens/early twenties. There were times when I would sit around with “schwag” and get nothing but hungry and tired. On the other hand, a quick hit or two from something high quality would find me focused on cleaning and rearranging the house like some 50’s house wife on Benzadrine .
    Anyway, I assume its properties are similar to the painkilling effects of drinking and lifting. Hasn’t anyone ever gone to a party, come across a bench and had an impromptu “competition”, to find that you can lift more than you do in your daily workout, without even warming up? Oh, it hurts the next day, but at least everyone at the party thought you were a huge douche-bag, show off.
    For the good of this community perhaps I will submit myself as a test subject, having not had any in over two years.
    And everyone knows that Milksteak is best prepared overhard with a side of jellybeans.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy View Post
    Without direct experience, I have to get Cartesian about this.

    In my experience, pot makes people dumb.

    Dumb people don't squat.

    So, pot will make you not squat.

    I don't usually add to discussion around here, but this is terrible logic.

    it's more likely that the smart people you encounter that smoke pot are smart enough to not make it obvious to everybody they meet....

    i am smart, hold a job that only a "smart" person could, i squat, and i smoke pot. regularly, and for more than half of my life...

    you also wouldn't know i smoked pot just by looking at me, or talking to me, unless you tried to tell me it was "bad" for anyone.


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