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Thread: Squat asymmetry issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Squat asymmetry issues

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    Hi Mark.

    More than a week ago I put up a topic in the 'Technique' section of the forum, but didn't get any replies unfortunately. Thereby, I turn to you hoping to get some advice.

    The topic I'm referring to is located HERE. For convenience, this is what I posted:

    Quote Originally Posted by RaF007 View Post
    Pre-face: during the squat my left elbow tends to hurt, and my left knee has always been a 'weak' part of my body. My left knee starts to hurt in long distance walking or standing for longer periods. However, once I started using insoles, the problems faded away. I started using these with a pair of chucks in my squats as of recently, feels more solid then just going barefoot.

    Took a few video's from the front/back which I usually don't. I was pretty much caught by surprise when re-viewing them. When looking from the side, everything looks fine (as far as I can tell - critique is always welcome). But once from the back/front, it doesn't take a lot of effort to find out I have some asymmetry issues. Check out the video below.

    My left elbow's position is totally different than the right, this might cause the pain. Pushing it back too far, looks odd compared to my right elbow. I'm going to pay attention this. Hopefuly the pain will subside once I fix this.

    However, that's not the main problem. See the difference between my right & left leg @ the bottom (clear view from the front). Any idea what is causing this? It must be technique, I have no deformaties of any kind afaik. I don't sense any shifting of weight to the left side either, you can clearly see the bar is parallel with the floor.

    Some time ago I had my squat reviewed. Overall consensus was OK as far as I can remember. I reviewed that video, and it basically displays the same, but I must have missed it. It's a bit less - but that might be because my stance width was a bit more narrow. Check the video from back then:

    Any idea what is causing this & what I need to do different?
    I took some time off with squatting since that post, mainly because my left knee wasn't feeling all that fine and I think it's mainly due to squatting this way. Today I fiddled around a bit, trying to find out what might be causing it, but I don't have any clear answers yet. HERE are a few snapshots I took, with an alternating stance width/weight. Sometimes it's clearly noticable, sometimes not. Don't understand it really.

    What's your opinion and what am I doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I don't see anything so wrong with this squat that it justifies killing yourself. Your elbows look close enough to me. But I am puzzled about why you would take a video that purports to show fine detail of asymmetry and then dress yourself in pajamas that cover up all details of hips and knees. And why would you squat barefooted/in Chucks when I have used trillions of electrons describing the symmetry benefits of proper footwear? I think you have assigned a higher-than-useful level of importance to perfect symmetry, a thing that is essentially impossible. In the absence of gross movement pattern problems, which you do not have, why don't you just put more weight on the bar and get stronger?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thanks for your quick reply!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    But I am puzzled about why you would take a video that purports to show fine detail of asymmetry and then dress yourself in pajamas that cover up all details of hips and knees.
    I don't fully understand, it's just a shirt & shorts? I highly doubt you'd want to see me squat in my underwear

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I don't see anything so wrong with this squat that it justifies killing yourself. Your elbows look close enough to me.
    Great to hear that. I tought these ('slight') asymmetry issues we're the cause of my knee pain, I guess not. I also had someone tell me (after showing the same video) this is due to my knees buckling in, but I guess he was wrong since you haven't noticed any of that. Not sure where to go on from here, might just consult an orthopedian and hear what he has to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And why would you squat barefooted/in Chucks when I have used trillions of electrons describing the symmetry benefits of proper footwear?
    The reason I bought Chucks is that I'm on a tight budget, but most of all, you recommend them on your website.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    In the absence of gross movement pattern problems, which you do not have, why don't you just put more weight on the bar and get stronger?
    Will do!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I can't see your hips and knees through billowing clouds of fabric. Knees caving in might cause knee pain, but I only saw one video so I have no idea about the cumulative stress you are placing on your knees. Consulting an "orthopedian" will not be productive. That is not my website.

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