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Thread: Deadlift Disagreement

  1. #11
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    Don't worry, it's not just the US. We have our fair share of idiots in the Australian Army as well.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    "Note my qualification: beyond a certain level. That level is widely regarded as about LTC."

    The OP was referring to a LTC. Your original comment was that this LTC was a prime example of how kissing ass gets a person promoted. LTC selection rate in the Army was over 90% last year. That doesn't sound political. That sounds like anyone with a pulse, which isn't any better in my opinion.

    The truth of the matter is that people aren't promoted by the people they work for. A board, completely unfamiliar with the officer, chooses who is promotable. Yes, the officer's evaluations by his rater or considered, but fluff is easy to see through.

    My experience with this is that the ones who complain the most about how political promotions are within military are often poor performers themselves. I've yet to meet a supremely squared away Soldier that didn't get promoted for no discernible reason.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Dell Whitley View Post
    I've yet to meet a supremely squared away Soldier that didn't get promoted for no discernible reason.
    The question is about the other side of the coin. Did you ever meet an incompetent who did get promoted for no discernible reason?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    University of Rhode Island


    I'm a Major in the Army, and I am so dumb I thought this thread would be about deadlifts......

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I knew that about you.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    San Diego, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by RyanWhittemore View Post
    I'm a Major in the Army, and I am so dumb I thought this thread would be about deadlifts......
    Are you sure it's not about deadlifts? I'm a Captain in the Marines and because I hate officers so much I punch myself in the junk every morning just so I don't forget... Then I deadlift.

    @Everyone: Look, just because some LtCol told the OP that flamingo-standing on a box while picking up the deadlift equivalent of your purse was good for your "core" does not mean that all officers are incompetent. Hell, most gym owners would rather have their customers sign up for a year and then never show up, but that doesn't mean that Rip is a conniving douche bag.

    And I hate that some officers emplace restrictions on Marines and Sailors that inhibit them from doing their jobs and winning the war, but what about personal responsibility? The individual must also realize that you have every right to defend yourself against a legitimate threat and no one can take that away from you. If you get an order not to shoot at a legitimate threat in your own defense, that is an illegal order and you are obligated to violate it to defend yourself and others. But keep in mind that if Marines and Soldiers killed everything every time we have an opportunity we'd have a worse mess on our hands than we do now. Units that know how to utilize restraint smartly and aggressive violence appropriately are more successful than timid or reckless units. Also keep in mind that EOF has rarely worked to stop a legitimate threat. Let’s say some asshole is shooting at a fortified position with a single assault rifle from a crowd of people; does it make any sense to lay waste to that crowd just to get one douchebag? Is your fortified position really threatened by a lone gunman with an AK? Do you want to actually make progress and possibly win, or just kill as many people as you can while you're there? If you are in danger then defend yourself, but I guarantee if you're more interested in killing than in winning you're just creating more friendly casualties down the road. If we go to Iraq and Afghanistan just to protect ourselves then we’re better off not going, because it’s a hell of a lot safer back home. Measured risk is how wars are won; anyone who doesn’t think that’s a tough decision is fooling themselves, and they are likely negligent.

    Shitty officers and SNCOs exist and they always will in an organization composed of people that have to dictate standards explicitly while meeting a quota. Someone who meets the standard is not necessarily a competent leader, but we can't apply the incompetence of some to every swingin dick; take some personal responsibility as well.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Pooptown, GE


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    I completely agree with John2336 and Rip. As an NCO, I was taught that my job is to look out for the people I supervise. I have been willing to put my stripes on the line for the people I supervise on many occasions. But I find that my hands are tied 90% of the time by people above me being afraid to go to bat for THEIR people.

    Ryan Dell is probably the best type of Officer there is. He was enlisted prior to getting his rank shifted from sleave to collar, respectively (for my branch of service) and this gives him perspective.

    Anyone that denies the politics in the military is an idiot. I think the saying that "Every group of friends has a dumb friend, look around, you'll see him/her. Can't find em? Got bad news for ya, its you." fits well here. If you have not been back doored by politics at some point in your military career you are the best politico in your group. Its that simple.

    Respecting Rank is not the same as listening to what they say. I would never stop doing dead lifts even if a 4 star came up to me and "suggested" it.

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