A week should be enough. Your problem will not be lifting, but getting cocky when you drink fluids.
Hello Rip,
I have been doing Starting Strength for about a month now. I am 19 years old, 6'1", and about 205 lb. On Friday morning, I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. The procedure went fairly well, and it only took about 30 minutes.
I stopped taking the pain pills after the first day, though I'm still on the antibiotics. Currently, my mouth is swollen, but I don't feel any real discomfort. Nutrition is fine. I stuffed myself on Thursday, and I've been eating solid food since Saturday morning.
How long do you think I should wait before lifting again? I normally workout Sun-Tues-Thur, but my schedule is pretty flexible, so I can switch that to Mon-Wed-Fri if I need to. I really don't want to miss any workouts, but I also don't want to screw up my recovery. What do you suggest?
A week should be enough. Your problem will not be lifting, but getting cocky when you drink fluids.
I got 2 removed, they didn't tell me anything about restraining from physical, so the evening I was in the gym. I had pain but didn't affect training.
My nutrition for the first days consisted of ice cream (helps with the pain as well), protein shakes+milk, olive oil shots
+1 to this.
I just had 2 wisdom teeth removed this past spring. I went to the gym after 2 days because I couldn't stand waiting anymore. I ended up with a very painful dry socket the day after. The physical activity likely caused one of my blood clots to get pushed out. Also, if you were wondering, the dry socket was more painful than the originally impacted wisdom teeth were. This is only n=1 so take it for what it is worth. However, from what I've read about wisdom teeth removal and dry socket prevention, strenuous physical activity and drinking through straws often cause dry sockets to occur. If you start to feel pain again and notice small empty looking holes (where the blood clots should be) I'd contact your dentist immediately. They pack it with gauze and medicated clove oil. This made my pain go away and helped my dry socket heal rather quickly.
Yes, you do NOT want a dry socket.
Thanks for the advice y'all. I've already missed one workout, so missing another two shouldn't affect my progress too much. I guess I'll take it easy the rest of the week.
Fuck no, that is one of the most painful things I've ever gone through. Like needles stabbing my socket over and over, with more needle-like, throbbing pain radiating throughout my entire head, face, and neck. I'd rather the worst migraine imaginable than dry socket again.
Dry sockets are fucking miserable. I got one when I got my wisdom teeth pulled this past December. You really, REALLY do not want a dry socket. Sometimes though, you'll get one even if you do everything correctly it seems.
The people at the dental office didn't actually talk much about dry sockets, but a friend of mine got one last week. Apparently, it's still giving her all kinds of hell.
I don't plan on doing much physical this week, but I have another question. When I start lifting again next week, what weight should I use? I'm thinking about just starting where I left off (adding weight to the bar). Is there any reason I should begin lower?