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Thread: Advice for skinny fat

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kerosene View Post

    For CCR - docs are what they are. My doc's recommendation for high cholesterol was one page print out from mercknet that told one to avoid all fats. Not a word about avoiding simple sugars and other crap.
    Excercise eat real food that you prepare yourself. Include milk, meat veggies, eggs and even whole grains etc. We don't know what your lifestyle has been but body has an amazing ways to recover from bad past if you just give it what it needs. And ultra "paleo" likely isn't what it needs.
    I totally agree. I could also see that diet and exercise improve blood test numbers.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by stolpsTDI View Post
    If my doctor told me that my liver fat is in the normal range, I would not worry about it. It's hard to solve a problem that isn't there.
    Yes, but keeping your intellect awake is never a bad thing. Especially when doctors have different opinions on the same topic (you had it in my message) and when they can't explain why you have high cholesterol or elevated liver enzymes (which shows some degree of damage to liver cells).
    If I was to trust just one doctor's advice, I would take statins right now to lower cholesterol. But just reading the recommendations from health organizations, I could understand that I can manage it through diet, since I don't have other risk factors. And I could see improvements.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCR View Post
    Yes, but keeping your intellect awake is never a bad thing. Especially when doctors have different opinions on the same topic (you had it in my message) and when they can't explain why you have high cholesterol or elevated liver enzymes (which shows some degree of damage to liver cells).
    If I was to trust just one doctor's advice, I would take statins right now to lower cholesterol. But just reading the recommendations from health organizations, I could understand that I can manage it through diet, since I don't have other risk factors. And I could see improvements.
    Didn't both your doctors tell you that you had a fatty liver?

    I would suggest you worry about your blood numbers less, eat more, lift more, and be happier overall. Don't fall victim to confirmation bias.

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