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Thread: Father/Son moment - Never would have happened 2 1/2 years ago

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten

    Default Father/Son moment - Never would have happened 2 1/2 years ago

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    No need to post as long as you see this. I am hesitant about chumming up anything that found its inception in E & P. There is a thread "Is it obvious you Lift?". While I originally posted the photo and conversation between myself and my son there earlier today - it dawned on me that my son is looking forward to growing up so he can continue to get bigger and stronger. Had I never started training, had I never found Starting Strength - the conversation regrettably would have been about television shows, video games or possibly sports. Not getting stronger. Pretty cool.

    At lunch today - my wife says "Ok guys, let me take a picture. Make a muscle!"

    We made the obligatory "muscle" and she took the picture. Jackson, my 7 year old and youngest son, is in the picture and was looking at it on my wife's phone. The following conversation ensued:

    Jackson: "Dad - your arm is bigger than my whole head."

    Me: "Yep. That is why you see Daddy training - lifting weights. Makes me strong. When you are strong you get big."

    Jackson: (You knew it was coming) "When I get older will my arms be as big as yours?"

    Me: "If you train and eat right. We'll learn more as you get older"

    Jackson: "Will you still have those big muscles when you get to be an old man?"

    Me: "I hope so. I want to be strong my whole life" (Inside I was beaming with pride. 1) my kid wants to be like his old man and 2) my kid thinks his Dad's pipes are jacked)

    Jackson: "When you are old with muscles will they still be big and hard like now or will they be big and squishy like your belly?"

    PSSSSSTTTTTTTT - -that sound you hear is the immense release of air from my bloated head and ego at the time.........
    There are so many of us that I read in our logs and posts about our bonding with our sons and daughters over a simple barbell. Who the fuck knew Starting Strength and you were indirect family counseling aids as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Is it okay if I post it anyway?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Is it okay if I post it anyway?
    Of course. Please include this clip of monkeys riding dogs for shits and giggles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Sure. The logical follow-up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    I was watching one of klokov's videos (he is in Australia at the moment) and my 4 year old started watching over my shoulder.

    4yo: what is that man doing?
    Me: he is going to lift that bar up above his head
    4yo: do you do that dad?
    Me: sometimes, but I'm not very good

    I show him an old form check video I had on my phone

    4yo: wow, you ARE strong daddy

    He then hunts for the biggest toy he can find, which happens to be a 3 foot long T. rex, and proudly shows me how he can lift it above his head

    It beats the old me, who thought a "set of 6" referred to beers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    The Deep South


    I dig it. Boys need big strong guys to look up to.

    Used to watch my dad chop firewood and fervently wish I would have the strength to some day. That was my first ever strength based goal I suppose.

  7. #7
    Kyle Schuant Guest


    At around 18 months Zac got a broomstick and started going "uush, uush" and putting it over his head. By 24 months he was picking up the 4kg kettlebell and walking around with it while others were lifting. Now at 31 months he can pick up the 8kg bell, and he watches us working out, tells his mama "one more" and tries to put the 5kg bumper plate on the bar, tries to pull it himself and says, "heavy!"

    They copy us and want to be like us. I am nowhere near Brian's size so won't impress anyone much, but I particularly like it that he'll grow up assuming women are strong, because that's his mama.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Adding my two bits.
    I don't have the photo on my phone and too much scotch to dig it off the web but I have a picture of me about 2 if that trying to hoist a 5lbs bar my after had for something in his weight set.

    He always was lifting in our basement. 550sq, 405 bench

    Ss made me decide to start chasing that again. I've been lifting since 6th grade.

    And to round it off , here's my 5 year old in that same basement.

    Still working on form. He doesn't take cues yet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Provo, Utah


    I lift with my 17 year old twin boys. Just last week they told me how much they look up to me. They asked, "Will we ever get as strong as you?" I keep reminding them they have tripled their squat in just a few months. It really is a wonderful feeling. How many teenagers look up to their dad?

    Tomorrow we are running a marathon in the mountains, in the snow. They even conned mom into running with us. (I am only running 10K cuz of the recent heart attack.)

    Rip, you may never have thought of this but you have really pulled my family together. I'm sure we are not the only ones. Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    If I have done anything remarkable at all, it would be limited to giving your family a focus on something they can all do together. You guys with actual families are the glue. Thanks for being there.

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