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Thread: Unconventional wrist position on squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Auckland, New Zealand

    Default Unconventional wrist position on squat

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Mr. Rippetoe,

    There have been quite a few threads on shoulder inflexibility issues while low bar squatting, and I have noticed that a solution commonly advised is to resort to the high bar squat instead. I have had a hell of a time assuming the well-advised straight wrists and thumb over the bar, even after experimenting with grip width. I have had three deep-tissue massages on my chest, shoulders, back and arms, and while this has increased my flexibility somewhat, I am still left with debilitating shoulder, biceps and forearm pain when trying to assume this perfectly normal-looking position.

    My own apparent solution, and the only thing keeping me from having this infuriating pain, has been to wrap the thumbs around the bar (precisely as advised not to do in the book), but making damn sure to keep my elbows up and thus avoid intercepting the load with my arms.

    Have you ever had any trainees during seminars who have been simply unable to squat low bar with the advised wrist position but who, instead of resorting to high bar, have been able to solve the issue with a similarly unconventional grip? Would you ever allow such a thing while coaching someone on the squat? I'm aware the guys at Westside often use a thumbs-around grip, but I prefer the form taught in SS3.

    I ask mainly because if I ever manage to attend a seminar (I live in New Zealand) or post a video of my squat, I would prefer, as much as possible, to avoid coming across as another example of someone who Hasn't Read The Book. I'm just something of a physical idiot with a rather pronounced kyphosis and inflexible shoulders.

    165lbs (working on this)
    Just started the program, squatting less than 225lbs.

    Thanks for your time.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If you can't assume the suggested grip, and many people can't for various reasons, use the best grip you can manage. The bar position is more critical than the grip position. But you have much bigger fish to fry, and they are best fried at an all-you-can-eat place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Thank you very much for confirming this, and I certainly agree that my weight is a much bigger priority. For what it's worth, my starting point, tragically, was officially 110lbs after a doctor's visit some time ago. So progress is being made, I just happen to have started rather noticeably further down the ladder than most. I hear 5000 calories a day does spectacular things.

    You know, I must say, I am very seriously contemplating saving towards a trip to Texas to attend a seminar. Wouldn't that be something?

    Best regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    That would be something, yessir.

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