Originally Posted by
Mark E. Hurling
Something to consider for conditioning.
Clarence Bass and Richard Winnett both are long in the tooth. Both find the Graded Exercise Protocol (GXP) quite good for conditioning purposes. It goes like this:
Over the course of 5 minutes, ramp up your heart rate (HR) to 85% of Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) by running, rowing, elliptical machine, etc. This is determined by 220 - (your age) then multiplying by 85%. Not everyone finds this formula the shit hot ticket, but I have found it to work well enough.
Then maintain the 85% MHR for 5 minutes.
Concluding with a 5 minute ramp down.
A mere 15 minute routine, done twice a week. I have tested at a VO2 Max of 40+ for several years now following this routine. Which puts me in the Excellent category for the 64 year geezer I am.