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Thread: The Alzheimer's Germ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Boston, MA


    My father passed away last week from AD. It has been pure hell on everyone involved for the last few years. He is in a better place.
    I gave the eulogy, I talked about how I will remember two people - the strapping 200 pound man of my youth, and the one ravaged neurologically and physiologically by AD.

    Rip, you have always been interested in AD, any chance a similar situation in your family?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    If you're interested in going down the rabbit hole further, check out Greg Cochran's blog at West Hunter | Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

    Brilliant guy. I am especially intrigued at his theory regarding homosexuality being caused by a parasite.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by TommyGun View Post
    Rip, you have always been interested in AD, any chance a similar situation in your family?
    Not yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    One of the most popular, most revered authors of the 20th century here in Belgium, called Hugo Claus, was suffering from Alzheimer's in the last few years of his life. In his lucid moments, he opted to "take his own life" via euthanasia. He couldn't stand the deterioration that was to follow and wouldn't relinquish his final level of control. His is a very well known example in the euthanasia debate we still have in this country. Most proponents seem to be individuals suffering from terrible old age or disease who simply can't take it. Really a very strange scenario. I can't say I'd know how to respond were I in their shoes.

    But regardless, something in me still thinks what Coach Sullivan keeps thinking: "if only I could get you under a bar". I think it would change their worlds and lives, and possibly their stance on euthanasia as well. This article about Alzheimer's as a germ or infection is especially interesting to me since Claus chose to die ten years ago. Lot of hubbub surrounding that fact and his life and work this year in the newspapers and culture scene.

    Would definitely recommend him if you're interested in prose or poetry, btw. Lots of his stuff was translated into English. Never really broke through, but that's probably not because of any problems with the writing as is. Look up "The Mother" (poem) and "The Sorrow of Belgium" (prose, about collaboration during WW2).

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Manhattan Beach, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Scaldrew View Post
    But regardless, something in me still thinks what Coach Sullivan keeps thinking: "if only I could get you under a bar". I think it would change their worlds and lives, and possibly their stance on euthanasia as well.
    You’d have to catch them before significant cognitive decline occurred. Otherwise you’d never get the necessary level of compliance required to coach the movements.

    I’ve tried to coach patients with moderately advanced dementia to do body weight squats. Nonstarter unfortunately.

    Get ‘em earlier while you can still work with cognition and motivation!

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