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Thread: Racked Plates Etiquette

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Default Racked Plates Etiquette

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    Hey Rip,

    I've got a question regarding gym etiquette and whether or not I am out of line for what I see as standing up for myself.

    I use the gym at a university I am affiliated with, and I am really grateful that it has seven power racks (four including platforms). But the racks (and the gym as a whole) are woefully understocked with smaller sized plates. There are maybe ten sets of 10lbs, seven of 2.5lbs, and only six sets of 5lb plates.

    Because of this setup, the culture in this gym has always been to ASK at a rack in use if the user can spare the, say, 5lb plates stored on the rack. It's also been my practice to always set up a rack with all of the plates I will use for my workout, and I always communicate with people who show me the respect of asking for the plates I've set the up at the rack. For example: "Can I use your fives?" "Sure, but would you mind bringing them back when you're done, I'll need them again in ten minutes."

    Of course, some people just grab what they want when they want it, and since I understand they might be used to a Gold's where every rack has 16 5lb plates on it . . . I usually try to be patient and respectful.

    But last week, some dudebro just kept grabbing (without asking about it) the plates my partner and I had set up on a rack for our workouts. (The same dude also wouldn't clear the space for my partner's squat bar path without being asked to do so). So, eventually I politely asked this dudebro if I could have back the 10lb plate he had grabbed a few minutes earlier. He told me no, and that they were going to need it. I blew my F'ing stack. Like I said, I get it that some people might not see eye-to-eye with me about prepping a rack with the weights needed for upcoming sets. But this dudebro took a racked plate from our rack without asking, and when we had the courtesy to ask for (now "his") racked plate . . . he sees it as something that belongs to him. Am I right that this kid deserves my scorn?

    Sorry for the long post on a trivial matter, but I can't find much out there on this point of gym etiquette and I will take your view as final.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    It appears to me that if your gym allows him to keep plates at his station after he takes possession of them, then you just gave him your plates when he walked off with them. Looks like we have ourselves a dominance contest here. Maybe you can figure out a way to win.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by sportive.tricks View Post
    Hey Rip,

    But last week, some dudebro just kept grabbing (without asking about it) the plates my partner and I had set up on a rack for our workouts.
    Why didn't you speak up as soon as he tried to take them? A "HEY WE'RE USING THOSE" right then probably would have avoided the entire situation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Looks like maybe an Alpha/beta situation. We'll see.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    I did, the first two times. But the kid swiped the third one and got to work with it before I could say something this time. Like I said, lots of the college kids seem to just not get the situation/culture, so I figured I'd just let him workout and ask for it back later, which I did.

    I went alpha. When homeboy said they were using the plate, I told him he took it from me and that was bullshit and just took it back without his consent.

    I'm asking if I'm in the right here. Is it wrong to think I can keep plates stored on the rack I'm using as I go through my sets, even if they aren't on the bar at the moment someone else wants them? If people are courteous enough to ask and I will need the plates soon, I always just say "sure, but I'll need them back in X minutes."

    There's not any posted rules about keeping plates at a station, and almost zero supervision from the college work-study kids who "work" by sitting at a desk on their phones. It's a self-governed shituation for the most part.

  6. #6
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    North Texas


    The problem starts with the gym lacking sufficient equipment for their floor traffic. Talk to the school about that. But if the children cannot play nice with everybody else, they have to be dealt with by the grownups. I think you're fine here, and you stop being fine when you allow yourself to be dealt with by the children.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Chicago, IL


    I had a dude ask me to use my 2.5lbs in the middle of a heavy set. My "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" response did the trick.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The problem starts with the gym lacking sufficient equipment for their floor traffic. Talk to the school about that. But if the children cannot play nice with everybody else, they have to be dealt with by the grownups. I think you're fine here, and you stop being fine when you allow yourself to be dealt with by the children.
    Absolutely correct about the equipment; I will say something to management. And I certainly won't allow the kiddies to be in charge, especially since you agree I'm not out of line.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    He decided you weren't out of line when he refused to give them back. Not your rule.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Los Alamos, NM


    starting strength coach development program
    Unless you are from Florida, where counting and basic arithmetic skills are lacking, two 2.5 plates make five.

    Or buy your own fives.

    And no. You don’t get to hoard plates. No more than you can squat in a rack and reserve the bench press bench for latter.

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