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Thread: What if Rip’s wrong...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default What if Rip’s wrong...

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    ... I thought to myself, for the first time in five years.
    What if I’d be better off running or swimming into my old age.
    But then I remebered that what attracted me to The Program was logic. And that it has fulfilled all predections for me.
    At 54 I’m at least twice as strong as I ever been.
    I’ve stopped making a sound when getting out of the car and I still set modest PR:s once in a while.
    All my pains and aches are gone, I’m 30 pounds heavier but less fat.
    My four grownup kids have started lifting and chasing their dad.
    Sadly, they all passed me. I’d say my daughter, who squats 300x5 at 140 pounds is the strongest of us all.
    It feels like I’m a lifter for life. No choice anymore.
    So, thanks.

    Sorry for the asskissing but this has been a gamechanger for me.

    (Still can’t talk my wife out of ”high reps and yoga makes you strong in another way.”)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    It's good to hear occasionally. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2018


    Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

    I am slightly older than you, but:

    Like you, I found (and still find) the logic of Rip and Sully quite convincing. Especially the 2-phenotypes example in BBP.

    Like you, my son is now getting into it ... he was waiting to me to get a proper squat rack with safety bars (which I did) because he did not trust my saw-horses setup.

    Like you, my wife insists with yoga.

    But, of everything you've written and I agree with, the following is my favorite:

    Quote Originally Posted by Northswede View Post
    I’ve stopped making a sound when getting out of the car ...
    My wife and I call them "old people noises", the little moans and groans getting in/out of the car, off the couch, etc.

    Just a few weeks into the program that I stopped making them ol' people noises.
    It may not be an objective indication of gaining ground against aging, but it's a but very satisfying, if minor, bonus.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Northswede View Post
    ... I thought to myself, for the first time in five years.
    What if I’d be better off running or swimming into my old age.
    But then I remebered that what attracted me to The Program was logic. And that it has fulfilled all predections for me.
    At 54 I’m at least twice as strong as I ever been.
    I’ve stopped making a sound when getting out of the car and I still set modest PR:s once in a while.
    All my pains and aches are gone, I’m 30 pounds heavier but less fat.
    My four grownup kids have started lifting and chasing their dad.
    Sadly, they all passed me. I’d say my daughter, who squats 300x5 at 140 pounds is the strongest of us all.
    It feels like I’m a lifter for life. No choice anymore.
    So, thanks.

    Sorry for the asskissing but this has been a gamechanger for me.

    (Still can’t talk my wife out of ”high reps and yoga makes you strong in another way.”)
    Wait. Your daughter at 140lbs squats 300 x 5?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I keep telling you people that you are capable of more than the fools at the NSCA tell you you can do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by johnst_nhb View Post
    Wait. Your daughter at 140lbs squats 300 x 5?

    Yupp. She’s 32 yo, former marathon runner and spinning instructor with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Deadlifts 360x5 too.
    I’m mighty proud. After all she got the bug from me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015


    My kids are actually the only ones I managed to convince.
    Which I now realize is not so bad an outcome.
    Over these five years many guys of all ages, have approached me wondering how this grey haired geezer can be so strong and yes, fit.
    When I tell them I can see they don’t believe me.
    And the few I got to try IMMEDIATELY starts to alter and add even though I said don’t.
    It’s too simple. And demanding, I suppose.
    So I’ve stopped proselyting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    ive taken a 2 month break at the ripe age of 25. and now i get random aches from just going to bed. am pretty sure its just because I havent lifted in a while.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    "What if Rips wrong ..."

    if so, then there is going to be a long line of us having to return all the strength we got. Then there's the line returning all those pants with a smaller waist size. Then we get in the line to apologize for not feeling like 57 year old I am.

    If Rip is wrong, I really don't have time to make amends for what I've gain. Please Rip, say it isn't so ...

    After that lighter banter, here is the serious part. Thank you Rip!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Northswede View Post
    Yupp. She’s 32 yo, former marathon runner and spinning instructor with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Deadlifts 360x5 too.
    I’m mighty proud. After all she got the bug from me.
    Damn, good for her. That’s awesome!

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