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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #12851
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by George Christiansen View Post
    Then you're an accomplice yourself. An enabler.
    No, I'm someone who likes being able to get things like food. There is no option for a place to get some without a mask on. This just isn't that kind of territory, because we have things like the governor personally threatening businesses that don't follow his poorly thought out rules.

  2. #12852
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    No, I'm someone who likes being able to get things like food. There is no option for a place to get some without a mask on. This just isn't that kind of territory, because we have things like the governor personally threatening businesses that don't follow his poorly thought out rules.
    Our local Kroger still displays mask signage, but doesn’t enforce it, due to some violent incidents. Known by way of employee hearsay; I don’t have the details.

    Incidentally, our governor lifted the mask mandate recently, while continuing to promote masks as “the right thing to do”. I’m a single-issue pro-life voter, but I just might spite this guy in the next election. I’m also ready to spite my bishop for his same ignorance on the issue, but don’t really know how. Though I was the only one without a mask at his Easter vigil midnight Mass at the cathedral, one year ago. I think we made eye contact. Fun.

    In our local Catholic community, the mask is being promoted as “love of neighbor”. I would say preserving the republic qualifies as love of neighbor too. This is how we shrug our way into totalitarianism and slouch into the future.

  3. #12853
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  4. #12854
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    North Texas


    This was 3 years ago. What was the disposition of this? At least we know where not to move to in Texas. Olmos Park.

  5. #12855
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    Sep 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by VNV View Post
    I’m also ready to spite my bishop for his same ignorance on the issue, but don’t really know how. Though I was the only one without a mask at his Easter vigil midnight Mass at the cathedral, one year ago. I think we made eye contact. Fun.

    In our local Catholic community, the mask is being promoted as “love of neighbor”. I would say preserving the republic qualifies as love of neighbor too. This is how we shrug our way into totalitarianism and slouch into the future.
    The only time I wear a mask consistently is at our church. Why? I'm worried some parishioner will tattle to our bishop, and he'll take our priest and move him to another location. I dont want to be THAT person. If I didn't really love our priest, I'd not wear one. The other time is when I am performing some community service.

    Nearly everywhere else (gym, grocery store, restaurants) I don't wear one anymore. (but I did in Costco today... But it was under my chin most of the time)

  6. #12856
    Join Date
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    Chandler, AZ


    As my username indicates, I live in Arizona, where mask wearing is definitely on the decline. However, this week I am in the Boston area and it's kind of surreal, the difference. I've lost count of how many solo bicyclists and runners (and motorcyclists. Motorcyclists!) I've seen wearing masks. Walking around an outdoor shopping center yesterday evening, I was virtually the only one without a mask, from teenagers to senior citizens. This was outdoors, on a breezy evening, not in the least bit crowded. I just can't comprehend what is going through the minds of these people. They act like the virus is going to jump out from behind the next bush, tackle them, and fly down their throat. Are they really all that ignorant or is the desire for virtue signaling in this blue state that strong? Really bizarre and kind of depressing.

  7. #12857
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This was 3 years ago. What was the disposition of this? At least we know where not to move to in Texas. Olmos Park.
    Yes, it was. Standard issue police didn't start their war on ordinary citizens in 2020. Charges were dropped. The police report filed contradicted the video, and the police allegedly destroyed video cameras and SD cards of some citizens recording.

    They were sued by Grisham in 2020 and the city offered to settle and he rejected the offer. That is the last I heard of it.


    And here we have the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff and Board of Supervisors ignoring a subpoena to provide routers with ridiculous justification, aka lies.
    Maricopa County Bombshell: Missing Passwords, Routers in Arizona Audit, Emergency Senate Session Called

    "as well as protected health information and personal data of county citizens”

    This is not stored on routers. He's completely full of shit.

    Also it's pretty amazing the county did a previous "audit" without having passwords for the machines.

  8. #12858
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    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma
    They returned...this time with papers: The Gestapo came again attacking the Church!
    If Artur expects the Canadian people to rise up against tyranny, he's going to be disappointed. He can't even get the Calgary Police Service to punch him in the face like an autistic kid, much less the rest of the country to stand up on its hind legs and say stuff like "You're really upsetting me!" and "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be left alone, if it's okay with you." They suffer from a basic lack of aggression. Maybe the Vitamin D problem.
    They returned yet again...this time: Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski arrested after the Church service

    His crime? Holding church without allowing the health authorities in to chaperon.

  9. #12859
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Your comfort isn’t more important than my right to life. It IS NOT a persons right to choose. It’s in the Geneva Convention. Look it up.
    I’ll take your word for it. I don’t think that is relevant in this debate. Neither side can legitimately claim their life is in danger. Unless I miss your point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    However, the benefits of a mask you are missing include keeping your face warm and hiding your multiple chins
    That’s what beards are for.

  10. #12860
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    No, I'm someone who likes being able to get things like food. There is no option for a place to get some without a mask on. This just isn't that kind of territory, because we have things like the governor personally threatening businesses that don't follow his poorly thought out rules.
    One thing you can do in these full compliance areas is always walk in without a mask, and then put it on only when confronted. Those who really hate being confrontational can even participate with a smile and an "oh, I forgot!". If a critical mass of people participated in this, I think mask enforcement would erode almost like magic. Simply seeing uncovered faces in high compliance locations is psychologically powerful. The more often people see them, the quicker the magic fades, and the more exhausted the apparatchiks become with harassing people. What's the point if most of the people they confront smile, apologize, and put the mask on, while another "forgetful" person walks by without a mask thirty feet away? There aren't enough apparatchiks roaming about to plug every crack in the dam. The distraction would also give bolder people room to be more aggressive with their actions, almost like suppressive fire does. If we are going to have any chance of winning, I think we need to come up with and adopt subversive tactics like this. I understand that it isn't very palatable, but passive aggressiveness works better than direct action in the current culture, so "when in Rome..." Of course, this is no excuse to stop being bold where it is viable. The point is to arrange whatever troops we have according to their ability and circumstances. I suspect there are a lot of effective tactics we could use that don't even cross our minds because we tend not to be subversive, manipulative people. We like to handle things above board and directly. Unfortunately, they are exploiting this as a weakness, and they're doing a pretty good job of it.

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