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My question is, in this era of bullshit, is this even Monkeypox? Or is this some sort of weird, shingles-like reaction to the vaxes and boosters? I remember those signs in only the classiest of tote-sum stores of my youth, "In God we trust, all others pay cash." I'm feeling that a lot these days. I wanna see receipts on all their claims now.
I can tell you without looking that 17 yr old gang bangers knocking old folks in the head for their cash and then getting shot by another banger are included in their tally.
If we are so concerned about school shooting and mass killings why are we not taking animal abuse seriously?
When Luke Woodham shot up Pearl High School he did so after having tortured the dog to death. So did the Columbine kids. It's such a reliable indicator. Cops did jack about Woodham. They don't want to solve these issues because then, how will they further subjugate us?
-You aren't supposed to have a gun on school property most places.
- Can't sell guns to kids.
There are plenty of gun laws already why not maybe try enforcing what they have rather than throw a fit about the rest of us having them? Or here's a thought- why not try leaving tax paying citizens alone and actually enforce some shit that matters? Perhaps if you got the cops off crap like weed and prostitution and whether or not Becky has mowed her lawn this week they could concentrate on the fact that some little dipshit at the school is torturing his grandma's cat. I'm just sick to fucking death of this "oh the children" line when nobody gives a shit to do anything that isn't involving taking away rights from those who have never misused them. What's next? Take away our cars because we might hit a kid with one? I'd like to ask how far do the leftists wanna go with this shit but after the whole Covid lockdown I'm afraid of the answer.