Israeli Ministry of Health now blames climate change for spike in diseases associated with Covid "vaccines."
Interesting that there are no similar reports coming out of neighbouring Palestine which has an identical climate, but couldn’t afford the Covid jabs and hence has very low numbers of people jabbed versus Isreal’s very highly jabbed population
Financial Crimes, COVID + Con Artists With Whitney Webb + Dr. Jessica Rose | Childrens Health Defense
Firstly, I only have one previous comment in this thread which covers a couple things. Rather than regurgitate it, I'll see if I'm able to link it if someone cares to go back:
Here are a couple points that are an expansion of my other post. Please keep in mind, that each example is no more than 10 individuals (for each case) within my direct circle.
1. There were military members [friends, mind you] willing to tell me that they made a mistake in taking the injection (during this calendar year). Others who weren't as direct as that communicated that they were embarrassed by being taken.
2. During this whole process, there were other members who were confused when they learned of my injection-free-status (there is no HIPPA) and stated something similar to, "I didn't know you could say no." The thought had never occurred to them that they could refuse. I'll parse it down further... My peers DID NOT THINK. My superiors DID NOT THINK. Story: This is going back to pre-injection days... In a meeting (many people in this meeting, not a one-on-one) and a Two-Star at the main table who had just recovered from the COVID vehemently stated that if and when there is a vaccine created for COVID, he was certainly going to take it because he did not want to get COVID again...
Questioning is verboten. Questions are something-ist. Thou Shalt Not Question is a new commandment of our stunning and brave [current] culture.
I was fortunate. I was able to hit 20 years during this trial. I'll receive the pension I earned and was promised. Well, in theory. Ask me on 1 February!
It looks like were gonna have a battle over whether the blood supply is contaminated down in New Zealand:
The Baby Will story - Steve Kirsch's newsletter
The Deposition of Anthony Fauci
LEAKED VIDEO: World MISLED by falsified data, says Israeli journalist - Rebel News
I have only listened to the first 13 minutes of this interview, but it appears very important.
In it Musk discusses his thoughts on CBDCs, crypto and Fiat currencies, Snowden and Assange. He also discusses his logic behind freeing up speech on Twitter. Allowing for a so-to-speak, "Free Market" of ideas in the digital realm by using Twitter as leverage to force other media outlets to be more transparent in order compete in this arena. We can see that this along with other modes of media such as this thread, is having a huge impact on ratings and income for once big time outlets, such as CNN and channel 10 in Australia just to name a couple.
Take 10 minutes to listen to this hero!
The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates - Senate Speech 1.12.22 - YouTube
Japanese Professor Upends Ministry of Health: Disband Vax Committee, Investigate All Injuries
Japanese Professor Upends Ministry of Health: Disband Vax Committee, Investigate All Injuries
Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Nothing about what I've seen from what's been put out so far shocks or disturbs me. I basically assumed this was all happening already, it seemed pretty obvious. It's the endless march of Ukrainian flag emoji jackasses willing to minimize or even justify this shit. There really is no reconciling this divide. Both sides have totally different beliefs about how life should fundamentally exist in this country. One side also wants to totally subjugate or annihilate the other.
The rise of Archaeologists Anonymous - UnHerd
If you're an archaeologist that remotely interested in reality, you're now reduced to the level of a 4chan anon to share your research.
Separate topic but given the wide breadth of knowledge and experience on this forum, there might be an answer to this topic:
Our Present Dark Age, Part 1 | Steve Patterson
Patterson is a philosopher that has come to the conclusion that we are living in the new Dark Ages, defined by most underlying beliefs in disciplines being wrong.
I think his argument is logical on the face of it, but it's also highly unlikely to be true by virtue of history being full of people claiming their generation is the dumbest.By a “dark age”, I do not mean that all modern beliefs are false. The earth is indeed round. Instead, I mean that all of our structures of knowledge are plagued by errors, at all levels, from the trivial to the profound, periphery to the fundamental. Nothing that you’ve been taught can be believed because you were taught it. Nothing can be believed because others believe it. No idea is trustworthy because it’s written in a textbook.
By voter suppression, I guess you mean the way Maricopa County's machines were broken. You can't possibly mean that People Of Color were prevented from voting because they could not qualify for state-issued identification. Come to think of it, I've never seen a POC on a commercial flight. Damn, I guess it's a problem.
Subby, I appreciate your posting these two links. They are among the most important things we've discussed on this thread. I'd advise everyone who likes to the The Big Picture to read them.
From the first link to the anonymous archeologist:
From the Patterson piece:At the heart of this attempt at erasure lies a fundamental disagreement over archaeology’s purpose. While modern researchers cloak their liberal progressive worldview in the trappings of objective science, the fact is that archaeology is predominantly about telling human stories, and with that, stories of different peoples. The roots of archaeological scholarship lie in the antiquarian past, where intellectually curious men (it was mostly men), worked to piece together foundational narratives about their country and kin. From William Camden’s Britannia (1586) to Flavio Biondo’s Italia illustrata (1474), European scholars were concerned with connecting their nation’s past to the present. But since the Second World War, the trend in Western archaeology has increasingly been to “debunk” or “critically assess” national origin stories: to illegitimate vulgar emotional attachments to roots or claims to exclusive heritage. And yet the public are not stupid; it is obvious that these sentiments are political and inconsistent. Compare these two quotes:
“As sensible anthropologists and sensible historians have reminded us: cultures are always in the process of changing and reconstituting themselves, sometimes in almost unrecognisable, qualitatively different ways. There is no culture that has existed ‘since time immemorial’ and no people that is aboriginal in terms of their contemporary culture with a specific piece of real estate.”
“Indigenous Australians belong to the oldest continuous culture on earth. Ancient artefacts from Lake Mungo help show us what people ate and how they lived thousands of years ago. Today, the Paakantji, Mutthi Mutthi and Ngyimpaa people of the Lake Mungo region continue their close connections to the land.”
The first of these is from Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus (1995) by Philip L. Kohl and Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, the second from the National Museum of Australia. One takes aim at the people of the Caucasus identifying too strongly with their ancestors, the second happily accepts that modern Aboriginal Australians are the owners of, and descendants from, 40,000-year-old fossils found at Lake Mungo. The official acceptance that these Pleistocene skeletons are the sole preserve of the Aboriginal people and not the common inheritance of humanity has been securely acknowledged.
By a “dark age”, I do not mean that all modern beliefs are false. The earth is indeed round. Instead, I mean that all of our structures of knowledge are plagued by errors, at all levels, from the trivial to the profound, periphery to the fundamental. Nothing that you’ve been taught can be believed because you were taught it. Nothing can be believed because others believe it. No idea is trustworthy because it’s written in a textbook.
The process that results in the production of knowledge in textbooks is flawed, because the methodology employed by intellectuals is not sufficiently rigorous to generate high-quality ideas. The epistemic standards of the 20th century were not high enough to overcome social, psychological, and political entropy. Our academy has failed.Rather than grapple with difficult concepts, nearly every modern intellectual is trying to avoid embarrassment for themselves and for their social class. They are trying to maintain their relative position in a social hierarchy that is constructed around orthodoxies. They adhere to these orthodoxies, not because they thought the ideas through, but because they cannot bear the social cost of disagreement.
I’ve always felt that voting is one of the easier things to achieve compared to things like health care, driving or taxes. For example, considering you are given a full four years of notification of the precise date for the next presidential election, you hardly have an excuse.
However, my point is that it is unlikely that voter suppression has NEVER occurred and that discussions of voter fraud should address it if only to point out how rare (and random in a stochastic sense) it is comparatively.