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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #25841
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    Please reread my previous posts. I specifically indicated that the individuals at the Rittenhouse shooting as rioters. Why? Because they were rioting. I am not defending their actions. But having a child bring a weapon into an active riot is also not a good idea. He made a bad situation worse. If you were to state the rioters should also be charged with crimes I would be in agreement. I am also not concerned about leftist or rightest attacks on government buildings. Both groups should be charged if this is what occurred.

    But I am now engaging with someone who uses memes he found on the internet to advance their views. I guess you win this round.
    I knew you would do this. How was Kyle wrong and made a bad situation worse? The riot was under control that people like Kyle were not needed? Businesses were not being burnt to the ground and lives were not ruined for generations? Lives were not lost (I refuse to count the felons who Kyle shot)? So many crimes committed by rioters and you chose to pick on the rare citizen who stood up. This clearly shows were your sympathies lie except for a token "If you were to state the rioters should also be charged with crimes I would be in agreement"
    You call him a child with a weapon -- have you seen the videos and photos of the shooting? This child was running for his life from a mob, shot at 3 people who were an immediate danger to him, did not miss and did not hit the other rioters. Shows excellent composure to me. Why would you charge towards anyone who is holding a rifle? Was he threatening you or your loved one? You think your pseudo moral outrage is going to turn into Kevlar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    . I am also not concerned about leftist or rightest attacks on government buildings. Both groups should be charged if this is what occurred.
    What do you mean "if this is what occurred"? Jan 6th occurred and the other events may or may not have occurred? Maybe Jan 6th is not totally unique and was exacerbated by bad law enforcement agents inciting the crowd, police officers opening doors and letting people in despite other "rioters" begging the Capitol police to call for backup.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    But I am now engaging with someone who uses memes he found on the internet to advance their views. I guess you win this round.
    The beauty of a meme is the point is made succinctly, sometimes with hyperbole, but the point is made nevertheless.

  2. #25842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    Yes, it is easier to argue with the more sarcastic elements of my post rather than the actual point that was conveyed regarding the demographic change of this specific county over the past 50 years.
    Why would I try to have a rational discussion with you? There is absolutely no point to that. Maybe a decade ago I would've actually been naive enough to try that. Now I just interact with you with the goal of amusing myself.

  3. #25843
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCW1970 View Post
    Thank goodness The U.S. still has a semblance of federalism, and we can vote with our feet. Weighing options on what state to move to. My wife's from the Philippines. That means it can't be a state with a cold winter (New Hampshire was high on my list). Florida's too humid. Texas, Tennessee, and North Carolina are the top three options now.

    We have about half a dozen years to plan.
    You should consider the possibility that the map will be different in 5 years. That might affect your plans.

    Quote Originally Posted by vkp78 View Post
    What do you mean "if this is what occurred"? Jan 6th occurred and the other events may or may not have occurred? Maybe Jan 6th is not totally unique and was exacerbated by bad law enforcement agents inciting the crowd, police officers opening doors and letting people in despite other "rioters" begging the Capitol police to call for backup.
    Isn't it amazing how leftists can avoid information that even makes them slow down a little?

  4. #25844
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Babbitt View Post
    Rip and Stef:


    6 posts in the forums, all of them
    just happen to be in this thread.

    The only question is…

    A burner account for a disgruntled, Leftist regular member of the forums or simply, disruptive loser?
    Probably the return of a banned troll no doubt...

  5. #25845
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    You guys are paying entirely too much attention to goldfarb. Instead, pay more attention to what fine young Merrick Garland promised the Ukrainians: AG Merrick Garland makes surprise visit to Lviv, Ukraine

    Zelensky said the "United for Justice Conference" was the first step toward creating a legal network to identify and prosecute Russians involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
    What he said: "We are here today in Ukraine to speak clearly, and with one voice: the perpetrators of those crimes will not get away with them," Garland said at the conference, per his prepared remarks.
    What if China decides that Americans committed crimes against the Ukrainians? Do they really believe that the presence of Mark Milley, Rachel Levine, and Sam Brinton will discourage our enemies with their Terrible Swift Sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Incredible discovery places humans in California 130,000 years ago | Ars Technica

    Predates Clovis culture by 100,000 years.
    Denisovians were the only ones likely to be there at the time.
    Joe Rogan | The Strange History of the Denisovans w/Graham Hancock - YouTube
    I wish this was more compelling. Would be fun.

  6. #25846
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    I wish this was more compelling. Would be fun.
    For a little levity and a comparison to general current affairs:

    If you consider that the Egyptian pyramids were made out of poured concrete and formed on site, a lot of problems are solved. Cutting complicated geometric shapes out of solid stone, moving the stones, getting them up to the high levels, creating perfectly smooth shafts and tunnels….

    The academic authorities hate this idea based on arguments like “ I’m the world’s expert”, “ we’ve solved this. Case closed”, “we already looked at this”, etc.

    However, moving 50lb sacks of dry concrete, water, and building wood forms as you go, makes a lot of sense. Also, each block self levels which eliminates a slew of problems.

    Two questions for everybody: what do you think about the concrete theory (I just watch some youtube nonsense)? And, do you see the similarity to modern medical, academic, and political dogma?

  7. #25847
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    Cracks in the wall: Another week, another 57 Americans reported dead to VAERS (v64 last week) amongst 1,841 adverse events (v 1,691 last week)

    From here and here there were 57 deaths amongst 1,841 adverse events (US only) reported for the week ended 24 February 2023. This lifts the cumulative number of US deaths reported to VAERS to 17,024 and the number of adverse events to 940,017.

    Total reports to VAERS from all round the world (including the US) for doses made by US companies reporting to the FDA/CDC, were for another 98 deaths amongst 2,889 adverse events for the week, lifting cumulative reports of death to 34,576 amongst 1,527,371 adverse events.

  8. #25848
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    For a little levity and a comparison to general current affairs:

    If you consider that the Egyptian pyramids were made out of poured concrete and formed on site, a lot of problems are solved. Cutting complicated geometric shapes out of solid stone, moving the stones, getting them up to the high levels, creating perfectly smooth shafts and tunnels….

    The academic authorities hate this idea based on arguments like “ I’m the world’s expert”, “ we’ve solved this. Case closed”, “we already looked at this”, etc.

    However, moving 50lb sacks of dry concrete, water, and building wood forms as you go, makes a lot of sense. Also, each block self levels which eliminates a slew of problems.

    Two questions for everybody: what do you think about the concrete theory (I just watch some youtube nonsense)? And, do you see the similarity to modern medical, academic, and political dogma?
    Doesn't poured concrete have a different internal structure than cut stone?

  9. #25849
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    Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vaccine Gives Update On The Biggest Trial Against Big Pharma In American History
    Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vaccine Gives Update On The Biggest Trial Against Big Pharma In American History

    What the WHO Is Actually Proposing ⋆ Brownstone Institute

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    You were right about him obviously, he is good intentioned.
    I noticed an interesting change of pattern in his rhetoric after he interviewed Tess Lawrie. So i figured I would give him the benefit of the doubt. It took him a while to come to terms with the magnitude of evil that transpired. But he most certainly is fully red pilled. For an elderly guy who has been intrenched in the system and trusted it his entire life. Couple that with a good following on YouTube and financial incentives from his following. And then to speak out and draw attention to matters that can effect his platform and funding, I can give credit where it is due.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnst_nhb View Post
    He’s also a fucking moron if he ever thought masks were going to work. Every scientist that works in any BSL2+ lab knew this.
    I totally agree with you. What the entire ordeal we went through the last 3 years has taught me. Is that you can have many letters at the end of your name given to you by top universities, yet be as stupid as fuck!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Incredible discovery places humans in California 130,000 years ago | Ars Technica

    Predates Clovis culture by 100,000 years.
    Denisovians were the only ones likely to be there at the time.
    Joe Rogan | The Strange History of the Denisovans w/Graham Hancock - YouTube
    I wish this was more compelling. Would be fun.
    I agree, basing a theory on a DNA sample of a knuckle is stretching it a bit. However, Hancock does make a good case regarding his ancient civilization thesis in his books Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians of the Gods.

    For some "fun" listening. This debate that Joe Rogan hosts between Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson against the author of Skeptic Magazine Michael Shermer is an interesting listen.
    Spoiler alert: Shermer doesn't fare well at all.

    Joe Rogan Experience #961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer - YouTube
    Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & his latest book "Magicians of the Gods". Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. Michael Shermer is a science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and Editor in Chief of its magazine Skeptic.

  10. #25850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    I have had friends who have gotten into traffic accidents with illegal aliens or Hispanics that did not have insurance; every time a Hispanic cop shows up, the White person is cited and fined, no matter who was actually at fault.
    The white cops are more or less like this too. They just let them get away with having no documentation, I had one drive directly into the back of my car at a red light because he wasn't even looking at it and fucking around on his phone. Cop showed up and told him "you can't drive this vehicle without a license", no ticket was issued. Cop drove away. Guy got in his own car and drove off in it. Cops are all being instructed to treat them this way. They are the all-important slave class that is driving up housing prices and driving down wages, allowing the wealthiest to win big, and government serves them. By proxy, so do the cops.

    I will say I haven't seen evidence of a "mwahaha we're taking over now" type demeanor, but it's probably because the ones here all come from different countries and probably dislike each other too much to unify like that. Maybe by you they're all Mexican and think that way.

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