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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #25851
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Two questions for everybody: what do you think about the concrete theory (I just watch some youtube nonsense)? And, do you see the similarity to modern medical, academic, and political dogma?
    Don't need to watch youtube nonsense. After all they made bricks.

    People have stood by their opinion/belief/discovery as the "dogma" since the beginning of time. The earth is flat. Brontosaurus. Pluto.

  2. #25852
    Join Date
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    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    For a little levity and a comparison to general current affairs:

    If you consider that the Egyptian pyramids were made out of poured concrete and formed on site, a lot of problems are solved. Cutting complicated geometric shapes out of solid stone, moving the stones, getting them up to the high levels, creating perfectly smooth shafts and tunnels….

    The academic authorities hate this idea based on arguments like “ I’m the world’s expert”, “ we’ve solved this. Case closed”, “we already looked at this”, etc.

    However, moving 50lb sacks of dry concrete, water, and building wood forms as you go, makes a lot of sense. Also, each block self levels which eliminates a slew of problems.

    Two questions for everybody: what do you think about the concrete theory (I just watch some youtube nonsense)? And, do you see the similarity to modern medical, academic, and political dogma?
    Maybe 20-25 years ago, Nova on PBS did an episode with Mark Lehner who partnered with a stone mason from New England and a bunch of Egyptian workers to try and build like a three meter tall mock-up of a pyramid in order to show the world how it was really done. Sufficed to say, they got about six core blocks in place, a couple of finish stones, and ended up throwing their hands up in exasperation AND declaring victory against those nasty non-credentialed researchers.

    In the course of the project, the guy who came up with the concrete theory was invited to show Lehner how it might work in practice.

    It didn’t. Not even close. The Romans ended up showing us how much infrastructure is really needed to build anything with concrete.

    Not that I agree with Egyptologists on really anything with regard to ancient Egypt, but you have to hand it to them when they bring out a crank to straw man anyone who won’t accept their insistence that what they do is revelatory and not discovery. Zahi Hawass’s fall from grace was particularly satisfying, on another note.

    This is what Hancock does so well, even if I’ve come to lose a lot of respect for him due to his unfortunate Boomer grudge against the Church. But keep on proving the Flood was real, Graham.

  3. #25853
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    Why worry about inflation, financial support of war, immigration, vaccine fatalities, etc...when you have NAZIS (or White Nationals/anti-Democratic, it's the same really) threathening your National power grid by hopping over fences and shooting pieces of metal? Set your priorities straight! It's not like the government can pay to secure this shit!

    Why the US Power Grid is Under Attack - YouTube

  4. #25854
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    Feb 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by vkp78 View Post
    I knew you would do this. How was Kyle wrong and made a bad situation worse? The riot was under control that people like Kyle were not needed? Businesses were not being burnt to the ground and lives were not ruined for generations? Lives were not lost (I refuse to count the felons who Kyle shot)? So many crimes committed by rioters and you chose to pick on the rare citizen who stood up. This clearly shows were your sympathies lie except for a token "If you were to state the rioters should also be charged with crimes I would be in agreement"
    You call him a child with a weapon -- have you seen the videos and photos of the shooting? This child was running for his life from a mob, shot at 3 people who were an immediate danger to him, did not miss and did not hit the other rioters. Shows excellent composure to me. Why would you charge towards anyone who is holding a rifle? Was he threatening you or your loved one? You think your pseudo moral outrage is going to turn into Kevlar?
    Well that is convenient that you decided not to count the people who were actually killed so you can maintain your argument. He made an already volatile situation worse. As I said, I can see why it was considered self defense. However, if the one person did not pull up his pistol that was aimed at Rittenhouse and shot him I could easily see that as self defense as well. Would you not agree with this statement?

    I believe the first person he shot who chased him (which is not an action I endorse, because yes the child did have a gun) had mental problems and was just released from a psychiatric ward if my memory is correct. The other two people were shot because they were attempting to apprehend the kid who just shot someone. Keep in mind that this all happened because this kid wanted to protect a literal dumpster fire. Who would have thought that introducing random people with guns into volatile situation who have no training or ability to conduct themselves in these situations is not a good idea? If he was as composed as you say he would not have placed himself in a situation where he may have in fact been running for his life. But I guess that dumpster fire was put out, so lets lionize the kid some more.

    What do you mean "if this is what occurred"? Jan 6th occurred and the other events may or may not have occurred? Maybe Jan 6th is not totally unique and was exacerbated by bad law enforcement agents inciting the crowd, police officers opening doors and letting people in despite other "rioters" begging the Capitol police to call for backup.
    Allow me to be more clear regarding what I meant. What I actually meant is that I did not take the time to read what you linked to. Why? Because it had no bearing on anything that was being discussed regardless if leftists attacked government buildings in the past. You seem to have this view that there are only two sides; your side which you deem to be correct and the other (incorrect) side which you paint as what you think are my beliefs. You can call this leftist vs rightest, liberal vs conservative, you vs me, or whatever else you want to paint these two boxes as. The truth is that these labels simply do not fit with what I have been saying. If a leftist group attacks a government building I would want them to face the same consequences as if a rightest group attacks a government building. If a rioter is rioting and causing property damage they should be charged equally regardless of their political cause. Do you disagree with this statement.

    The beauty of a meme is the point is made succinctly, sometimes with hyperbole, but the point is made nevertheless.
    They are also intellectually lazy and typically used by people you are not smart enough to think for themselves. In the case of those specific memes they did not even directly address anything that I have said and were in fact blatant mischaracterizations of what I said. In other words, they were not in response to what I actually said, but instead the views that you view that I have.

    Now allow me to circle back around to my initial post regarding this rancher who will be on trial. Keep in mind I have neither said he was guilty or innocent. He may have had cause for it to be self defense which can be brought up at trial. I would just expect him to face the same legal consequences any any other man, regardless of race. That is all that I said and look at the dust storm that kicked up.

  5. #25855
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    Quote Originally Posted by conradbc View Post
    Probably the return of a banned troll no doubt...
    Absolutely no question you are right. Rip’s level of patience far exceeds my own with this nonsense.

  6. #25856
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  7. #25857
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    This is also true, but Gilead has been teaching me to let go of my murderous ways and give people another chance.
    I know “murderous ways” is hyperbole , but this is exactly how we’ll have this again:

    If we don’t call them morons and we just “give them another chance” then they’ll do it again with impunity. They know this.

    Real science will likely never recover from this shit show.

    However, the silver lining of all this is that quite a lot of people have realized their GP/family doctor actually knows very little and is just a specialist referral machine for insurance companies. And of course, a shill for big Pharm (of which I am still a big fan of the actual good parts).

  8. #25858
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    Quote Originally Posted by VNV View Post
    Doesn't poured concrete have a different internal structure than cut stone?
    I’m the wrong person to ask. Some say yes and others no. I’ll go out on a limb and assert concrete is more likely than aliens.

  9. #25859
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I’m pulling for Zuby!

  10. #25860
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