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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #27131
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    So, I've actually been following the UFO/paranormal/cryptozoology scene for like 25 years... I don't buy into it but for whatever reason I find it interesting as a sociological concept. Anyway, once you follow this stuff for long enough, you notice the same patterns and cycles emerging. The current UFO talk is the same shit they were saying in the 70's, then the 90's, and now today.

    Every 20 years or so there'll be a new investigative journalist, new government source, and usually a new documentary or two, that promises to finally be the "real deal smoking gun" that is going to prove once and for all that UFOs and aliens are real.

    All that will happen though, is a few quasi-official reports may come out confirming that a few UFO sightings can't be explained, maybe a blurry image of some amorphous blob will be leaked, a former government employee will say, "I've seen crystal clear images of alien spacecraft, but they're classified" and then everything will die down for another 20 years. The current UFO wave is a nothingburger, as all previous UFO waves have been.

    For those who may be interested in the topic.. read Kenneth Arnold's first description of what he reportedly saw, and then look up the German WWII Horton Hoo aircraft. I personally believe all UFO sightings are just unclassified military aircraft, starting with delta wing airplanes the US inherited from the Luftwaffe thanks to Operation Paperclip.
    The "TikTok" UFOs (for example) were "seen" by pilots only after a technology upgrade. I think the programmers pulled a fast one on the pilots. Everything the pilots "saw" was through their technology. This one was child's play for the programmers.

    In 1968, I first saw holographic technology at Disney World's Haunted Mansion where the ghosts were dancing in the ballroom. 55 years later, how far has that kind of technology advanced behind closed doors? For all we know, we've already been fooled by technology (911?). Are we sure about what we "saw" that day?

    We only KNOW one thing: most of what we are fed is fiction.

    Recent Example? The PCR test cycle threshold scam. Such a low-class trick, but it worked brilliantly.

    The UFO thing is just another trailer park trick. Eventually, it will be rolled out to scare the shit out of everyone just like 911 and this Pandemic did. And we will all welcome a world government because...after all...we need to unite the world to deal with these mean ole aliens. For the sake of humanity and our planet, We must immediately "put all these past transgressions behind us". There will be no more "past speech".

    It's all about covering up crimes/lies and centralizing of power so that it can be more efficiently controlled.

    Everything is a trick...a lie. Everything. And, whenever one of the political, scientific, corporate, academic, medical, or religious elite are pinned down about one of their tricks/lies...this is EXACTLY what we see:

    WilliamA33 on Gab: 'Having a functioning society requires a minimum o…' - Gab Social

    Extrapolate this up the food chain to the elite. There is absolutely no difference between this lady's behavior/mindset and that of Anthony Fauci.

    They Live.

  2. #27132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    So, I've actually been following the UFO/paranormal/cryptozoology scene for like 25 years... I don't buy into it but for whatever reason I find it interesting as a sociological concept. Anyway, once you follow this stuff for long enough, you notice the same patterns and cycles emerging. The current UFO talk is the same shit they were saying in the 70's, then the 90's, and now today.

    Every 20 years or so there'll be a new investigative journalist, new government source, and usually a new documentary or two, that promises to finally be the "real deal smoking gun" that is going to prove once and for all that UFOs and aliens are real.

    All that will happen though, is a few quasi-official reports may come out confirming that a few UFO sightings can't be explained, maybe a blurry image of some amorphous blob will be leaked, a former government employee will say, "I've seen crystal clear images of alien spacecraft, but they're classified" and then everything will die down for another 20 years. The current UFO wave is a nothingburger, as all previous UFO waves have been.

    For those who may be interested in the topic.. read Kenneth Arnold's first description of what he reportedly saw, and then look up the German WWII Horton Hoo aircraft. I personally believe all UFO sightings are just unclassified military aircraft, starting with delta wing airplanes the US inherited from the Luftwaffe thanks to Operation Paperclip.
    When the supposed Roswell incident happened, one of the first things the military did was try and track down where the Horton Brothers were. The second thing was they called a bunch of Paperclip scientists to assess the stuff. Turns out virtually everything in the wreckage had some kind of basis in pre-WWII and/or WWII technology that had either been patented by the Germans or was in an earlier stage of development. See Joseph Farrell's work on the subject.

    Also, and I've mentioned this before, "people in military uniforms" factor heavily into reports of so-called "alien abductions." Read the reports of Betty and Barney Hill who described such individuals. Whitley Strieber has also talked about memories of military involvement in his youth and that his abduction experiences go back likely to his childhood.

  3. #27133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    The "TikTok" UFOs (for example) were "seen" by pilots only after a technology upgrade. I think the programmers pulled a fast one on the pilots. Everything the pilots "saw" was through their technology. This one was child's play for the programmers.

    In 1968, I first saw holographic technology at Disney World's Haunted Mansion where the ghosts were dancing in the ballroom. 55 years later, how far has that kind of technology advanced behind closed doors? For all we know, we've already been fooled by technology (911?). Are we sure about what we "saw" that day?

    We only KNOW one thing: most of what we are fed is fiction.

    Recent Example? The PCR test cycle threshold scam. Such a low-class trick, but it worked brilliantly.

    The UFO thing is just another trailer park trick. Eventually, it will be rolled out to scare the shit out of everyone just like 911 and this Pandemic did. And we will all welcome a world government because...after all...we need to unite the world to deal with these mean ole aliens. For the sake of humanity and our planet, We must immediately "put all these past transgressions behind us". There will be no more "past speech".

    It's all about covering up crimes/lies and centralizing of power so that it can be more efficiently controlled.

    Everything is a trick...a lie. Everything. And, whenever one of the political, scientific, corporate, academic, medical, or religious elite are pinned down about one of their tricks/lies...this is EXACTLY what we see:

    WilliamA33 on Gab: 'Having a functioning society requires a minimum o…' - Gab Social

    Extrapolate this up the food chain to the elite. There is absolutely no difference between this lady's behavior/mindset and that of Anthony Fauci.

    They Live.
    What do you mean by:

    Are we sure about what we "saw" that day?

  4. #27134
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    Default Reclaiming Democracy with @ElonMusk and @RobertKennedyJr

  5. #27135
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    This is how far from reality you can get with children and climate religion: Rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170tn in climate reparations

  6. #27136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnsonville View Post
    What do you mean by:

    Are we sure about what we "saw" that day?
    I "saw" it on TV.

    A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in 5 Minutes by James Corbett (Classic)

  7. #27137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It's becoming more difficult every day to find an example of something that makes logical sense.
    T-shirt this one.

  8. #27138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is how far from reality you can get with children and climate religion: Rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170tn in climate reparations
    When they can bill, and get paid by India and China, I'll start to take them seriously.

  9. #27139
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is how far from reality you can get with children and climate religion: Rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170tn in climate reparations
    I'm sure China and Russia are setting aside their share of the reparations money and not just laughing their asses off.

  10. #27140
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    Tucker debuts on Twitter:

    This is very good.

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