Wagner chief among passengers on crashed plane – officials
Looks like Prigozhin might have finally been taken care of. I'm still agnostic on what really happened here, and have no theories about it that I think really click.
I don't think it's haphazard at all. What the left loved about the Soviets is that they were anti-Christian and anti-tradition. Putin is bolstering tradition and Orthodox Christianity. It's that simple. The left has always hated Russians. What they loved was a system of government that worked to destroy the Russian people and replace them with a "new Soviet man". Putin spouts none of that nonsense, instead promoting rhetoric that aims to revive the traditional Russian man. Of course leftists are going to hate him because leftists hate all such "fascists".
In the war between Clown World and the traditional West, Putin's Russia would make a natural ally for the American and European remnants. Both Trump and Hillary understood this, which is why Trump tried hard to cultivate a friendship, and why Hillary publicly lead the left's fanatical attempts to drive a wedge between Americans and Russia. Such an alliance was absolutely terrifying to the left, and had to be stopped at all costs.