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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #28821
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    The first clip is fascinating in that I could not even comprehend these things being said about any other group of people than Europeans. I hate to have to point it out, but note that Sharon Osbourne is also Jewish (I couldn't help but wonder, so I looked it up). So the first clip is two Jews sitting around, smoking weed and celebrating the replacement of the English. How is this acceptable in any way? How desperate are these people to be hated by their hosts?
    The high trust trap:

    We accepted them with open arms, as friends and neighbors.
    We sympathized with the plight of their nation, giving them generous gifts, till they could get on their feet.
    We said they were just like us; we excitedly adopted their cultural quirks, as we had with immigrants before.
    We wanted them to be just like us; even when they committed inexplicable crimes against our nation, dismissed it as incompetence or a few bad apples.

    But, where were our friends and neighbors when it was time to return a helping hand?
    But, how many express gratitude for these gifts or the lives of our soldiers; given so that their nation might survive?
    But, they were not eager to accept our society as it existed or assimilate like our immigrants before; the cultural values were incompatible.
    But, they never wanted to be like us; no crimes against our nation were ever met with cries of condemnation against a member of their own tribe

    Now, it feels like betrayal.

  2. #28822
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    Feb 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Zaks View Post
    Israel won’t survive without a miracle short of Divine Intervention.
    House approves $14.5 billion in assistance for Israel as Biden vows to veto the GOP plan | PBS NewsHour

    Billions of US taxpayer money plus the support of the entire US military sounds pretty miraculous to me.

    The US won't even do that for it's own border.

  3. #28823
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    United Kingdom


    I was going to post that, but you beat me to it.

    He represents the kind of left-wing liberal Zionist Jew who has had his time, I think. A man who was born in New York, spending 67 years on US soil telling the White American public and they need to think and behave as individuals first and foremost. With joint in hand, over and over he reminded Americans to divorce themselves from the ideas of tribalism, nationalism and ethnic group identity - and embrace individualism and the "melting pot". Now, suddenly, reality bites for the Jewish people and his mask of liberal individualism immediately comes off. What lurked underneath this liberal veneer all along? The very thing he said was strictly off limits for people of European stock, and would lead to cattle cars and gas chambers. Oyyyyy Mr. Maher! Blood and soil nationalism? I'm shocked!

    It has been interesting to dip in out and out of the thread recently, and read the views of the different demographics represented here on the board who are pro-Israel.

    We have the Boomers, who hold the views they do for obvious reasons. They popped out when they did, and naturally adopted the Nuremberg mythos with everything that entails for their political and even spiritual world-view. Not only that, but the Cold War happened. If you were a conservative Boomer, it was made clear to you whose side Israel was on. This little nation, surrounded by enemies, stood alone and represented Western "democratic values" in the region, and all that stuff. These TeRrOr groups - the PLO, Fatah (and even the IRA) were Soviet creations and if you were against Israel, the good guys, you were basically as good as Red.

    Then there’s also the conservative type who simply worships Israel as it embodies everything he is not. Just as a cuckold gets off on another man’s virility and power - a literal "cuckservative". The Lindsey Graham, or the Glenn Beck. Not only are they impressed by Israel’s ruthless, powerful nature and its readiness to destroy and kill, but they worship the strong, vital Jewish group identity, as they themselves lack a similarly real, deeply meaningful identity outside of some vague modern day American values. They look at it from afar and fantasize about experiencing it.

    You have to watch Glenn Beck professing his love for Israel and plea for Israeli citizenship, by the way. I can’t believe it’s not satire. Fucking hilarious: Glenn Beck Is Asking For Israeli Citizenship - YouTube

    You then have the weird, modern-day Christian Zionist types who, for some reason, want to be simply want to be good goys and kiss Israel's arse. They enjoy nothing more than licking the boot of the organised Jewish community in America because Jesus was a Jew?... who was then killed by the Jews? Christ was their messiah, but the Jews, as God's chosen favourites, are still actually waiting for the real messiah? All the while Orthodox Jews refer to Jesus Christ as "the pig" and spit on nuns and priests in Jerusalem? So, it's like the Glen Beck video, but somehow even more deranged. I'm not a Christian so I'm not interested in scripture, and as a European I believe this is more of a weird American thing. Also an Australian thing, apparently. From what I understand, Christianity was a lot less gay before Vatican II.

    If you don’t have the Cold War relationship to Israel, what even is Israel to you as an American in 2023? We scratched our heads here in the thread, ignoring the inconvenient and anti-Semitic stats about Jewish Zionist presidential election campaign donors, and their over-representation in American political life, and all that, and in good faith we asked why America appears to bend-over backwards to help and forgive the misdeeds of Israel, specifically Israel, above all others? The best we could come up was they provide the US with useful intelligence about... Iran... and its proxies? OK...

    As time passes, people feel more able to vocalise what Zionism is and what it isn’t - and not just echo what liberal Zionists purport it to be. People are increasingly prepared to abandon the fiction (shared by a more than a few on this board) that is “Zionism is just is a multi-cultural, parliamentary, democratic configuration of government”… and embrace the obvious truth, which is “Zionism IS Jewish nationalism and supremacism”. Especially the new wave of Gen-Z, just coming out of college who will occupy the seats of power in 20 years, and who have been taught to view everything through the lens of ‘oppressor’ and ‘oppressed’. They equally apply this logic to any nation state with a whiff of colonialism about it, including Israel.

    63% of Gen-Z don't know that 6-million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and the organised Jewish community in America have repeatedly referred to the events of WW2 in one way or another in order to silence every criticism of hypocrisy and double-standards, over-representation in certain influential spheres and perceived dual loyalties, and it has worked pretty well. Until now.

    The left-wing, liberal Zionists like Bill Maher can't simultaneously demonize the White man for kneeling on a black criminal's neck in America, celebrate White replacement in Western nations and advocate for individualism... then in the same breath call for the collective punishment and ethnic cleansing of Levantine Arabs in order to secure Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People and the Jewish people exclusively. To keep the Zionist project alive for a while longer, the organised Jewish community in the West is going to have to adopt a far more aggressive sounding, right-leaning, conservative tone in future.

  4. #28824
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Regardless, if everyone is lying, which has an element of truth, that statement includes Tucker as well as you and me.
    I am aware of that. One must remain skeptical.

  5. #28825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    With joint in hand, over and over he reminded Americans to divorce themselves from the ideas of tribalism, nationalism and ethnic group identity - and embrace individualism and the "melting pot".
    I'm sure you know this Matt, but for those that don't, the term "melting pot" was popularized by Israel Zangwill in his play of the same name.

    A synopsis of the play:

    "The Melting Pot is a play by Israel Zangwill, first staged in 1908. It depicts the life of a Russian Jewish immigrant family, the Quixanos, in the United States. David Quixano has survived a pogrom, which killed his mother and sister, and he wishes to forget this horrible event. He composes an "American Symphony" and wants to look forward to a society free of ethnic divisions and hatred, rather than backward at his traumatic past."

    A synopsis of the author:

    "Israel Zangwill (14 February 1864[1] – 1 August 1926; birth date sometimes given as 21 January 1864) was a British author at the forefront of cultural Zionism during the 19th century, and was a close associate of Theodor Herzl."

    He seemed to be advocating for a multi-cultural society free of ethnic divisions for the United States, while also advocating for a homogenous ethnic homeland for himself.

  6. #28826
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    First, I believe George Floyd died by his own actions, and that’s a shame. Furthermore that he died from a rare adrenaline producing tumor in his pelvis, while possible, is orders of magnitude less likely than a psycho being arrested and all the controversy that comes with that.

    Regardless, if everyone is lying, which has an element of truth, that statement includes Tucker as well as you and me.
    I probably say things that are untrue, but it is unintentional. There is a difference.

    Also it's "lying", not "have lied at some point in their lives." There is a difference.

    But the confession has been noted.

  7. #28827
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    A pool player has forfeited her chance to win a top national title in protest at the sport allowing a transgender woman to compete against natal females.

    Lynne Pinches told Telegraph Sport she has turned down an invitation to turn full-time professional amid her despair at a “U-turn” in international rules.

    On Saturday, Pinches was cheered by spectators as she packed up her cue and refused to play as the final of the Ladies Champions of Champions got under way. Her opponent, Harriet Haynes, reacted with bemusement before later picking up the trophy by default.

  8. #28828
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    The high trust trap:

    We accepted them with open arms, as friends and neighbors.
    We sympathized with the plight of their nation, giving them generous gifts, till they could get on their feet.
    We said they were just like us; we excitedly adopted their cultural quirks, as we had with immigrants before.
    We wanted them to be just like us; even when they committed inexplicable crimes against our nation, dismissed it as incompetence or a few bad apples.

    But, where were our friends and neighbors when it was time to return a helping hand?
    But, how many express gratitude for these gifts or the lives of our soldiers; given so that their nation might survive?
    But, they were not eager to accept our society as it existed or assimilate like our immigrants before; the cultural values were incompatible.
    But, they never wanted to be like us; no crimes against our nation were ever met with cries of condemnation against a member of their own tribe

    Now, it feels like betrayal.
    The Great Synogogue of Rome was built only after the 1870 unification of Italy under the Masonic Republican government and Jews were allowed citizenship, despite the Roman Jewish community dating to the 2nd century B.C. This followed the general restriction of the autonomy of Jews throughout the peninsula as was the standard in all Catholic countries throughout Europe for centuries. Funny how that worked out.

  9. #28829
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    Niki Halley is starting to push the same initiative Barry and David have been salivating over:

    Every person on social media should be verified by their name. First of all, it's a national security threat. When you do that, all of the sudden people have to stand by what they say. And it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots. And then you're gonna get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say. And they know their pastor and their family members are going to see it. It's going to help our kids, and it's going to help our country.
    No mention of the US Federal Government and Five Eyes bots, of course.

    More stupid propaganda:

    Herzog: Arabic copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ found on Hamas terrorist shows what war is about: President displays Adolf Hitler’s book to BBC, says it was found in child’s room used by Gaza operative, who had also marked sections calling for slaughter of Jews

    Since Hitler literally never called for the slaughter of Jews in Mein Kampf, or in any other medium for that matter, you can chalk this one up under "they know you know they are lying". And if you even call them out on the lie, they still win because they can point and say you are evil for even noticing the lie. This strategy didn't start with COVID.

    found in a child's room
    I'm just a little disappointed they didn't show pictures of a crib with a mobile made of little swastikas and Hitler faces. I'm definitely deducting some points for that. Propaganda score: 3/10

  10. #28830
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Niki Halley is starting to push the same initiative Barry and David have been salivating over:
    I guess she thinks this gets her to double-digits. Or maybe she's asking for the FBI vote.

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