About Viviek:
He has made his billion $$$ fortune by being the finance guy for an mRNA company with 0 products that is losing $1,000,000,000 per year.
How is he in any way qualified for the job of president or VP or any high level position?
Is the only qualification for president now that somebody be able to publicly rant in a calculated and somewhat intelligible manner?
"Vote Vivek to save Trump!"
How many Covid boosters did it take to get you to believe this makes sense?
Vivek is cunning, practiced, polished and measured; what office is he really running for?
He knows he can't win by running to the right of Trump; not possible to bring enough mainstream republican and independents on board to be able to win either in the primary or general election with that platform.
It was possible he was running for Trump's VP or a cabinet position, until he shattered that possibility with his "Vote Vivek, save Trump" gambit.
If he really wanted to help Trump, he would have pulled out before the Iowa Caucus.
The man knows how to talk and he could have made a big impact by continuing to talk on behalf of Trump.
By staying in, he is splitting the populist vote from Trump, which can only benefit establishment candidates, like Nikki Haley; Vivek is smart enough to know this.
It also could lead to a prolonged Republican primary process, which does not benefit Trump.
He is an opportunist running for a position in the new Uniparty administration as the token controlled opposition "anti-woke" populist representative; he doesn't care if he works for Biden, Haley, Blinken or Soros.