Originally Posted by
David A. Rowe
David, I'm not trying to doom, but this is not the reality of California. In the very least as it applies to California politics. Sometimes, when a house is completely ridden with termites, water damaged and the foundation cracked there is no "rolling up your sleeves and fixing it." You bulldoze it in a pile, burn off the flammable parts, load and haul off the rubble. Then you scrape the topsoil six inches, drag a magnet and bring in more soil to regrade.
If you catch a bilateral double amputation just below the hips, your squatting days are over.
Sometimes, you screw up too big to fix it. Sometimes, all you're left with is loss.
I'm not saying your attitude isn't inherently good, but I'm saying sometimes it's no longer possible. This is the true depth and loss of such foolishness and pride, and it should serve as a stark reminder of what we all need to guard against.