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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31761
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Well, while studying I watch a lot of your clips because I enjoy listening to you. It was a clip where you were talking about Religion.
    You were talking about the fact that you do not have "an invisible friend", however that there has to be an overarching control on behaviour - Religion provides that. And Islam provides that incorrectly.
    This in combination with the fact that your hypothetical question was to exterminate Hamas to see if Israel will behave better makes me feel like there is atleast an unconcious prejudice against muslims. Sorry if I am wrong, obviously not here to offend you lol.
    Might not be the brightest, was still enough for Analysis 3 (calculus).

  2. #31762
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    Well good luck to you uncle, trying to destroy an ideology. I mean if my family got killed by the most sophisticated weaponary on planet earth I would definetely become a resistance fighter myself. I understand that you have severe prejudice against muslims for whatever reason, but the IDF and its leaders are definetly not the saints you try to make them look like.
    And what would you becoming a fighter entail? Finding the nearest local school or hospital to cache equipment in? Building a tunnel underneath your neighbors to use their children as a human shield? Pointlessly lobbing rockets into the Iron dome while shrieking about snack bars?

    Or, the ultimate plan:
    1)Get thousands of your best buds & find a bunch of young people at a rave to torture, massacre and rape. Throw in some unarmed residents for good measure. Then take the ones you haven't fucked to death back with you.
    2) In response: Get the majority of your country turned into rubble. Get 20x, at least, of your own people killed. Have your leadership, logistics & ranks completely decimated.
    3) Get some allies in another country involved and killed as well.
    4) Profit??

    If being prejudice against Muslims means not wanting to see 40+ thousand people die needlessly than sure. Least you got to fight the bad guys right?

  3. #31763
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    Might not be the brightest, was still enough for Analysis 3 (calculus).
    You've got me there. But do you think that Islam provides correct behavior control?

  4. #31764
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Good try; this is why you were supposed to stay in your corner with your head down.

    The "American" hostages are all people who chose to leave the US to become israeli citizens; nobody in their right mind genuinely believes they are Americans.

    Not only that, but why were they there in the first place???

    Make it make sense.

    Regardless, that is not a terrorist attack against anybody, much less the United States; it is yet another border skirmish in a long long war that the US has no reason to be involved with.

    They will move on to the next target; they are already setting up Syria to be the next country that needs to be conquered by the United States in the name of safety.

    Yes, that and the 25% of Swedish women who have been raped or sexually assaulted by 'migrants'.
    It is no secret that rapes in Sweden have gone from almost non-existent to among the highest in the world.

    Anybody who wants to blame these women and minimize or ignore the atrocities forced on them is complete scum.
    They are by definition American citizens, no matter how hard you pretend they aren’t.

  5. #31765
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post

    Yes, that and the 25% of Swedish women who have been raped or sexually assaulted by 'migrants'.
    It is no secret that rapes in Sweden have gone from almost non-existent to among the highest in the world.

    Anybody who wants to blame these women and minimize or ignore the atrocities forced on them is complete scum.
    So how many of the the 25% reported rapes or assaults were actually rapes or assaults? And how do you know the 25% relates to migrants?

    Even a donkey knows that all statistics are flawed. You’d have to look at actual sentences (not reported crimes, the source of the article you sent) to review crime rates.

    In a country with societal trust people are more likely to report alleged crimes to the authorities (since they put trust in that the government will take care of it). So all crimes will be reported, resulting in a supposedly higher crime rate.

    In a country where societal trust has eroded alleged crimes will not be reported, resulting in a supposedly lower crime rate. Would that entail that there are no crimes? Of course not.

    So I do not understand your statement on Sweden based on that one guy’s article. He seems to just spread hate over non western societies and cultures.

    Did you develop your opinion re. strength training from the experience of one guy or many guys and gals?

    Fuck me! Tyler Durden lives and writes articles online!?!?

    I have not ignored anything. I just don’t understand the basis for your claim that Sweden is the/an example of a high trust society gone wrong.

  6. #31766
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    While you guys argue about which of these two foreign, competing tribes (both of whom hate you and view you as usefully naive and gullible) you MUST support in this ethnic conflict...

    Here's the guy, Larry Ellison, chosen to spearhead the $500bn Stargate project. MAGA!

    The two Korean guys on this podcast have huge balls talking in this way. Matt Kim is worth a subscribe.

  7. #31767
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You've got me there. But do you think that Islam provides correct behavior control?
    Well, yes I do. I understand that the west is trying to make Islam look bad, because 3rd worlders muslims are borderline retards (that most likely didn't even read the quran btw - I'd argue that their behavior is correlated to their educational level and social status). If you can tell me, what you believe is incorrect, I can atleast try to convince you otherwise.

  8. #31768
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    What if the one guy is correct?


    As usual, Denninger is on the money: On the DCA Crash in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
    I totally agree with Denninger's take on the DC catastrophe. It is a damn shame that the situation was allowed to get so screwed up that 65 people were killed.

    Keep in mind the controller is the only one to have a big picture view of the situation- the pilots of either aircraft do not. And the controller is the only one of the participants to go home alive that night.

    1- The controller allowed the conga line approaching runway 01 to get backed up, violating spacing requirements.
    2- to correct the problem he created, the controller asked AA to deviate from his stabilized approach to circle to land on r/w 33.
    3- AA policy allows the crew to accept the deviation- in one of the most congested airspaces in America this should never be allowed. Especially on short notice.
    4- The controller allows a helicopter to continue along route 4 even after many deviations from required altitude and position restrictions were indicated on his scope. The helicopter should been directed to exit the airspace and return to base and made to answer for the deviations.
    5- The controller sees the impending conflict and uses non standard communication to ask if the helicopter has traffic in sight- did not give azimuth and distance.
    6-The controller- seeing the developing conflict did not issue a common sense directive to the helicopter to " give me a 360 for spacing"- a common practice
    7- the controller could clearly see on his scope that the vectors of the two aircraft we going to cross- and gave no warning to the aircrews.
    8. the altitude separation created by the 200 ft ceiling for the helicopter and the glide path for AA landing on 33 did not allow for required separation of two aircraft at the point their vectors intersected. The fact that the helicopter had deviated from the 200 ft ceiling does not excuse the controller for allowing another separation deviation to develop.

    This tragedy should lead to much needed changes at the FAA, heads should roll beginning with the controller (negligent homicide) and going up to the top. In addition commercial flights to and from DCA (more aptly named " Congressional Airport") should be halted and the airport converted to a helicopter and STOL-only aviation operation. The low level maneuvering required for commercial aircraft to get in and out of DCA are unsafe and defy logic-- and the public is oblivious to the danger. Pilots hate and dread operating there. Alternate airports such as BWI and Dulles should be expanded to handle the DCA commercial traffic. It will not hurt members of congress to make the commute from the safer airports.

    Their is plenty to criticize about the Army VIP helicopter operation. A unit commander that allows two low-time pilots to operate at night in the DC airspace needs to be brought up on charges for dereliction of duty. I know there is BS out there about these being highly experienced pilots. An instructor pilot with a little over 1,000 hours has to be a joke. A DEI copilot with a little over 500 hours.
    Did this crew carry VIPs? You have to be kidding me!

    Three crew members, with the pilots possibly on NVGs - when minimum crew should be 4 to fly that route (to maintain proper lookout from both sides of the helicopter), especially when on NVG. The helicopter pilots and crew got the death penalty for their errors, and now we need to hold the entire chain of command responsible for their leadership and operational failures.

    The identity of the female copilot remains unknown at this time. Strange. Why?

    I feel for all the innocent victims and their families. An avoidable tragedy.

  9. #31769
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    Did you develop your opinion re. strength training from the experience of one guy or many guys and gals?
    I don't understand your question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    Well, yes I do. I understand that the west is trying to make Islam look bad, because 3rd worlders muslims are borderline retards (that most likely didn't even read the quran btw - I'd argue that their behavior is correlated to their educational level and social status). If you can tell me, what you believe is incorrect, I can atleast try to convince you otherwise.
    This obvious racism will not be tolerated on this forum.

  10. #31770
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    This obvious racism will not be tolerated on this forum.
    You're intelligent enough to read through the lines. Obviously not every single one and you clearly know what I mean.

    If you tell someone he's stupid for NDTP, isn't this ableism ?

    I'd still love to know your opinion though!

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