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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #8651
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFCPete View Post
    The next year of our lives is going to be one never ending constant stream of pro vaccine propaganda to try and force us to do as they say.
    It there a problem with the CV-19 Vaccines or the possible enforcement to take it? When I was in India I had to get the Hep B, Typhoid, Cholera, Tetanus and Yellow Fever maybe, not sure about that one. In the SES we had regular Hep B, Tetanus and flu shots . Back in the 1950's all the kids including me were given on mass no exceptions Polio Sabin vaccines. I look at this CV-19 Vaccine as a type of Flu shot. Here in Australia there will be no requirement to take it, well at the moment that is. There is a lot of speculation about this Vaccine (more than 100 of them) is it will have a trace built into it, or it will alter your DNA. I am more concerned about the government quarantine regulations.

  2. #8652
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    Quote Originally Posted by VNV View Post
    Sorry to say, the subject matter experts better be doing a much better job at communicating elsewhere. This guy's presentation was weak.
    I didn't think so. Maybe if you don't understand the subject matter very well. But he's saying that's evidence the voting machines were internet-connected during election day, and they have logs of web traffic to and from the machines, as well as intercepted packets. So it's possible at some point they may even be able to figure out WHAT was being sent between these machines and remote locations. Unless he is misrepresenting the information, this is pretty damning stuff. But more than half the country will never even hear about it aside from internet word of mouth from people they've already written off as crazy.

  3. #8653
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  4. #8654
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    It there a problem with the CV-19 Vaccines or the possible enforcement to take it? When I was in India I had to get the Hep B, Typhoid, Cholera, Tetanus and Yellow Fever maybe, not sure about that one. In the SES we had regular Hep B, Tetanus and flu shots . Back in the 1950's all the kids including me were given on mass no exceptions Polio Sabin vaccines. I look at this CV-19 Vaccine as a type of Flu shot. Here in Australia there will be no requirement to take it, well at the moment that is. There is a lot of speculation about this Vaccine (more than 100 of them) is it will have a trace built into it, or it will alter your DNA. I am more concerned about the government quarantine regulations.
    I'm more concerned about the experimental nature of it. From what I gather, it's an entirely new way of vaccinating. I am not in a hurry to get such a vaccine to protect against something that doesn't seem terribly bad. The benefit does not outweigh the risk. I don't think there's anything truly dystopian they can pack into it though. But the measures to certify who's been vaccinated, that's another story.

  5. #8655
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    I didn't think so. Maybe if you don't understand the subject matter very well. But he's saying that's evidence the voting machines were internet-connected during election day, and they have logs of web traffic to and from the machines, as well as intercepted packets. So it's possible at some point they may even be able to figure out WHAT was being sent between these machines and remote locations. Unless he is misrepresenting the information, this is pretty damning stuff. But more than half the country will never even hear about it aside from internet word of mouth from people they've already written off as crazy.
    CF, I understood him clearly. I think the audience was non-technical. That spider plot was a mess. Those lines wasted space and probably glossed peoples eyes. Put it in an appendix. Should’ve had a simple list of sites with brief geographic details. Also, he was too clever by half when he compared the lack of security to a Venmo account. Said something like “could be hacked by authorized /and/ unauthorized users”. Be direct.

  6. #8656
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    I'm more concerned about the experimental nature of it. From what I gather, it's an entirely new way of vaccinating. I am not in a hurry to get such a vaccine to protect against something that doesn't seem terribly bad. The benefit does not outweigh the risk. I don't think there's anything truly dystopian they can pack into it though. But the measures to certify who's been vaccinated, that's another story.
    Yeah, that's really the problem. I'm not worried about microchips or turning into a mutant. But it will be just one more way to make you do things they want you to do. YOU WILL OBEY.

  7. #8657
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yeah, that's really the problem. I'm not worried about microchips or turning into a mutant. But it will be just one more way to make you do things they want you to do. YOU WILL OBEY.
    Still true as ever, the obedience and fear are burrowing deep. The young airline tech who transcribed my airport-manifesto (poor guy) into my record asked me to stand on the other side of the plexiglass because I wasn't wearing a mask. The nose again; it was not covering my nose. Did I say this guy was young, and physical (worked the tarmac etc.)? He has probably not read the Wuhan 10m-man study (but in retrospect, why do we believe it?).

  8. #8658
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    From the Briggs piece on Michigan: Stats I Helped With In Sidney Powell’s Michigan Kraken – William M. Briggs

    It is clear that in 2016 Republican and Democrat absentee ballot behavior was identical, or nearly so across all precincts. That is, it varied by precinct, but within precincts it was much the same or either party. The percent plots was almost the same for any precinct in 2016, and it rose for both parties in 2020; however, it jumped much higher, and at a consistent rate in 2020, only for Democrats.

    This is proved in the ratio plot. The D to R absentee rate across precincts averaged about 1 in 2016. Behavior in precincts differed, just as you’d expect, but overall there was no consistent difference.

    In 2020, however, there is a marked and consistent difference, with Democrat ballots being marked as absentee at rates about 50% higher than Republicans. This is very strange, and most unexpected and not explained readily by simple changes in voting behavior.

    Yes, both Democrats and Republicans were likely panicked and afraid of the coronadooom, and so more voted absentee. But were Democrats exactly 1.5 times as panicked and afraid everywhere? It beggars imagination.

  9. #8659
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    I'm more concerned about the experimental nature of it. From what I gather, it's an entirely new way of vaccinating. I am not in a hurry to get such a vaccine to protect against something that doesn't seem terribly bad. The benefit does not outweigh the risk. I don't think there's anything truly dystopian they can pack into it though. But the measures to certify who's been vaccinated, that's another story.
    I just got the latest flow chart for first responders when dealing with a possible cardiac arrest. It is split into two parts, with or without a mask requirement. No mask proceed as normal for CPR, with a mask use only chest compressions, no breaths. So any any first responder such as Police, Fire and Rescue, Emergency Service would be expected to be vaccinated for CV-19 as for other communicable diseases such as Hep B. They probably would have no choice, sames as doctors, nurses, ambulance service. Also all armed services would be given this shot with all the others they get, no exception.

  10. #8660
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    Quote Originally Posted by alsbos View Post

    I personally think 'the wall' was a nonsensical idea. But that the administration was unable to get any funding for it, even though they controlled both chambers, and passed through the entire Ryan-Rommney tax cut, was a sure sign of incompetence. Both Ivanka and Jared were heavily involved, or trying to be.
    The Border Patrol website claims that 415 miles of border wall has been completed (over what time period it doesn't say). Not sure how that gets done without funding.

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