Surely the 2nd amendment only works for its main intended purpose if two things are simultaneously in play?
It works to prevent tyranny if the government fear the people they are governing yes, but surely this fear only rests on the idea that larger, collaborated groups of people will revolt.
What is different about the masks vs incoming lockdowns? Like you have mentioned, the first lockdowns were simply a test. You could argue a test to see if people had the balls to enact the 2nd amendment rights. This we know did not happen, apart from in perhaps a small isolated parts of the country.
We have mass compliance with masks and other dystopian bullshit, what makes you think that people will not willingly throw themselves into lockdown too?
A few isolated people revolting pretty much makes the 2A nill and void. It only serves its purpose when people stop being pussies and collectively fight back.
I support the 2nd amendment in every way, but times have changed a lot since it was written and I think the majority of people quiet happy to be "allowed" to go outside.
Correct, Fulcrum! There are always outliers!! Yay for Fulcrum!!
I agree. The American people have by and large proven themselves to be pussies, unworthy of the liberty guaranteed by the US Constitution. We have failed the test, as I pointed out back in May. People driving down the street by themselves in a car with a mask on is a very bad sign -- we will do as we are told, all over the world. Look at the Brits and the Australians, castrati. But 1.4 million military and police cannot confiscate 400 million guns from 125 million people, even if they would agree to try, which they won't. When this effort begins in earnest (and it might by the end of the year) things may look different, and people may rediscover their balls. Maybe. There will be fewer dead people if there are more ballsy people.
Is rioting and looting considered "violent crime" now?
Yeah, then it's definitely not "mostly peaceful but fiery" - but it's DOMESTIC TERRORISM!
The ADL just launched an initiative called the "P.R.O.T.E.C.T Plan to Fight Domestic Terrorism" in response to the Capitol protests. What the fuck are they smoking? It would be funny if they weren't so influential.
PROTECT | Anti-Defamation League
End the Complicity of Social Media in Facilitating Extremism?!
Target Foreign White Supremacist Terrorist Groups?!?