I warned you, Jovan, and then right after my warning this NPC posted some taking point gibberish in response to you.

I post this link not to help the NPC but to help fellow board members, many of whom I respect quite a bit, to battle misinformation amongst the people close to you, who matter
(Firsthand accounts from civvies in Marioupul about the Ukrainian [Azol] death, destruction, and violence brought upon them):
News New: People of Mariupol Ukraine at border tell what really happened - YouTube
But again, don't give up, Jovan, and others: just focus your red-pilling efforts on people closer and more important to you: there are plenty of NPCs out there waiting for the next "thing," and you will never keep up. I have two 'victories' in this latest Serf Suppression Campaign that I'm quite proud of, my best friend and my uncle: what success stories on this latest Muh Russia Bad meme do YOU have to share?
Remember, I'm probably biased, but then again where are the firsthand videos of civvies condemning brutality and murder by the Russian army, videos of Russian soldiers harassing Ukrainian grandmas and stomping on their flags, videos of killed Russian soldiers with shits in the back and surrender notes in their hands, vids of dead civilians with Ukrainian food rations under them and Ukrainian armbands, etc.?
This guy on Washington, DC radio, Chris Plante, had this saying that 'the most insidious power the media has is the power to ignore.' That power is probably on full display with both COVID and this military operation.
And I know many of you are not ready to hear this yet, but still: Putin isn't actually anymore of an asshole dictator than anyone else, and he's probably just BOTH "socially" and "fiscally" Conservative, which probably pisses off huge swaths of what passes for "Conservatives" in today's America. So when you "support" Russia against the UkrainoNazis but "condemn" Putin as a bAdGuY, your progressive enemies squeal with joy: you are essentially losing, by acquiescing to social pressure to "denounce racists," like all our brave Republican piticians do.
From here on the ground in Russia, it feels like Gonzalo Lira is absolutely right on his two points:
Marioupul will never be Ukrainian again, and this shooting & sinking if the Moskva Kreyser was a huge mess that will just get lukewarm Russians emphatically supporting Putin: my MiL, quite an apolitical lady, told me with great remorse how she'd heard of so many deaths on tht sunken ship-> there were so many young boys; it's such a tragic and useless loss!