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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #21211
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by David.Lewis View Post
    I don't know that insurers have all the "whys". It sounds like their hypothesis right now is that lots of people didn't see doctors for medical conditions when they should have. Screenings for illness not being done. Needed surgeries not being done, etc. There is also the always-looming threat of the substance abuse problem in the U.S. which is creating a mortality problem (which is more of a mortality trend instead of a singular mortality event). From the insurer's perspective (at least at this point), COVID vaccination status is completely and totally irrelevant both on an application for life insurance and also when filing a death claim. You can read into that what you wish.
    It may well turn out that the spike in excess deaths was entirely a consequence of the lockdowns, and not the vaccines, especially in the demographics that buy life insurance or seek employment where group life insurance is offered. What about excess deaths in the younger demographics?

  2. #21212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    I will officially out myself so you can ban me again. I have had several usernames. It takes all but 2 minutes to create a new account.
    You should create an account with your real name. It’s probably the best indicator of the sincerity of your arguments. Also, post a log so we have some common ground. Otherwise you are just another random teenage masturbator and no one likes you.

  3. #21213
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    So, since he's admitted to multiple accounts that are clearly violations of forum policy, and has indicated that he will continue to do it, the only solution is to delete anything posted by any account that voices these opinions, thus insuring the forum looks like an "echo chamber." Such a sack of shit.

  4. #21214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    You should create an account with your real name. It’s probably the best indicator of the sincerity of your arguments. Also, post a log so we have some common ground. Otherwise you are just another random teenage masturbator and no one likes you.
    I second that statement!

  5. #21215
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    Mar 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    I warned you, Jovan, and then right after my warning this NPC posted some taking point gibberish in response to you. I post this link not to help the NPC but to help fellow board members, many of whom I respect quite a bit, to battle misinformation amongst the people close to you, who matter
    (Firsthand accounts from civvies in Marioupul about the Ukrainian [Azol] death, destruction, and violence brought upon them):
    News New: People of Mariupol Ukraine at border tell what really happened - YouTube

    But again, don't give up, Jovan, and others: just focus your red-pilling efforts on people closer and more important to you: there are plenty of NPCs out there waiting for the next "thing," and you will never keep up. I have two 'victories' in this latest Serf Suppression Campaign that I'm quite proud of, my best friend and my uncle: what success stories on this latest Muh Russia Bad meme do YOU have to share?

    Remember, I'm probably biased, but then again where are the firsthand videos of civvies condemning brutality and murder by the Russian army, videos of Russian soldiers harassing Ukrainian grandmas and stomping on their flags, videos of killed Russian soldiers with shits in the back and surrender notes in their hands, vids of dead civilians with Ukrainian food rations under them and Ukrainian armbands, etc.?

    This guy on Washington, DC radio, Chris Plante, had this saying that 'the most insidious power the media has is the power to ignore.' That power is probably on full display with both COVID and this military operation.

    And I know many of you are not ready to hear this yet, but still: Putin isn't actually anymore of an asshole dictator than anyone else, and he's probably just BOTH "socially" and "fiscally" Conservative, which probably pisses off huge swaths of what passes for "Conservatives" in today's America. So when you "support" Russia against the UkrainoNazis but "condemn" Putin as a bAdGuY, your progressive enemies squeal with joy: you are essentially losing, by acquiescing to social pressure to "denounce racists," like all our brave Republican piticians do.

    From here on the ground in Russia, it feels like Gonzalo Lira is absolutely right on his two points:
    Marioupul will never be Ukrainian again, and this shooting & sinking if the Moskva Kreyser was a huge mess that will just get lukewarm Russians emphatically supporting Putin: my MiL, quite an apolitical lady, told me with great remorse how she'd heard of so many deaths on tht sunken ship-> there were so many young boys; it's such a tragic and useless loss!

    Here is a question for you Mark. I am not talking to the board, but I am talking to you, so it doesn't matter if you post this. Why is it that links to unverified, random youtube clips are posted routinely in here as undisputed facts without ever having any pushback? More importantly, in your mind, what makes information credible or not? Fact checking is no longer useful because there is a straight up denial of facts. In todays age anyone can set up a website and start posting whatever information they want, regardless of actual merit. It feels like you just want to agree with whatever information supports your views. How do you prevent yourself from being controlled by false narratives/propaganda in these nontraditional news sites just as you claim others are from the MSM? The above link is full of propaganda, but the board will just go with it because it supports your side.

  6. #21216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    So, since he's admitted to multiple accounts that are clearly violations of forum policy, and has indicated that he will continue to do it, the only solution is to delete anything posted by any account that voices these opinions, thus insuring the forum looks like an "echo chamber." Such a sack of shit.
    If you didn't already realize this and thought you banned several different members because they disagreed with you, you already ensured the place was an echo chamber from the start. All dissenting voices will be silenced. Your board, your rules, but same faux outrage. Don't ever change coach.

  7. #21217
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    On the contrary "Krishna" is one of the many faces of the pantheon of gods and goddesses in Hindustan, hardly a black and white issue in India. The country is replete with "gods" "good" and "evil". Manichean does not apply to India as good and evil are interchangeable depending which god or gods you worship. As India now under are Modi a pro Hindu nationalist who wants to de-anglicize and remove the influence of Islam from the Hindustan sub continent has become very intolerant of anything non-hindu. Gandhianism has gone. India is a land beset with castesim and modern technology, a land where they still use the bullock as a tractor, but can send a probe around Mars. A land full of bribery, but some of the best tasting food I have eaten.
    Don't be so exclusive, India and Persia have had cultural exchange for a long time, there is a lot of borrowing of religious stories and philosophies there. Old vedic gods got exported to Persia, turned into Zoroastrian and Manichean deities and then got reexported as the new Hindu pantheon. Anyway, I am just using this reply to plug sir Charles Elliot's masterclass work on religious history: Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1 by Charles Eliot - Free Ebook. Fascinating guy, back when the Brits didn't have the BBC to dumb them down to mask enthusiasts. You also failed to mention how hot Indian women are. I mean, not all of them, but the hot ones are so hot.

  8. #21218
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    How America Became La La Land – PJ Media

    Hanson's only error here is assigning any degree of agency to the person of Joe Biden. Otherwise, an excellent summary of the current administration.

  9. #21219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    This is a familiar threat regarding deletion/banning of people who disagree with you. Or in this case when you simply have been called out for the bullshit you say. You were on here literally stating there was no Russian invasion. You don't want admit to being wrong so you immediately resort to the ban. But yes, this is your board so you are free to do as you please. I thought you would have learned by now that this act is pointless. I will officially out myself so you can ban me again. I have had several usernames. It takes all but 2 minutes to create a new account. Obviously I'm not welcome here in your echo chamber, but I do admit that I keep coming back as the arrogance combined with stupidity that draws me in. You're a big dumb idiot, but I just can't quit you. BTW, I never claimed to be a doctor. I said I had a "medical license", which I do. I made reference to what it is that I do for a living several times in the past, albeit with a different (banned) username. I am a Physician Assistant, I work in Cardiology. A lot of the bullshit that gets people riled up on this board is comical. For instance, the story of the elderly pilot who had a heart attack and blaming it on the COVID vaccine as though elderly men never had heart attacks in the past.
    Read this and tell us who has the problem.

    Normal people don’t do such insane things as this, nor do they admit to them, nor even do they admit with glee that they do them.

    Also, careful with that license talk; complaints to state boards can go both ways.

  10. #21220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    Why is it that links to unverified, random youtube clips are posted routinely in here as undisputed facts without ever having any pushback?
    Groundhog day.
    Mika: that's our job

    Just stay at the other forum...aka The Cornfield. They repeat MSM until MSM decides it was wrong...then they repeat MSM again. You'll be happy there.

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