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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #21891
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Do I have the mothers' permission to consider these children human so I can be sad? I don't want to overstep any boundaries or invade anyone's privacy. Just last week I was told it was okay to kill children if they are inconvenient to the mother. She seems to be the arbiter of whether a child is a person or not, and I don't want to get it wrong. Maybe I should just mind my own business on the topic of child murder, me not having a uterus and all. Let's all just let the women have their privacy on dealing with defending or attacking children, whatever a woman is. Maybe I'm a woman. Yeah I feel I might be. I should get involved now that I've figured it out. You men mind your own business. Nobody wants to hear your mansplaining about how killing children is wrong. It's good if the police who had penises (unless they are female or nonbinary penises) stayed out of the school and let the female identifying handle it on their own. That was respectful of them. It was proper to wait for social workers to arrive to take care of business.


    In any event, the teachers can all be armed to the teeth and are willing to die for your kids and there's no communist indoctrination, trannies, diversity that hates you, or groomers at home school. But the government will consider you a problematic domestic terrorist, so there's that. You're probably already considered one anyway.

  2. #21892
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Los Alamos, NM


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Arnold View Post
    I would like to know what we are all supposed to do going forward? Is Covid over? If not does it come back every "flu" season? Is everyone supposed to get a booster shot every fall? Do you still get one for the flu? Is the flu still a thing? How do they develop boosters fast enough to keep up with whatever Covid variant is around? Doesn't that cost a lot of money? Are they as ineffective as flu shots? What does it mean to be "vaccinated?" Does this apply to everyone? Does Covid affect everyone the same? What is the recovery rate from Covid?
    I would add: How do we know we are infected? Will we be getting more free tests that don’t really work, aren’t accepted anywhere and aren’t really free? How about masks that don’t work? Should we still wear them? If not, how come?

  3. #21893
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    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Briggs today: Please Don’t Go To College › American Greatness

    You’ve heard the slogan: “We want our college to look like America.” They say it about college, about Congress, the bureaucracy, the bar, the professoriate, almost anything. The reply should be: “No, we don’t.” I don’t want my pilot looking “like America.” America looks like the furtive guy at the end of the bar who should have been arrested years ago. Or America looks like that nice old lady we just helped load groceries into her trunk. Pilots look nothing like that. I want my pilot looking like he has the skills, and the intelligence, to fly the marvel of engineering that is a jet aircraft. I also do not want those aeronautical engineers to look like America. I’m keen on them understanding differential equations, and what stress does to aluminum welds.

    The exceptions to that “almost anything” were, until recently, things like combat soldiering and professional sports. Alas, even in those sanctuaries of reality, the cry of looking like America has taken hold. Because of a false understanding of equality.

    Our modern understanding of equality is that all are either individually or in some bizarre group statistical sense equal in capability. That with the right training, surroundings, and guidance by the beneficent supplied with endless money, anybody could do quantum mechanics. Or gut an enemy with a bayonet. This theory is not only false, it is stupid. There has never been any evidence for it, anywhere in all history, save the desire that it should be so.
    __________________________________________________ _______________

    This is worth reading: The Real Reason School Shootings Persist | The Kevin Jackson Network

    Ironically, leftists ignore statistics that prove guns are not the problem. A CBS report explained that according to the FBI, across the United States in 2018, there were: 1,515 deaths by knives or cutting instruments, 443 people were killed with hammers/clubs/other blunt objects, 672 people were killed from fists/feet/’personal weapons’ compared to the 297 killed by (any) rifles. The reason leftists can’t acknowledge facts like this is that it completely renders their arguments moot.

    Every Democrat Presidential candidate in the 2020 election ran on this very platform and promise. Michigan Radio host simply known as ‘Renk’ once put it this way: “I believe that the outcry we are hearing today for gun control has nothing to do with protecting Americans and legal citizens from violence. I believe it must do simply with hatred. Hatred of people who do not believe in the same government policies as others. I believe if we look further, you will find that the side that wants gun control really just cannot stand that the other “team” will not go along with their governmental policies of “controlling” the people.”

  4. #21894
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    It must be a terrible experience believing that everything is a conspiracy and not engaging with reality.
    Now might be a good time to remind everyone about some of the realities we should be engaging with:


    The FBI Pressured a Lonely Young Man Into a Bomb Plot. He Tried to Back Out. Now He’s Serving Life in Prison.


    How it started: 13 charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer - CNN (2020 archive)
    How it's going: A jury has found 2 of the 4 men accused of plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, not guilty yesterday.

    Gee, I wonder what happened to the rest of the gang? This all happened right before an election, of course.


    "The FBI came and picked up [our 23 year old son] from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen," the statement said, adding that authorities "should not have aided and abetted a paranoid schizophrenic to commit this act."

    The MAGA bomber was in the same boat. Remember when CNN opened his sketchy package, were calm enough to take the bomb out of the package, and then took some photos, which were then immediately aired on CNN? Later, Christopher Ray mysteriously assured everyone they were perfectly safe, yet "not hoax devices". Yeah, no shit, because you made them, you fucking goon. Again, right before an election.


    Richard Jewell . Just watch the movie. One of the few Hollywood productions that makes the FBI look like the corrupt fools they are, rather than forensic demigods.


    We could do this all day, but I think the fact that you are a complete fucking moron has been adequately demonstrated.

  5. #21895
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    Jun 2019


    The violations of 2A are called gun control but the violations of 1A, like "hate speech" and "hate crime" laws aren't called Speech Control.

    Hmmm, how did THAT narrative control get so entrenched in our psyches? You can't motivate the numerous sheep to get behind your protection of our Constitution (2A) when such blatant massaging of our minds is cemented in our society.

    How did our stronger and more Patriotic (country-loving, Jovan!) citizens let this control of the message slip past their watch in the 60s-80s?

    Don't hold your breath waiting for a Republican to call out our numerous Speech Control laws!!

  6. #21896
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrfunk View Post
    Do I have the mothers' permission to consider these children human so I can be sad? I don't want to overstep any boundaries or invade anyone's privacy. Just last week I was told it was okay to kill children if they are inconvenient to the mother. She seems to be the arbiter of whether a child is a person or not, and I don't want to get it wrong. Maybe I should just mind my own business on the topic of child murder, me not having a uterus and all. Let's all just let the women have their privacy on dealing with defending or attacking children, whatever a woman is. Maybe I'm a woman. Yeah I feel I might be. I should get involved now that I've figured it out. You men mind your own business. Nobody wants to hear your mansplaining about how killing children is wrong. It's good if the police who had penises (unless they are female or nonbinary penises) stayed out of the school and let the female identifying handle it on their own. That was respectful of them. It was proper to wait for social workers to arrive to take care of business.


    In any event, the teachers can all be armed to the teeth and are willing to die for your kids and there's no communist indoctrination, trannies, diversity that hates you, or groomers at home school. But the government will consider you a problematic domestic terrorist, so there's that. You're probably already considered one anyway.
    This wins the internet. I wish I could copy and paste this to Facebook, but I’d probably get permanently banned.

  7. #21897
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    From the snippets I've seen, and given they're having trouble establishing a clear timeline (not at all uncommon without sufficient witnesses and/or camera coverage), I'm going to make a loose speculation:

    Shooter was already barricaded in a classroom by the time officers responded on scene, and the presence of hostages could not be established. The rest of the school was likely evacuated, and their handling of scene security wasn't great from a PR angle, but likely tactically sound. With cellphones and live streaming, you really can't say anything because you don't know who's watching. You also don't know how many threats may exist, and you have an active scene you're trying to manage. Closest SRT/SWAT was probably BORTAC, and they made entry/breached once said presence was cleared or exigent circumstances prompted them to do so (gunshots, threats to shoot a hostage imminently, etc.).

    I know nothing, but that's my best scientific wild-ass guess.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    So he wasn't moving through the school, he was in a room with an unknown number of hostages. That's probably why they waited.
    I'm not calling you two out directly but these reek of our American tendency to overcomplicate things (start with Hot Coffee warnings on cups and go from there). Weren't a few studies done showing that the prevalence of concealed carry laws correlated with a reduction in mass shootings? Having there been quite a few instances of lone citizens or off-duty cops neutralizing similar immigrant or mentally-ill threats pretty quickly (if that description of mass shooters offends you, go read up on Coulter's research on the topic).
    Why is swift, decisive, obviously morally and instinctually "right" action suddenly elusive when a police department gets involved? Sorry, but I'm not buying that excuse.

    Now granted, Russia indvertantly killed a bunch of citizens in that theater terrorist attack when it acted swiftly to try to end it, but also a few lone guys on that 9/11 flight took out those terrorists on theflight over PA pretty decisively and quickly.

    I think our country needs more swift, instinctual action and fewer parsed, legally-sound responses. The guys in the comments section on Denniger's board are probably closer to the bullseye in wishing someone had run in or taken out the cops to be able to run in, and hoping that a desolate parent takes justice into their own hands against the inactive, uncourageous, but legally-well-versed cops.

    For an analogous example, whose parental instincts would tell them to seek recompense for their daughter's sexual assault at the hands of a mentally ill trans by complaining to the school board? These TX parents waited outside as the cops instructed them to, ignoring their primal instincts and intuition. It sucks but I don't think clean, schoolhouse-rocky solutions will solve very many of today's ills.

    David and Subby, we Westerners tend to overcomplicate things, and just trusting our human instincts, in this case admitting that the cops should have rushed in or let the parents rush in, would solve a lot of our societal ills. After all, you can't negotiate with evil and you can't fix crazy.

  8. #21898
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    I'm not calling you two out directly but these reek of our American tendency to overcomplicate things ...
    I think our country needs more swift, instinctual action and fewer parsed, legally-sound responses...
    This only is an American tendency post 1970.
    Post 3rd world mass immigration/demographic replacement.
    Post legal system size expansion.
    Post civil rights/illegal alien rights/mentally retarded rights.

    The crooked cop now shouts at the American/Canadian/Australian/British/French protestor "Hey, come back here! You are under arrest for [insert blatantly contrived justification]!" The protestor then meekly walks 100 yards back to the 350lb, out-of-breath, hunched-over cop, patiently holds his hands out, waits for the cop to catch is breath and allows himself to be thrown into the gulag.

    Or the 100lb, identifying as female, health inspector shows up alone at the door and says "Hey, we saw your child outside during lockdown! We need to take 'em away!" The parent then trembles in fear, calls their child forth for swabbing and quietly pleads for their child to be sent to one of the "good" concentration camps while they talk to the state-appointed attorney who refuses to file lawsuits if the victims are white.

    You are right.

  9. #21899
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    It’s an appreciably long pledge week for the loser club this season.
    Hey, I seriously got fondled by three different women tonight!

  10. #21900
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    I'm not calling you two out directly but these reek of our American tendency to overcomplicate things (start with Hot Coffee warnings on cups and go from there). Weren't a few studies done showing that the prevalence of concealed carry laws correlated with a reduction in mass shootings? Having there been quite a few instances of lone citizens or off-duty cops neutralizing similar immigrant or mentally-ill threats pretty quickly (if that description of mass shooters offends you, go read up on Coulter's research on the topic).
    No offense taken, but since we're going to discuss it... let's get my pedigree out of the way. I have spent the last 17 years of my life in military service, shooting or in law enforcement. I had the extreme privilege to be trained several times by some of the most skilled shooters and tactically proficient operators around. I have practiced often, and I have experienced everything including shoot houses, airsoft, deployments, academy, virtual trainers, ranges, and classes equating to many thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of rounds of learning and practical application. I do not even begin to consider myself a subject matter expert on shooting and tactics because they are exceptionally perishable skills, and the amount of hours to stay proficient are difficult to maintain. Especially when on a limited time/money budget. It's not merely one or two skills, it's a legion of skills that must be practiced and executed under exceptionally high stress. CQB is one of the deadliest environments, and this is well-evidenced by the rate of casualties among even Tier 1 operators and SRT/SWATs. Tactics and weapons also evolve and change over time, and that's paid for with a tremendous amount of blood and money.

    Regarding concealed carry, yes. Please do. An armed populace loosely correlates to a reduction in crime. But be responsibly armed and understand that it still requires hundreds of hours to reach basic proficiency for a self defense scenario involving one attacker.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Why is swift, decisive, obviously morally and instinctually "right" action suddenly elusive when a police department gets involved? Sorry, but I'm not buying that excuse.
    I do not give excuses for other people because I cannot do that. I also will not do that. What you refer to as swift, decisive and morally correct action is still subject to the stark reality that room clearing a complex structure with multiple entries/exits/rooms/hallways/nooks. Throw in the smells, sights and sounds of the chaos that is an active shooter scene. Try to imagine moving down a hallway with no idea how many shooters there are, if there are explosives, and with a torrent of screaming, fleeing and possibly wounded children and adults.

    There is likely nothing on earth more complex and chaotic with higher stakes. There is also no way to prepare yourself without having faced that, or similar things, enough to inoculate yourself to the stress and fear. That is the reality.

    But wait, let's go over public expectations of law enforcement agencies (LEAs). LEAs and their governments are sued extremely frequently, and the vast majority of those cases are dismissed because they are unfounded. Beyond that, though, society has regressed substantially the past sixty or seventy years, and now government is expected to provide far more services and held accountable to unrealistic or standards (many times even perfection). One of the critical touch points is law enforcement, and the career has been vastly over-burdened with responsibilities beyond enforcing the law.

    Put simply: society does not produce enough people possessing sufficient character and competency to its imagined standard of what a LEO should be, nor can every LEA/Government afford to pay them enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Now granted, Russia inadvertently killed a bunch of citizens in that theater terrorist attack when it acted swiftly to try to end it, but also a few lone guys on that 9/11 flight took out those terrorists on the flight over PA pretty decisively and quickly.
    Russia has always had zero fucks to give with regard to civilian casualties, and they are the absolute normal of the world. That is nearly everywhere. Only in some Western countries do people expect extremely low rates of civilian casualties and attempt to staff accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    I think our country needs more swift, instinctual action and fewer parsed, legally-sound responses. The guys in the comments section on Denniger's board are probably closer to the bullseye in wishing someone had run in or taken out the cops to be able to run in, and hoping that a desolate parent takes justice into their own hands against the inactive, uncourageous, but legally-well-versed cops.
    "Taken out the cops." Okay. The internet warrior's best idea is to not only engage law enforcement officers, but also storm a building afterwards and take out a shooter. Remember everything I've mentioned so far? You're entirely disconnected from reality.

    You think if shit hits the fan you're just gonna rob and kick in doors of other people's houses to steal whatever you need? You're going to die quickly.

    You think you can fight a civil war because you're "ready to die for your country." You're going to die quickly.

    You have child-like fantasies about your own capabilities and how shit actually goes down. Real, no-shit combat will disillusion you of it all in the most absolute way. And you will likely die quickly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    For an analogous example, whose parental instincts would tell them to seek recompense for their daughter's sexual assault at the hands of a mentally ill trans by complaining to the school board? These TX parents waited outside as the cops instructed them to, ignoring their primal instincts and intuition. It sucks but I don't think clean, schoolhouse-rocky solutions will solve very many of today's ills.
    I am a parent. I have children in school. I get it. But your instincts are not going to make up the gap to the reality of the situation. Some prey run, some fight... but there are a lot of predators that eat, regardless.

    I'm not arguing against parental rights or instincts. I'm not saying don't arm yourselves. I'm not saying don't save your children even at your own peril. I'm saying take REALLY good stock of your actual capabilities and limitations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    David and Subby, we Westerners tend to overcomplicate things, and just trusting our human instincts, in this case admitting that the cops should have rushed in or let the parents rush in, would solve a lot of our societal ills. After all, you can't negotiate with evil and you can't fix crazy.
    There is nothing more chaotic or complicated than that environment, and furthermore... we still have no idea what's going on. I merely gave what I believe to be the most plausible scenario of what may have happened based on my experience and training. ALL of this could be bullshit. The vast majority of it already has been.

    Yet for some reason the "correct" side insists on blaming people they don't know, doing a job that they won't, and thinks that the best thing is just to kill cops and bad guys.

    You're fuckin' nuts.

    Finally, though, I agree with you. You cannot negotiate with evil or fix crazy. So DO make yourselves women and men of great strength, character and competence. Become exceptionally dangerous, but if you want to throw morals and ethics out the window you're the bad guy, too.

    P.S. This is not a defense of "cops" or even the LEOs/LEAs involved with this incident. I don't know them. I don't know the law in Texas. I don't know the victims. I don't know what happened that day, nor do I know the policies in place beforehand. I'm willing to bet none of you do, either. If they were cowards fire them, and if they fucked up they should be liable and address the mistakes to learn from them and fix what they can.

    I do not care, though, because it is a big enough job caring about the people I actually know, love and interact with.

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