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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #25481
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    California: 12ft |
    When thinking about concealed carry, you have to put yourself in their shoes. They probably wonder why a normal, law abiding citizen doesn't try to kill them every time they show their face in public. "Shit, I'd kill me if I were them."

  2. #25482
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    If Trump wants any success he needs to own this and at the very least say that he fucked up.
    Trump is the father of the vaccine because he said "I'm the father of the vaccine."
    Instead he will let his ego get in the way, and Desantis will try and enter, which will of course create friction with MAGA enthusiasts and Trump himself. Unless something can be done to stop the self destruction of the Republican party, it looks like we are going to get another 4 more years of Democrats.
    More than half of the Republicans, including Mitch McConnell, are part of the same party as the Democrats
    You would need at least 25% of the uniparty Republicans to be primaried out of office to have a chance at overcoming the voter fraud that gives Democrats the win.
    Friction is good; without it, the Republican Party will never represent its constituents.

  3. #25483
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    If Trump wants any success he needs to own this and at the very least say that he fucked up.
    Trump is the father of the vaccine because he said "I'm the father of the vaccine."
    Instead he will let his ego get in the way, and Desantis will try and enter, which will of course create friction with MAGA enthusiasts and Trump himself. Unless something can be done to stop the self destruction of the Republican party, it looks like we are going to get another 4 more years of Democrats.

    I say let the party implode. They more than deserve it.

    Republicans: "Fine, turn the temperature up, but just a little! We don't want the frog to jump."
    Democrats: "Fuck the stupid frog! Just stab it in the throat."

    At least in the latter, the frog might finally try to defend itself.

  4. #25484
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  5. #25485
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    When thinking about concealed carry, you have to put yourself in their shoes. They probably wonder why a normal, law abiding citizen doesn't try to kill them every time they show their face in public. "Shit, I'd kill me if I were them."
    Hahaha awesome, this is what I was talking about!

  6. #25486
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    North Texas


    Selected excerpts:

    Sweden’s October birth rates were released: In Oct 2022, births were 8,138, and in October 2021, births were 9,316. So, live births are down 13% this year for October. This is the worst month’s decline for Sweden so far.

    UK stopped updating live birth statistics in its UKHSA Vaccine reports – the last update stopped at June 2022 with a 15.3% decline in live births year-on-year.

    California recently stopped providing monthly data for 2021 – so we can no longer compare the 2022 numbers with 2021. Fortunately, I have a saved CSV file from October, when 2021 birth numbers were still provided. Live births in November of 2022 were 33,815. They were 35,506 for Nov of 2021, which means that California’s live births dropped 5% year-on-year for November.

    Germany also provides monthly live births. German statistics bureau DeStatis does not provide usable links. To get to monthly live births, visit DeStatis and search for “geburten”, then select “births”, select “births” again, and go to “Live births by months – preliminary results.”

    So, based on the last month available for 2022, we have a September-to-September change in births: 64348/71084 = 9.5% decline in live births in Germany for September.

    Below, I highlighted excess mortality for countries where it exceeds 12%, for weeks 30-44 (where available).

    We have depopulation in progress: reduced births and increased deaths.

    The most important question to ask is: is the current depopulation that we are observing, a result of the depopulation agenda carried out deliberately, or is it just an accident and a confluence of random events?

  7. #25487
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    5 part series - Never Again is Now Global

    Holocaust survivors talking about their experiences and thoughts on covid.

  8. #25488
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    Is there a cardiologist in the house? Dr. Mangi, are you around?

    This link was posted a couple pages back and appears to disclose a relaxation of FAA parameters for 1st Degree Atrioventricular Block for pilots...

    The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.

    This next link from USA Today (yeah, I know) says don't worry about it. It's a relaxation, but it's ok, because "The new standard is still stricter than standards in other industries. For example, in healthy athletes a PR interval less than 400 milliseconds is considered normal..."

    Comparing standards for pilots to athletes does not give me a lot of comfort. But, what do I know?

    Fact check: Post falsely links new FAA guidelines to COVID-19 vaccine

  9. #25489
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    Most certainly planned, but I am sure even the governors are surprised by the success. There is no way in which they could have counted on people foregoing sex almost completely.

  10. #25490
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    Quote Originally Posted by MashedTaters View Post
    Comparing standards for pilots to athletes does not give me a lot of comfort. But, what do I know?

    Fact check: Post falsely links new FAA guidelines to COVID-19 vaccine
    This is what USA Today, the world's premier news authority and foremost employer of 26-year-old journalism/mass comm majors, says about Steve Kirsch:

    The tweet includes a link to a Substack article from Steve Kirsch, a tech millionaire who has previously spread misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines and makes the same claim about the FAA and the vaccine.

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