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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #28021
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I mean, there is a security aspect involved for sure. The general PR line for NAFO bots is "Russia made it so that Finland and Sweden joined NATO". Sure, so try to warehouse nuclear bombs there, see where it gets you. There is a tremendous amount of wrong moves done by the "western" establishment. The sanctions alone, had they not imposed them and sent oil and gas prices to the roof, I'm pretty sure Russia would have gone bankrupt by the end of last year. The sheer level of incompetence has been staggering. My guess is that the NATO camp, "Zone A", or whatever you wanna call them, now welcomes the conspiracy nuts painting them as executioners a master plan. The only master plan I see is self annihilation.
    My FiL who was talking to my uncle (so BTW it IS still possible to get visas and come visit, if anyone wants to evaluate the Russkies for themselves!) recited the anecdote about Putin initially asking America if he could join NATO, which we all know about thanks to all the MacGregor interviews. But FiL added that Clinton initially said yes, and then his handlers or whatever (the MICC) came back and told Clinton NO! Anyone else heard this version, or is my patriotic (to Russia) FiL just spinning stories?

    It's relevant just because it paints a better picture of Putin's and America's "true" motives, yes all politician's thoughts evolve on things but the FSU countries' leaders seem more realist and less prone to change views so suddenly and strongly. And it really paints NATO as simply an arms-selling membership club, like Columbia's 8 CDs for a dollar club from back in the nineties. So Russia wanted to cooperate then but now, after having westernized in the sense of materialism and allowing so many Western stores, things, people. and companies into its society, suddenly is interested not in defensively keeping Western political and military influence far away, but rather in offensively recapturing land and natural resources from its neighbors? This is not so much for you Jovan as the everyday American for whom Russia is so foreign, far away, and untrustworthy: the MSM's and our government's logic on Russia makes no sense.

    "Sheer level of incompetence"? I allow that I may seem to just be sucking Slavic dick but I don't see anecdotal evidence or macroeconomic data to support this, that if not for the West's incompetent sanctions Russia would have self-imploded.
    So maybe the basic tenets at odds here are whether the superpowers have a right or duty to go out and nation-build and protect other nations, whether the ethnic similarity or historical ties of those territories under attack influences the criteria for pre-emptive action, and how much influence those superpower nations can or should have over the territory and politics of those other nations that most closely border them.

  2. #28022
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    I think I read that story about Putin wanting to join NATO. The rest of your post is your usual too wordy whatever stuff, so I can't take part because I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

  3. #28023
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    Jul 2019


    At best, I view Vivek as an affirmative action hire candidate; however, I think he is a life-long scam artist.
    Has he been a long-time, advocate of America-First values, with the courage to speak the Truth? That "courage" appears to be newborn.
    Is there any reason to believe he is the best leader or second best or third best? Absolutely not.
    Does he have a strong history of integrity and a moral character that is beyond reproach? Not even close to it.
    He has a distinguished and impressive resume to demonstrate he has the wisdom of hard-earned experience? Only if his reincarnation cycles count.
    Has Vivek, his ancestors or his relatives shed blood and sacrificed to build this country? The opposite would be true here.

    What sets him apart from the countless other guys who have told the truth about covid or election fraud or climate change for decades?
    As far as I can tell, he is mostly running on the platform of: Vote for me, because I am not White, I pretend to like Trump when it benefits me and I say some things you are not supposed to notice.

    It is currently fashionable among Americans and in the western world to want to support the ambiguously brown guy or the troon or the retard for a leadership role they should not have, because it proves you are definitely not a racist or sexist or toxicly masculine or something.
    Time to stop shooting ourselves in the foot out of a desire to be nice or tolerant or due to social pressure or psychological programming.
    The Truth is these "British" Sadiq Khan and Rishi Sunak or "American" Ilhan Omar types never represent the interests of the nations they have been chosen to rule over and they don't intend to.

    Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy - by Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier

  4. #28024
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    NT, Australia


    Noting that an outsider's opinion isn't worth much, if anything, the apparent excitement about Donald's 2nd coming looks like a distraction and yet another reason to kick the can (containing real and effective change) down the road. While the red vs blue thing is entertaining, I'm not sure the average person spends a lot of effort acknowledging the black puppet master running the show (deep state, military industrial complex). The only dude who believably commits to scattering the intelligence agencies "into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds" will not be allowed to compete. His party will do anything to win, except that - yet another sign of who is really running the show.

    In different times, the Twitter files, the blatant corruption and disregard for the Nuremberg Code would have brought change. The anger is apparent and growing, but to see people look to the man who was instrumental in initiating the covid nonsense, as someone who can bring change, appears overly optimistic. Especially since he cannot admit to those (or any other) failings.

    Denninger is right when he says the Tucker/Trump interview was bullshit. The only question asked that piqued my interest was "are we headed for civil war?" - it's a question I've wanted to ask here, but felt it impolite given my lack of skin in the game. I would not wish that on any country - but would that immense pain and suffering be an effective trigger to real and long-lasting change? Assuming that the blue/black side will do almost anything to prevent Trump from gaining power, is his real value simply being the detonator for such an event?

  5. #28025
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Okay. Now, who do you like better, and why?
    Trump is really the only guy I can be certain isn't part of the agenda and is actively incentivized to not cooperate with it. I've been saying the whole time, I prefer the ship has a captain that wants to get us someplace I'm okay going, even if he's not much of a sailor (though he probably picked up some skill doing it for 4 years already), as opposed to a capable sailor who actively wants to take us in a direction I absolutely do not want to go. Yes, I know he pimped the vax and still does. But he never proposed or supported mandating it as far as I know. I think his only concern in pushing it out there was to allow the economy to get going ASAP. As we have seen in the aftermath, the consequences of turning entire sections of society off for an extended time are still hitting us today. So while it was ultimately a blunder rushing these things out, he never seemed to intend to force anyone to take them, just have them there for anyone who's super freaked out about COVID so everything could reopen as soon as possible.

    I do also like Larry Elder, but I don't think he's able to appeal to emotion well enough to win. Were I voting in the Republican primary, he might be someone I'd vote for, but I don't think he can win general election or even the primary. Unfortunately, appealing to reason and logic doesn't win you elections, appealing to emotion does. It is a really fun bonus seeing him evoke tremendous racism from the left though.

    For me to get behind Ramaswamy, he'd have to sit down for an interview where he gets pressed on all these concerns and has some answers that satisfy me. Maybe he'll do that at some point. But so far he has not, unless I haven't heard about it. Do we know anything about how Ohio acquitted itself in the face of COVID? I read Ramaswamy was involved in their COVID response.

  6. #28026
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    Jul 2019


    Vivek Ramaswamy calls himself a Harvard-trained “scientist” from the lifesaving world of biotechnology.
    “I developed a number of medicines,”
    Vivek is not a scientist, nor did he develop any medicines as he claimed.
    He founded a company as an investment partner; all he brought to the table was connecting the company with funding from the big investment banks.

    Pharma Tool Vivek Ramaswamy Had Big Plans For Your Private Medical Information | Police State | Before It's News

    I know his platform sounds great; I wish it were real, but it just isn't.
    If you still think you might trust him, know that he is a vegetarian.

  7. #28027
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    The Truth is these "British" Sadiq Khan and Rishi Sunak or "American" Ilhan Omar types never represent the interests of the nations they have been chosen to rule over and they don't intend to.

    Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy - by Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier
    I think it is slightly different in the UK. Guys like Sunak or Kahn can actually win some proper votes there. In the case of this Vivek guy, I think we are dealing with your typical vote dilution strategies for the GOP - fire every single weapon to get Trump off the ticket somehow. I don’t like this Vivek, because of his super fake smile.

  8. #28028
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    Trump is really the only guy I can be certain isn't part of the agenda and is actively incentivized to not cooperate with it. I've been saying the whole time, I prefer the ship has a captain that wants to get us someplace I'm okay going, even if he's not much of a sailor (though he probably picked up some skill doing it for 4 years already), as opposed to a capable sailor who actively wants to take us in a direction I absolutely do not want to go. Yes, I know he pimped the vax and still does. But he never proposed or supported mandating it as far as I know. I think his only concern in pushing it out there was to allow the economy to get going ASAP. As we have seen in the aftermath, the consequences of turning entire sections of society off for an extended time are still hitting us today. So while it was ultimately a blunder rushing these things out, he never seemed to intend to force anyone to take them, just have them there for anyone who's super freaked out about COVID so everything could reopen as soon as possible.

    I do also like Larry Elder, but I don't think he's able to appeal to emotion well enough to win. Were I voting in the Republican primary, he might be someone I'd vote for, but I don't think he can win general election or even the primary. Unfortunately, appealing to reason and logic doesn't win you elections, appealing to emotion does. It is a really fun bonus seeing him evoke tremendous racism from the left though.

    For me to get behind Ramaswamy, he'd have to sit down for an interview where he gets pressed on all these concerns and has some answers that satisfy me. Maybe he'll do that at some point. But so far he has not, unless I haven't heard about it. Do we know anything about how Ohio acquitted itself in the face of COVID? I read Ramaswamy was involved in their COVID response.
    Inter faction squabbling. A small time noble is annoying the major dynasty.

    You don’t get as much done in New York as Trump has without courting favor in some way.

    And I still have a hard time with all of those pictures of him with the Clintons and with Epstein.

    Still, go ahead and stir the pot.

  9. #28029
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Vivek is not a scientist, nor did he develop any medicines as he claimed.
    He founded a company as an investment partner; all he brought to the table was connecting the company with funding from the big investment banks.

    Pharma Tool Vivek Ramaswamy Had Big Plans For Your Private Medical Information | Police State | Before It's News

    I know his platform sounds great; I wish it were real, but it just isn't.
    If you still think you might trust him, know that he is a vegetarian.
    I guess we're so far in the hole that we're hoping the somebody -- anybody -- can pull us out. I was impressed that he called out the climate pseudoscience since nobody else has the balls.

  10. #28030
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    starting strength coach development program
    Here are some tweets Vivek has posted in the past that aren’t terrible, but do make him come off a bit disingenuous now. There are more about Covid too that are getting hard to find.
    Vivek Ramaswamy - CodeMonkeyZ’s Substack

    Also, while it might not matter, he did get the Soros fellowship scholarship
    PD Soros Fellowships for New Americans - Vivek Ramaswamy

    I just don’t trust him, he gives off a red flags to me at an instinctual level, but I do like a lot of the shit he says currently. He needs to be pressed and vetted more imo.

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