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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31841
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Not holding my breath on any stolen land acknowledgments out of Constantinople.

  2. #31842
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    My only big problem with the west is the fact that think they have a right to compel people through force. Through invasions, imperialism, occupation, colonialism, or cohercive policies. But I as a muslim, do not believe that I have the right to do that.
    What you have written is what Islam is, an imperialist religion that conquers by the sword. ISIS was inspired by continual Jihad as did many other Islamic groups before them. What you believe is not the point it is what the Quran states. Qur’an 9:41, 9:5, 9:29 and so it goes on.

    Indeed having slaughter many non-Muslims over the centuries the two largest factions Sunni and Shia slaughtered each other over who is the true prophet after Muhammad, Abu Bakr or Ali bin Abu Talib.

    ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين of course if you really know Arabic the word is not planner, but deceive.

  3. #31843
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yngvi, calm down. The people on this board are not retards, because I have culled the retards.
    Sorry, Rip; I will leave the retard culling and retard shaming to you from now on.
    Sturw's posts are pretty ridiculous though.
    I was trying to decide if he was a bot or not and finally decided he is probably not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Rippetoe will get overly excited about this news that "DOGE is going to "look at" corruption in government" while being apparently ambivalent or just happy with the fact that Zionists are in total control of the latest administration.
    It would be like me celebrating the fact that Starmer's Labour is making a big noise about packing some illegal immigrants on airplanes and deporting them. So what?
    Rip, if you're happy that you voted Israel First, not America First, just say it out loud. It's fine. There are millions of snake-handling Evangelicals who are the same as you.
    Do you trust these media figures, like Nick Fuentes and Laura Loomer, who are pushing the narrative that the zionists are in complete control of everything in the US?
    I don't.

    This is what needs to be avoided in the near term if America is to continue to exist:
    US Intelligence Suggests Israel Is Trying To Drag Trump Into Preemptive Attack On Iran | ZeroHedge

    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    ...But to act like western civilization is superior is wrong.
    Western Civilization is superior.
    If you do not believe so, you should not be living in the Western World.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    You in fact have way more patience than the esteemed Denniger who flinches and bans at the slightest tin-hat comment too far away from his Overton window. I got banned from his board for suggesting the vaccine trials never were valid, even decades ago, and not apologizing and retracting my idea after he demanded it. Then a month or two later Karl arrived at that very conclusion himself. If he could be a little more patient with his commenters he might understand better why violent revolution is a pipe dream even though it would be consistent with ZIRP surviving for so long in a high-inflation environment.

    Your position of waiting as long as possible, until the posting retard is given enough rope by all of us to hang themselves, is really beneficial to all of us, to help us challenge our beliefs - thanks, coach!
    Very true.
    Rip has allowed discussions and ideas on here that would have been censored on any of the major platforms; especially during the pandemic, the election fraud in 2020 and beginning of the Ukraine war.
    He has done a great service to many people.

    I have done my best to only attack others under three circumstances:
    1. They have attacked me. (usually an ad-hominen attack, because they did not like what I posted, but cannot or will not dispute it)
    2. They attempt to shut down ideas and discussions with unproductive manipulative or emotional tactics, rather than providing a genuine counterargument.
    3. I believe their behavior indicates they may be bots; the bots have been a growing cancer on the internet for the past 10-15 years.

    All three of these circumstances tie back to one general topic: censorship.
    Anybody who has been paying attention knows about the massive censorship and social engineering campaigns the Western World has been subjected to since the end of WWII.
    One prong of the apparatus directly censors.
    The other prong uses social engineering to convince people to self-censor.
    Since we are fortunate enough that Rip is in charge here, the crowd-sourced social engineering form of censorship is all we have seen.
    Often the social-engineering censorship is carried out by unwitting pawns who watch too much CNN etc.

    The most common social engineering tactic seen on internet forums and social media is to use ad-hominem attacks or emotional appeals to shut down discussion.
    Chief among these tactics is the tried and true method of shouting down an idea by spamming claims of: racism, sexism, anti-semitism, crazy conspiracy theorist thinking or "for the children".
    It is often incredibly effective.

    I have viewed these tactics as the one thing that should be pushed back on hard.

    But, at the end of the day Rip has a business to run, and if he requests I tone down the rhetoric under any circumstance, I will respect it with no explanation needed and no questions asked.

  4. #31844
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    This is amazing.
    DOJ has charged NY gov Kathy Hochul over harboring illegal immigrants.

    I can almost hear Denninger banging his keyboard in a post saying " about ****ing time someone gets prosecuted under 8 USC 1324 (iii) for this crap, and its the first of many step to ending it permanently"

    " knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;"

    I can almost already hear the screeching from the left about "lawfare", but the reality is that clear language black & white federal laws have been ignored far too long. These are direct congressional laws too, NOT wispy violation of the CFR bureaucratic state.

    Lets all hope they keep the pressure on. Make the history books name this first 100 days of uprooting corruption and exposing fraud "The 2nd American Revolution"

  5. #31845
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    So interesting to me. Change the world "muslim" with "christian" and you guys wouldn't answer like that

  6. #31846
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Probably the inverse is true, you're ambivalent about DOGE and everything else while getting overly excited about Trump being too lax on the Zionists. But then again isn't Kushner nowhere to be seen? That alone should have you much more excited about and patient for Trump.

    Constitutionally minded, freedom-loving people were conned into voting for this.

  7. #31847
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian View Post
    So interesting to me. Change the world "muslim" with "christian" and you guys wouldn't answer like that
    Fuck off.

  8. #31848
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Here's an interesting update on the gold market; it's up 53% since a year ago.

    Precious metal price manipulation through paper ETFs is starting to crumble. I've read estimates that paper contracts are 100:1 versus actual physical gold holdings by the banksters. Others think it is 500:1 or higher. Same with silver at 300:1.

    Now that the price is over $2900/ounce, and people are asking for physical delivery of their paper PMs, the excuse LBMA (London Bank) responds with, essentially, "Well, gold is heavy and we only have one Lorrie on site to load up and deliver."

    Remember, if you don't hold it, you don't own it...

  9. #31849
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    Here's an interesting update on the gold market; it's up 53% since a year ago.

    Precious metal price manipulation through paper ETFs is starting to crumble. I've read estimates that paper contracts are 100:1 versus actual physical gold holdings by the banksters. Others think it is 500:1 or higher. Same with silver at 300:1.

    Now that the price is over $2900/ounce, and people are asking for physical delivery of their paper PMs, the excuse LBMA (London Bank) responds with, essentially, "Well, gold is heavy and we only have one Lorrie on site to load up and deliver."

    Remember, if you don't hold it, you don't own it...
    So it's a good time to unload my physical gold holdings then.

  10. #31850
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


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    So not advised to own much GLD?

    For more on the gold shift, see David Goldman at Asia Times.

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