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Thread: Sudden Testosterone Spike

  1. #1
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    Jul 2019

    Default Sudden Testosterone Spike

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    I know we’ve had multiple testosterone threads, but I had something develop today that was odd. I was low when I was checked in January 2020. I went to a clinic and over a year we dialed in the dose to about 180 mg/week (injected).

    About 3 months ago, they gave me a blood test to make sure everything was ok, and my T came back at about 600 ng/dL. They decided to go up 10mg/week to 190 and check me in 3 months.

    I started noticing that my lifts were
    Improving and my recovery seemed a lot better within a week or two of upping the dose. The last 3 months, I’ve felt like a fucking god. I have so much confidence, that I’ve had women just approaching me left and right. I shit you not, it’s been the best 3 months of my adult life. Mood is up, Lifts are up, dick is up. Can’t get any better.

    Last week, three months since we upped the dose, we checked 7 days since my last injection and my T was at 1300 and my estrogen was 95. They thought that might be a lab error, so they decided to recheck it.

    I asked the likelihood of it being a lab error and the nurse said, “It’s never happened to me before, but we have to double check and lower your dose.”

    Now they’re talking about lowering my dose back down because “apparently” going from 180mg to 190mg is making me too hot to handle for the first time in my life.

    I’m not sure I buy that 10mg equals an extra 600 ng/dL, but I’m not a doctor either. Quite frankly, I love how I feel right now and I don’t give a shit if it’s a lab error or not. Have you ever heard of anything like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Never. But I don't hear everything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Copy. Thanks. I’ll update when I get the second batch of test results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    Maybe its all that tren you’ve been injecting with your trt, frank.

  5. #5
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    La Jolla California


    Quote Originally Posted by Frank_B View Post
    Copy. Thanks. I’ll update when I get the second batch of test results.
    Im not sure of the exact biomedical reasons, but men are supposed to get the "sensitive" test or "sensitive assay" test for estradiol in order to get a true and correct reading pf their estradiol levels. For some medical reason not understood by me, the regular estradiol test may result in falsely high numbers. You might want to request this test - its more expensive by aboput 50 bucks or so, but it sounds like it might be worth it in order to keep your test levels at a number you really like. It may appease your doctor.

    Alternatively, there are some - Stan Efferding for one - who believe that elevated estradiol levels such as what your number is is wholly appropriate in light if your elevated test levels. That one works well and appropriately with another; that high test needs and requires high estradiol. That elevated estradiol is neuroprotective and cardioprotective. Wouldn't it be ironic if one of the reasons why TRT for men works well to reduce cardiac events- and it does - is because elevated Test leads to elevated estradiol, and its the estradiol, in fact, that helps the heart? In which case, it would be foolish to crash your estradiol levels and remove the benefits of elevated E2.

    Frankly, unless you are experience negative signs/symptoms symptoms of high estradiol - acne, high blood pressure, bitch tits, elevated bodyfat, water retention, feminine emotionality - I would not be in a hurry to reduce/eliminate all the good you are experiencing from the high T levels. After all, some of that goodness might be from the elvated estradiol, as well. It doesn't sound like a problem needing a solution. But your doctor may feel otherwise, hence the recommendation to request (and pay for it yourelf if need be) the sensitive estradiol test.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by FatButWeak View Post
    Im not sure of the exact biomedical reasons, but men are supposed to get the "sensitive" test or "sensitive assay" test for estradiol in order to get a true and correct reading pf their estradiol levels. For some medical reason not understood by me, the regular estradiol test may result in falsely high numbers. You might want to request this test - its more expensive by aboput 50 bucks or so, but it sounds like it might be worth it in order to keep your test levels at a number you really like. It may appease your doctor.

    Alternatively, there are some - Stan Efferding for one - who believe that elevated estradiol levels such as what your number is is wholly appropriate in light if your elevated test levels. That one works well and appropriately with another; that high test needs and requires high estradiol. That elevated estradiol is neuroprotective and cardioprotective. Wouldn't it be ironic if one of the reasons why TRT for men works well to reduce cardiac events- and it does - is because elevated Test leads to elevated estradiol, and its the estradiol, in fact, that helps the heart? In which case, it would be foolish to crash your estradiol levels and remove the benefits of elevated E2.

    Frankly, unless you are experience negative signs/symptoms symptoms of high estradiol - acne, high blood pressure, bitch tits, elevated bodyfat, water retention, feminine emotionality - I would not be in a hurry to reduce/eliminate all the good you are experiencing from the high T levels. After all, some of that goodness might be from the elvated estradiol, as well. It doesn't sound like a problem needing a solution. But your doctor may feel otherwise, hence the recommendation to request (and pay for it yourelf if need be) the sensitive estradiol test.
    Thanks for the great post. My doc actually wanted to put me on Anastrazole (sp?) but I had listened to the podcast about estrogen blockers and objected. I am of the same opinion as Stan Efferding, not that I have a wealth of knowledge on the topic. It just seems to make the most logical sense.

    Quite frankly, the only side effect I’m having right now is being a babe magnet with a high sex drive and a heavier deadlift. Sometimes I drive fast. I suspect most doctors would immediately consider that a bad thing. I may have accumulated a bit of body fat but I lost quite a bit of weight when I got COVID and lost my taste and smell. Not tasting does wonders for portion control.

    Once I got over that, I had some catching up to do on my lifts so I’ve been eating monster mash, and drinking milk like a mad man to run a quick LP trying to get my lifts back up.

    Personally, I’d love it if they said, “Yeah. The lab fucked up, we’re going to keep you right here,” because that’s where I feel best. If they tell me the testosterone and estrogen numbers are accurate, I’m going to be disappointed if they cut my dose.

  7. #7
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    Forgot to add: I will be getting the more sensitive test, for sure! Thanks!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Frank you gotta push back on that crap. Who gives a fuck what the number is?! Matters that you feel better! This is pseudoscience and a simple lack of understanding of statistics.

    Hopefully the high T levels will give you the assertiveness to get what you need to feel good.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank_B View Post
    Thanks for the great post. My doc actually wanted to put me on Anastrazole (sp?) but I had listened to the podcast about estrogen blockers and objected. I am of the same opinion as Stan Efferding, not that I have a wealth of knowledge on the topic. It just seems to make the most logical sense.

    Quite frankly, the only side effect I’m having right now is being a babe magnet with a high sex drive and a heavier deadlift. Sometimes I drive fast. I suspect most doctors would immediately consider that a bad thing. I may have accumulated a bit of body fat but I lost quite a bit of weight when I got COVID and lost my taste and smell. Not tasting does wonders for portion control.

    Once I got over that, I had some catching up to do on my lifts so I’ve been eating monster mash, and drinking milk like a mad man to run a quick LP trying to get my lifts back up.

    Personally, I’d love it if they said, “Yeah. The lab fucked up, we’re going to keep you right here,” because that’s where I feel best. If they tell me the testosterone and estrogen numbers are accurate, I’m going to be disappointed if they cut my dose.
    It’s my understanding that taking an AI is risky if it’s suppressing your estrogen to below normal levels. Bodybuilders tend to overdo it with the AIs in order to look “drier” on stage. Yes, evelated estrogen is heart protective, but it can have undesirable sides and your t clinic can dial it in with an AI.

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

    Also, are you getting HCG injections as well? I do believe this can elevate your sex drive via “penile sensitivity.”

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Soule View Post
    It’s my understanding that taking an AI is risky if it’s suppressing your estrogen to below normal levels. Bodybuilders tend to overdo it with the AIs in order to look “drier” on stage. Yes, evelated estrogen is heart protective, but it can have undesirable sides and your t clinic can dial it in with an AI.

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

    Also, are you getting HCG injections as well? I do believe this can elevate your sex drive via “penile sensitivity.”
    I’ll have to ask about the AI, the dosage, heart concerns, etc. Thanks for the info on that. Perhaps what I got from the podcast was that aromatase inhibitors = BAD. I’ll go back and read the transcript of the podcast and make sure I didn’t misunderstand.

    I am getting HCG. I wasn’t at first, but I did experience quite a bit of, ahem, shrinkage early on and they asked if I wanted to try HCG. Within a short time things were normal and I’ve been getting it every week with the T-shot for about 8 months. I have not experienced any side effects that I am aware of other than having normal sized nuts again.

    Quote Originally Posted by zach_the_jew View Post
    Frank you gotta push back on that crap. Who gives a fuck what the number is?! Matters that you feel better! This is pseudoscience and a simple lack of understanding of statistics.

    Hopefully the high T levels will give you the assertiveness to get what you need to feel good.
    Oh. I won’t just sit there and take it. The concern is that if it’s a valid number, they cannot, by law, give me TRT. That’s the way I understand it, at least.

    Again, we’re talking about whether 10mg/week can actually bump me to 1300 ng/dL, whereas I was previously in the 600s at last blood test. The only variable that has changed is the 10mg/week increase.

    I’m not taking any other supplements other than protein powder and some creatine.

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