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Thread: Aging is a disease ?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    These are the best ways to prevent or slow aging and will remain so for some time:
    -Select parents that live to 125 years old
    -Don't smoke crack
    -Avoid high levels of radiation
    -Stay physically strong
    -Sleep more

    If you think Bill Gates is concerned about population control now, wait until aging has been cured.

    The cure for aging will not come from some Harvard laboratory or government-funded research; It will come from an unheralded and underfunded project by the next Edison, Tesla, Ford or Musk.
    I’d much rather die a content and peaceful old man. Why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with living forever? Considering aging as a disease seems more a philosophical question for nutjobs than anything else.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    I’d much rather die a content and peaceful old man. Why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with living forever? Considering aging as a disease seems more a philosophical question for nutjobs than anything else.
    I would choose to go out in hellfire and fury, whether at 200 years old, 1000 years old or tomorrow; I'll take what fate gives me.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    I’d much rather die a content and peaceful old man. Why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with living forever? Considering aging as a disease seems more a philosophical question for nutjobs than anything else.
    They are convinced there is no life after death. The most dangerous mistake of modern man.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    They are convinced there is no life after death. The most dangerous mistake of modern man.
    Yeah, I would agree. They think things would Improve if only you could live indefinitely rather than live well with the time you've got.

  5. #25
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    Actually, in animal studies removal of senescent cells has resulted in what could be interpreted as aging reversal - see Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age | Nature Medicine, other studies can be found, including preliminary trials is humans

  6. #26
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    I can't speak for America but even adding 20 years to the life expectancy would be very bleak here. Young people are already fucked enough as it is without boomers living longer.

    15 years ago a house in my area was 3-5 years of wages. The same houses are now 17-20 years wages. 15 years to turn life from "go out and work hard for a couple years to save a deposit and start your life" to "lmao, hope ya got rich parents."

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    I’d much rather die a content and peaceful old man. Why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with living forever? Considering aging as a disease seems more a philosophical question for nutjobs than anything else.
    Well said. You sir may be a fan of the Stoic Marcus Aurilius and his legendary book "Meditations".
    Its basically about how useless to fear death and how in the end life calls the shots when we die.
    Not me.

  8. #28
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    “The secret of life is to die before you die and find that there is no death.”

    ~ Eckhart Tolle

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    They are convinced there is no life after death. The most dangerous mistake of modern man.
    Funny thing: I find the belief in life after death (an absurdity on its face) to be perhaps the most destructive and pernicious fantasy ever elaborated by our poor monkey brains, and it is our failure to reject this ancient silliness that is the greatest mistake of modern man.

    Let us set aside the corrosive effect this belief, in all its primitive, mutually exclusive, intractably violent, and tribalistic permutations, has had on civilization. More relevant to the subject at hand is the manner in which this fairy tale has blunted the potential of countless lives, because when one believes in life eternal after death, the squandering of the only life we really have seems a trivial consideration. This stupidity has robbed billions of the true potentiality of Being Human, and continues to do so.

    We live longer in this century, and in centuries to come we may live longer still. All well and good--I'm all in favor of that. But for us, today, in 2022, a trans-centennarian lifespan is highly unlikely, and personal immortality is and will remain physically impossible. It is foolish to squander our days in the childish belief that they may be redeemed and indefinitely extended by some magic pill or some Bronze Age boogey-man in the sky.

    I say live the life you have, with all the vigor and appetite, all the depth and breadth, all the love and beauty, all the courage and commitment, all the decency and integrity you can muster. The space between birth and death is all we have, and the meaning and richness of that short flicker of existence is our creation and our responsibility. To face the truth of our own absolute and final mortality is the ultimate act of human strength, courage, wisdom, and authenticity.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathon Sullivan View Post
    Funny thing: I find the belief in life after death (an absurdity on its face) to be perhaps the most destructive and pernicious fantasy ever elaborated by our poor monkey brains, and it is our failure to reject this ancient silliness that is the greatest mistake of modern man.

    Let us set aside the corrosive effect this belief, in all its primitive, mutually exclusive, intractably violent, and tribalistic permutations, has had on civilization. More relevant to the subject at hand is the manner in which this fairy tale has blunted the potential of countless lives, because when one believes in life eternal after death, the squandering of the only life we really have seems a trivial consideration. This stupidity has robbed billions of the true potentiality of Being Human, and continues to do so.
    You've hit the nail square on the head.

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