Hi Rip,

I've had an irritating case of golfer's elbow for a few months. In my search for a remedy, I found this thread which suggests using a Theraband:

Golfers elbow

I bought one and started using it yesterday. It provided some temporary relief. In going through the exercise, I wondered if I could adapt the chinning motion to provide similar effect.

There is partial success. I now have variant of chins I call "twisting chins" ("twins"). During the concentric portion of chinning, internally rotate the hands, with the little fingers leading the internal motion. It is an awkward motion and not very repeatable. However, I find it relieves some of the pain and infer this relief indicates a different and beneficial stimulation of the connective tissue at the lateral epicondyle (the focus of my pain). In time we'll see if this has a lasting effect.

Does this make any physical sense to you?
