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Thread: Commentary #6: Global Warming

  1. #641
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    It gets a little cold sometimes, other times it's either too hot or somewhere in between. I'm not concerned about + or - a few degrees either way.

    FFS, I've said it before, the temperature here varies around 120 degrees throughout the year.

    We adapt. Kinda like strength training right?

    I should add, it's an absolutely gorgeous starry night outside.

    Dark blue skies, bright stars and constellations. Aurora Borealis shining and shimmering from the northern sky.

    Get out and enjoy the weather, don't be afraid of it.

  2. #642
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Chadillac View Post
    From your reference:

    Because we can see that global temperatures have increased in the last several decades despite solar luminosity decreasing:

    Is the Sun causing global warming? - NASA Science

    If I was king of the world, I'd replace all coal power plants with nuclear. That alone would make a huge difference. This probably makes me a hypocrite, but I don't want to give up my gas powered cars.

    re: luminosity - link is dead. We cant have more than ~50 years of high quality data since that's about how long humans have been capable of launching satellites. 50 Years is a blink in geological history - its highly probable that something else is going on that is either an independent variable or a feedback loop we do not understand.

    re: seeing temps change: We only have about 150 years of high precision temperature data from enough places on the planet to matter. "The Science" has even managed to corrupt that data in many cases. Everything else is some sort of proxy with HUGE error bars in most cases larger than the supposed 2-3 degrees C we are claiming might end the world as we know it. These proxies are useful knowledge for sure, but a far cry from stating anything more than we knew than the average for a given handful of years within a few degrees C. And obviously, the further one goes back the worse the precision gets.

    re: bold. We can definitely agree on that, leave the coal in the ground. One day we might need it for conversion to liquid fuel, and that process will clean out much of the nasty stuff we'd rather not have in the air.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadillac View Post

    In response to your insinuation of some world-wide conspiracy among scientists to lie and manipulate climate data, I would say, “extraordinary claims call for extraordinary evidence.”
    are you familiar with climategate? The leaders in the field were literally caught red handed doing this very thing.

    Climategate – Watts Up With That?

  3. #643
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chadillac View Post
    No, you wouldn’t.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re choosing a local cold or hot spot. What matters is that you’re consistent with how and where you’re measuring the temperature. If a hot local spot averages 60F every year and the cold local spot averages 50F every year and there is no warming, the hot spot will still average 60F and the cold spot will still average 50F in the future.

    In response to your insinuation of some world-wide conspiracy among scientists to lie and manipulate climate data, I would say, “extraordinary claims call for extraordinary evidence.”
    BOM has manipulated temperature records to show a false increase in temperature - Senator Gerard Rennick

    This is a local politician here in Aus that follows this stuff closely and can occasionally get public servants into a parliamentary enquiry.

    Our weather service is manipulating data both physically, with changing the temperature sensors and non physically by amending past data.

    The money quote is thus:

    "They lied in their reply by saying that if they didn’t homogenise their records the increase would have been bigger."

    Which is an odd assertion because it implies that they are fudging data the other way. Fudging data down is still fudging data.

    The Bom is the national government weather service here in Aus.

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