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Thread: Trouble sleeping as you get bigger

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Sometimes my hands go numb while in bed. Usually an adjustment fixes it

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by deborahlebl View Post
    Thank you to everyone who responded. I tried some new pillows and a new position last night and slept way better; didn't have any numbness. The last thing I want to do is stop growing. I'm going to press on until my body gives me a good reason to stop.
    That was my experience; as the shoulders got bigger, I needed to change sleeping positions and pillows.
    Old sleeping positions and poor pillows stopped causing problems if my upper body strength gains slowed for a couple of months.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Please describe "myofunctional therapy."
    Myofunctional therapy is a treatment that uses exercises to improve the function of the muscles in your face and mouth. It can help with breathing, swallowing, chewing, and speech. It can also help with sleep apnea.

    I've fought snoring and teeth crowding since my 20s had a turbinectomy, septoplasty, tonscillectomy, and braces starting in my mid 30s (now 47). At 37 I picked up a mild sleep apnea diagnosis, got a CPAP, tried it for a couple nights, gave it to someone I didn't like, and started sleeping on my side. Snoring persisted.

    A Twitter post about Myofuncitonal Therapy crossed my screen and included this picture:


    Pictures of me in my 20s versus today showed I had shifted from the guy in the top picture to the guy below.

    I hired a pro and learned I rested my tongue too low and forward, my lower jaw too far back, and I had a tongue tie. Currently I'm 10 months into a 12 month program. I've been assigned tongue exercises, posture for the face, neck, tongue, and lower jaw, swallowing exercises, breathing techniques, and a couple oral appliances manufactured by MYOBrace.

    The MYOBrace prevents the lower jaw from slouching rearward at night, especially if the mouth is taped shut.

    Pictures were taken at day zero and six months. Final pictures will be taken at one year. The six month pictures showed improvement in my facial structure and an increase in the size of my upper airway.

    My results are consistent with the pictures you see in the "Images" tab when googling "Myofunctional Therapy".

    Snoring no longer persists outside of when I'm entertaining an upper respiratory infection. I credit increasing my airway size and using the appliance to keep my jaw forward when I sleep.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Nelson View Post
    Myofunctional therapy is a treatment that uses exercises to improve the function of the muscles in your face and mouth. It can help with breathing, swallowing, chewing, and speech. It can also help with sleep apnea.

    I've fought snoring and teeth crowding since my 20s had a turbinectomy, septoplasty, tonscillectomy, and braces starting in my mid 30s (now 47). At 37 I picked up a mild sleep apnea diagnosis, got a CPAP, tried it for a couple nights, gave it to someone I didn't like, and started sleeping on my side. Snoring persisted.

    A Twitter post about Myofuncitonal Therapy crossed my screen and included this picture:


    Pictures of me in my 20s versus today showed I had shifted from the guy in the top picture to the guy below.

    I hired a pro and learned I rested my tongue too low and forward, my lower jaw too far back, and I had a tongue tie. Currently I'm 10 months into a 12 month program. I've been assigned tongue exercises, posture for the face, neck, tongue, and lower jaw, swallowing exercises, breathing techniques, and a couple oral appliances manufactured by MYOBrace.

    The MYOBrace prevents the lower jaw from slouching rearward at night, especially if the mouth is taped shut.

    Pictures were taken at day zero and six months. Final pictures will be taken at one year. The six month pictures showed improvement in my facial structure and an increase in the size of my upper airway.

    My results are consistent with the pictures you see in the "Images" tab when googling "Myofunctional Therapy".

    Snoring no longer persists outside of when I'm entertaining an upper respiratory infection. I credit increasing my airway size and using the appliance to keep my jaw forward when I sleep.
    i dont know, im a little skeptical of all this. seems like the guy in the top picture has good genetics, whereas the guy in the bottom pic was just born ugly. i highly doubt somebodys entire facial structure can change just by snoring or whatever. i guess i could be wrong though....

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Savannah GA, and White Springs FL


    Maybe you need a new mattress

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


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    Quote Originally Posted by Suwannee Dave View Post
    Maybe you need a new mattress
    Always the first thing to try.

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