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Thread: Vitamins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Vitamins

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    I've read that Bill Starr recommends for trainees to "shovel" vitamins, and that Rip's position was that one could try it and see if it works for them. I was wondering if anyone on here has experimented with this. What vitamins did you use, how often did you use them, etc?

    This question is partially inspiried by that 70sbig post on Ricky Bruch a while back. That guy was a monster. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Seattle, WA


    I've recently begun taking massive amounts of vitamins. Here's what I'm taking right now:

    With breakfast:
    1-2g powdered C
    1 tbsp cod-liver oil
    1 tsp creatine
    1 tbsp lecithin granules
    400mg E
    5 wheat germ capsules, I think at roughly 1g oil each
    250mcg B12
    800? mcg folic acid
    1 multivitamin/mineral:

    With dinner:
    1-2g powdered C
    1 tbsp cod-liver oil
    1 tbsp lecithin
    400mg E
    1 B-complex pill with 100g of each nutrient
    800mcg folic acid

    I plan to start taking 1gm of C and 400mg of E before workouts, too, and get a separate multimineral as well. I also have some Mag-Cal capsules I taking before bed sometimes. It's hard to say whether taking all those vitamins are effective or not, as I'm still on the novice progression, taking 5lb jumps on everything but the two presses, at 2.5lb jumps. I'm 6', 205lbs, and squatted 3x5x230 last workout.

    I have noticed a minor medical condition becoming better. I had a bald patch on my chin, and lately it's begun filling in. I noticed it after adding vitamin C to my supplementation, which makes me think I was indeed deficient in at least one vitamin. I plan to stay on this supplementation schedule indefinitely.

    I'd appreciate a link to the 70sbig post you mention. I don't believe I saw it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I have a couple tubs of high quality lechithin capsules. If anyone wants them (in the UK) pay postage and their yours for free.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Villanova University, PA


    I have been reading Bill Starr's book and except for the B complex vitamins I am at or exceeding Bill Starr's recommendation. I have been doing morning and late afternoon (an hour before I train) vitamin regimen and always with food. I have been on it for three weeks now, and definitely no negative effects. I think recovery time is lessened, and energy is up throughout the day. I think it works and I feel over all better, but this is only anecodotal. Try it out for a month or two like Starr did with the two lifters in his book.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Brenden View Post
    I've recently begun taking massive amounts of vitamins. Here's what I'm taking right now:

    With breakfast:
    1-2g powdered C
    1 tbsp cod-liver oil
    1 tsp creatine
    1 tbsp lecithin granules
    400mg E
    5 wheat germ capsules, I think at roughly 1g oil each
    250mcg B12
    800? mcg folic acid
    1 multivitamin/mineral:

    With dinner:
    1-2g powdered C
    1 tbsp cod-liver oil
    1 tbsp lecithin
    400mg E
    1 B-complex pill with 100g of each nutrient
    800mcg folic acid

    I plan to start taking 1gm of C and 400mg of E before workouts, too, and get a separate multimineral as well. I also have some Mag-Cal capsules I taking before bed sometimes. It's hard to say whether taking all those vitamins are effective or not, as I'm still on the novice progression, taking 5lb jumps on everything but the two presses, at 2.5lb jumps. I'm 6', 205lbs, and squatted 3x5x230 last workout.

    I have noticed a minor medical condition becoming better. I had a bald patch on my chin, and lately it's begun filling in. I noticed it after adding vitamin C to my supplementation, which makes me think I was indeed deficient in at least one vitamin. I plan to stay on this supplementation schedule indefinitely.

    I'd appreciate a link to the 70sbig post you mention. I don't believe I saw it.
    It was this one: It was the story of Ricky Bruch, who, according to youtube, took 135000 vitamin pills in a 16 month period. He also lifted 30,000 tons (according to a description of his workout on youtube.) Maybe not specific information like I feel what you were looking for, but still, the guy was a badass. But hey, man, you and I are about the same spot. I'm 208, 6'1"ish, my squat is gonna hit 235 tomorrow. I'll definitely take a look at your vitamin regimen and see what works for me.

    What is the name of Bill Starr's book that mentions vitamin regimens? Thanks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL


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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Where is the proof that vitamins aid in performance?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Exeter, NH


    I don't know if there is any proof that vitamins will improve performance, but I don't think they can hurt it.

    I'm taking several of the Animal products. It might be a waste of money, and there might be cheaper/better alternatives out there. But for me, I like the convenience of having everything covered in a "pack". I started taking them just over a month ago, and have to say my energy levels are higher, and my recovery is quicker.

    I'm taking Animal PAK, Animal Omega, and Animal Flex. The Flex product is for joint care, and I notice a lot less snap, crackle, and pop in my joints in the morning.

    It is a lot of pills to swallow, a total of 27, but they go down easy with my protein shake in the morning. I also use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey, and ON's Creatine powder as well. The creatine disolves really well, and has no taste at all. I take a spoonful in my mouth, and then wash it down with the shake. It disolves instantly with no flavor.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodninja666 View Post
    Where is the proof that vitamins aid in performance?
    I don't know of any, and I seriously doubt that the intake of excess vitamins aids performance in any way. BUT there is more than sufficient proof that vitamin deficiency hinders performance, and supplementing vitamins helps ensure that the body is functioning optimally. Like Rip said, it can't hurt to try it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, MA


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    I've been eating Flinstone vitamins for about a month now. The red Great Gazoo is my favorite.

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