FWIW, I had golfer's elbow (roughly the same thing on the other side of the elbow) for months. Couldn't even pick up a glass of water normally. Followed doctors orders with no improvement. Started doing light wrist dumbbell wrist curls in all directions (supinated, pronated, thumb side up, pinky side up), light weights, high reps. Cleared up completely in less than two weeks. My thinking is that the exercises promoted blood flow to the affected tissues and promoted healing.
I have a nagging, mild wrist sprain that's been hanging on since Christmas. Will probably dig out the little dumbbells and do the same thing again, since it's not getting a lot better on its own. I follow the principle, "if it doesn't make things worse, go ahead and do it." I don't know whether this might help you, but if it doesn't make things worse, you might give it a shot. Most everything heals eventually, and promoting circulation generally helps. IME, the worst thing you can do after the first few days is not use it, but going too hard can aggravate the injury.