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Thread: Continue GOMAD or...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Continue GOMAD or...?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    28/m/6'4" here.
    I started SSLP+GOMAD in mid March, when I was 71.5kg. 2 months later, mid May, I was 84kg. My lifts have continued going up since then, but my weight remained the same.

    Overall, my squat went up from 60kg -> 142.5kg (125kg now after reset), bench went 50kg -> 70kg, OHP 25kg -> 48.5kg, deadlift 70kg -> 147.5kg.

    My lifts still seem to be going up linearly, but I'm concerned that I am now getting somewhat of a belly. According to this calculator, my bodyfat is around 16.5% now.

    Should I continue aggressively putting on weight with GOMAD + increasing how much I eat with my normal meals? Or should I reduce my milk drinking, buy some protein powder and start drinking protein shakes? Or better to bring my body fat down to ~12% and then start aggressively bulking again?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Spirin View Post
    28/m/6'4" here.
    I started SSLP+GOMAD in mid March, when I was 71.5kg. 2 months later, mid May, I was 84kg. My lifts have continued going up since then, but my weight remained the same.

    Overall, my squat went up from 60kg -> 142.5kg (125kg now after reset), bench went 50kg -> 70kg, OHP 25kg -> 48.5kg, deadlift 70kg -> 147.5kg.

    My lifts still seem to be going up linearly, but I'm concerned that I am now getting somewhat of a belly. According to this calculator, my bodyfat is around 16.5% now.

    Should I continue aggressively putting on weight with GOMAD + increasing how much I eat with my normal meals? Or should I reduce my milk drinking, buy some protein powder and start drinking protein shakes? Or better to bring my body fat down to ~12% and then start aggressively bulking again?
    If you are still hitting prs then I say roll with your current weight. Why is your deadlift next to your squat?

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